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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/12/21 in all areas

  1. Third wheeling with my girls.
    4 points
  2. Misinformation wum posting articles about cause of death in July and one week in June. You do have to ask whether it is socially responsible to allow some of the turd posts in here to be public or if this section should be behind closed doors.
    3 points
  3. No agenda. I find you bend things to the point of them being close to if not complete lies. ONS, most recent month of data September, leading cause of death Alzheimers, then heart disease, then third is covid, pneumonia is 9th. Taking a yearly average with the same data pneumonia again does not surpass covid. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/monthlymortalityanalysisenglandandwales/september2021
    2 points
  4. I and @Bluewolf enjoyed it. Jennifer Connelly is fantastic in it, and Sean Bean does a great job playing a psychopath.
    2 points
  5. I thought this was pretty on the nose and figured id post this away from the masses. Alot of people seem to be brushing off Lewy's 41 goal record and not really realize or understand the magnitude of it imo.
    2 points
  6. The fact that we're rolling out 3rd booster jabs and starting to speculate on when we'll get the updated 4th(?) jab to combat the new variant while third world nations are sitting on a 1% vaccination rate if they're lucky certainly leaves a bad taste in the mouth and should be a source of real embarrassment for the Western blob for sure.
    1 point
  7. GPs in England may stop monitoring vulnerable patients | Coronavirus | The Guardian We have lost our absolute minds over this virus. What are we doing?!! If anyone can't be arsed reading the article, vulnerable people in the UK are now at the back of our minds because....under 40's need a booster....It's barely comprehendable. The 'transmission' argument simply does not hold up because it's going wild across the globe. Jabs should be for the vulnerable only, nobody under 40 should even have one jab. Perhaps the rich, fat West might realise that our hoarding is only exacerbating the issue?
    1 point
  8. With "YET" being the key word...
    1 point
  9. And the bonus is he isn't dead yet...
    1 point
  10. Looks epic. I don't care about Tarot, but I would buy those...
    1 point
  11. There's a guy called John Burn-Murdoch on Twitter who works for the Financial Times and does a lot of reliable and informative graph work. He posted an initial analysis of the outbreak in South Africa yesterday. The headlines are that compared to their previous waves, cases are rising faster this time, but hospitalisations are increasing at about the same rate, suggesting that the increased infectiousness of this strain is being somewhat 'cancelled out' by a slightly lower proportion of cases resulting in serious illness, the net result being that this strain puts similar pressures on the health system as previous ones, so not bad news or good. Pretty big caveats are that it's still very early days, and that the prevalence of cases in South Africa at the moment are in younger age groups compared to previous waves. Also the data at this stage is less reliable than most of what he publishes as the data received from hospitals in South Africa is very variable on a day-to-day basis. People who are interested should go and give him a follow on Twitter. It's all pure maths and science presented in easily digestible graphs. Not the sort of guy who projects his own opinions or desire to be acknowledged onto the information he shares.
    1 point
  12. That dog is a beautiful bitch.
    1 point
  13. WHO says Omicron symptoms are 'mild' and vaccines can be effective.
    1 point
  14. Quite honestly, UK's responses aren't particularly of interest to me... You can build a huge wall around your island to keep everyone in (or out), for all I care
    1 point
  15. Tell that to Israel, Japan, or Morocco who already completely banned foreigners from entering because of omicron fears, or a dozen of other countries who banned all flights from numerous African countries even before his comments...There have been a lot of knee-jerk reactions around COVID, some countries are by far more cautious than some others, and the CEO of one of the main vaccine suppliers giving irresponsible comments like that to the media is surely fueling the fire. I've been trying to get home for almost two years now; so forgive me if I am wary of every little thing that has potential to put another blow to my chances.
    1 point
  16. Alright 3 episodes down. I love it.
    1 point
  17. The player who assists should be mentioned with the goalscorer on the scoreline like in cricket where caught and bowled is mentioned.
    1 point
  18. Yeah, I don't really understand why western leaders can't seem to fathom that a global pandemic means the virus needs to be contained all over the world... and not just in the western world. There's people literally dying to get vaccines in some parts of the world - but we're talking about boosters and future boosters being rolled out for us while they struggle to even get the first jabs rolled out. It's one of those things that just highlights western selfishness. From a personal perspective, it's particularly annoying. I've lost family members in Iran due to COVID early on when the pandemic first broke out and people there were struggling to get basic PPE like masks because of sanctions. Now because of sanctions & also some good old fashioned IRI government incompetence, there's a huge demand for vaccines but barely any supply for them. And now I've just learned a few minutes ago that pretty much most of my family there has received positive test results as of yesterday.
    0 points
  19. Well, my intention is not to mislead but to get to the bottom of whats going on. we have conflicting information, can you really trust mainstream? and same can be said from my sources ..if I follow the wrong information and its proved false I'll happily hold my hand up, I put it up for people to shoot down, its my nature to question everything, I will take things apart just to see how they work ..this is like an advanced game of mafia wars lol
    0 points
  20. The death rate from pneumonia is still 10 times higher to this day, sorry if this doesn't fit your agenda
    0 points
  21. Thought the same a couple of weeks back. It's becoming a part time job for some of us challenging this nonsense which has become totally repetitive. The usual solution would be to ignore it until it fizzles out but it's hard to just leave some of the dangerous claims hanging out there unchallenged.
    0 points
  22. Car deaths are few and far between like covid last year in the UK only 1460 deaths. ... getting covid and recovering naturally has been proven to be 27 times better than the vaccines in a large case study ..has anyone even got covid again after recovering naturally? cant find anything even on the CDC website ..for me, only the old and sick need the vaccines, pneumonia is 10 times more likely to kill these people than covid and that's next up the list https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/flu-pneumonia-deaths-10-times-higher-covid-ons-b942170.html
    0 points
  23. Juan Gimenez is about to release a set of Tarot Cards through Heavy Metal.. artwork looks mint
    0 points
  24. The press & gouvernement have done a good job in scaring the people but can I just remind you that more people die weekly of 8 more serious illnesses that we hear little about, number 7 is interesting, the common flu even ranks higher https://www.nationalworld.com/health/coronavirus/top-10-causes-of-death-uk-what-are-the-biggest-killers-in-england-as-covid-re-enters-the-list-3357579?page=2&_gl=1*1vs7eh*_ga*YW1wLXlUZ3I5TkRKMTdZMmRkc2xOY2s5YUNZUkt3ZDBpNTBoRlAtYU9jR0NqV1k0Sjg1cFUtUXUtNlZMRVdtQncwSW0. 1. Dementia and Alzheimer disease 2. Ischaemic heart diseases 3. Malignant neoplasm of trachea bronchus and lung 4. Cerebrovascular diseases 5. Chronic lower respiratory diseases 6. Malignant neoplasm of colon sigmoid rectum and anus 7. Influenza and Pneumonia 8. Symptoms signs and ill-defined conditions This was the eighth leading cause of death in England in July 2021 9. Covid-19
    0 points
  25. I do still have 3 on the PS3 but never got round to playing it for one reason or another. Unfortunately, being in uni part the has practically ripped my gaming time to shreds at present.
    0 points
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