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Mel81x last won the day on March 29

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  1. Is it very costly out there? It's not so bad over here but we do have a local alternative that looks very similar but doesn't come in an open style, closer to a burrito.
  2. Think the tex-mex style of tacos and burritos is really what most people associate with their Mexican counterparts. In college we had folks who wouldn't put rice in a burrito so it was weird when I got one that did but you're right they do put it in there they just don't overload it with rice because that would totally neutralize the flavor of the meat. Their tacos also change from regions and so does their choice in chilli that goes into their tacos as well. got a long lecture from someone about how they use different types for meats because of the way its supposed to affect the flavor and I think for the most part ordering one in most popular places comes with the understanding that its a heat element not a flavor element, the latter being the way you'd get it from most latin people eating or making the dish.
  3. Genuine question here. Have all the taco lovers ever done the "make your own taco" thing? I'd rather someone made it for me vs me make it myself.
  4. Do they serve them in a metal holder there is that why?
  5. She looks like someone deprived of both tacos and burritos.
  6. How did this even turn into a fight?
  7. With the way this squad has been playing lately. I doubt there's a comeback in this one. I think we go down a goal even at the start of the game.
  8. Why TV Show Seasons Are So Much Shorter Than They Used To Be (screenrant.com)
  9. I think it all really boils to down to paying for something that tastes horrible and has no semblance to the original that gets me. The rest of variation, etc. I can live with but sometimes you'll go see something that isn't even close to the original and where it's from and wonder why you paid for it. That video I posted isn't just a butter chicken gone wrong from experimentation it's a butter chicken that imo would turn inedible super-fast considering how it's made.
  10. I voted Burritos but could easily have swung towards a Taco too. Best from one of those food carts they have roaming around and when you don't know where the meat is coming from.
  11. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiX2aXv5cSFAxURgVYBHfx8DsEQFnoECBYQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fstore.steampowered.com%2Fapp%2F1714420%2FFursan_alAqsa_The_Knights_of_the_AlAqsa_Mosque%2F&usg=AOvVaw3el3hHkFqNgGp-u0Vi4j_L&opi=89978449 Enjoy.
  12. I especially left the toes part in there for you.
  13. Survival Horror game that actually keeps you on your toes till the very end Fuck open world; we have enough of that already. Players choose their stats as they start the game and do not level up once the character is built. Corridor style shooting/action system Just a knife, a shotgun and a pistol Throw in a torch just to add to the horror Torches can be used as a weapon Enemies can lurk in dark spaces that can only be lit by torches. Health is obtained very rarely so being mindful of environments and enemies is important. Two antagonists who run after you through the whole game and are relentless till both of them are dead. Heavily reliant on environmental damage to kill bosses / enemies. Time limits on levels to force tension and survival instinct kick in You gain more time by engaging the antagonists and winning the fight. Perma-Death on failure Co-Op with infect ratio gain so that if you get infected you now switch teams and start hunting your partner. Max team-size: 4 No respawn just perma-death Level does not reduce enemy count on partner conversion/death. Converted players can team up with two antagonists to chase the non-infected team through the game. Game gets slightly easier with bigger groups of protagonists. I feel like someone will make something like this, but game design is quite hell-bent on having winners and heroes that turning someone to the other side seems like it wouldn't sell.
  14. Oh I'd give up on it because I don't think I posted very often back then if at all.
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