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Everything posted by Danny

  1. My interpretation is they believe people will get tired of lockdown, will allow people out and let the r rate rise above 1 and then use it as an example as to why it’s so important to follow lockdown and then bring us back to a total lockdown again Also the complete vagueness on people who can’t work from home is essentially to cut any excuses for builders not to be at work building all those private homes going up and anyone else who falls into the bracket of you may die or get sick but actually we need the money from what you’re job gives us
  2. If we’re potentially at 0.9 why are people being expected to go back to work? And allow households out of the house for however long they want? The entirety of London is to avoid the tube or the buses? Does he know how the city operates? Builders, warehouse and factory workers, cleaners etc who will work on the other side of the city....this is gunna hang a lot of people out to dry
  3. They can’t help themselves can they? That graph showing the steps and what each one shows...you’d think that they would follow the red to green colour phasing that they had shown when explaining what the levels were. But instead they kept the red of labour as the dangerous step and the light blue of the Tories as the steps 4-1. But don’t make it political
  4. Are they trying to out-do each other in dumbfuckery? The national papers have all wanked over the possibility of a reduced lockdown, the public have seen it, let’s change the stay at home part of the slogan to stay alert and send entirely mixed signals out.
  5. Nearly 1 year and 7 months later....Could someone update the Brentford crest? @Rab
  6. Having just watched it back I think one of the best things about that corner was that TAA purposefully played it off the Barce player in the first place to get a corner
  7. What video? It's good to see the stadium from ground level outside, to see how it's starting to take shape. I hope the concrete walls that are on the stands within the stadium are painted or covered red, it would look much nicer imo. Though I think they maybe used for sponsorship, I'd rather them decorated with club colours/crest
  8. I try to stay of social media but Facebook more than anywhere, mainly because of the age range that use it, is full of "Boris is doing his best" and "no one could have predicted this" and a load of other soundbites that just treat the handling of this so far as being as best as they can in a shit situation
  9. It was insane to use herd immunity to kill people off but here we are, it was an attempt by the government that to kill more people off, on behalf of themselves and their families, now so that we wouldn't be overburdened later on, which is bad enough in itself essentially deciding that people will die when their lives could be saved....but instead we killed a load of people off now and are overburdened now. I'm just disillusioned at the lack of accountability in general, Brexit is a prime example that you can break the law and still get the final result that the law breaking was intended to get. I'm obviously not suggesting that we charge hundreds of civil servants nor am I suggesting that we actually charge whoever with manslaughter, it was just thinking aloud. What I'm afraid of is that there will be an inquiry, some people will look bad, some of those people who look bad will lose their jobs worst case scenario but overall everything else will remain the same. Personally I'm struggling to see how this many deaths can simply be put down to incompetence but I guess the only way we'll get a light shone on that is through an inquiry.
  10. Yeah that’s my only concern, they’ll find a way to blame it on the science How you can break electorate law and still win a referendum is beyond me
  11. I try not to post on here too much as I’ve not got anything positive to say but what a fucking shambles. This information supports how we all felt weeks ago when the WHO said “test, test, test” and we didn’t. The late lockdown. This is just me being angry now and have no idea what the legalities behind it is but there must be reasonable grounds for manslaughter or something similar for a lot of this government after this? Or someone, someone responsible
  12. What was wrong with how she presented the question? People’s lives are at risk, she and her colleagues literally work to save them and have to go through the pains of what that brings to medical staff. To question her tone as if the government haven’t already shown their ineptitude throughout this pandemic already is a shit stance.
  13. I don’t really know, I know there are a lot of advancements with pitches these days and Reading shares with LI for years and their pitch never seems to be that bad. The general consensus from the club is that the pitch won’t be too badly effected but I’ve no idea
  14. That’s generally the reason that it’d look a better product on television, personally I don’t mind the mixture of colours and think a lot of stadiums around the world have done that look well There is a consensus building that it was done to appease London Irish as they have struggled with attendances and it doesn’t look good when you see them on Tele at the Madejski.
  15. 200 miles for fish and chips, not even decent food
  16. Originally it was going to be double tiered behind the goals Spanish style and that would have made me jizz all over the shop but unfortunately due to Brexit, money and time constraints it wasn’t to be.
  17. I will fight any man born of his mother for the chance to put my dick inside it first. Its difficult like that because it’s a. not finished, b. completely empty and c. video taken from a part of the ground barely anyone will see it from. Unless you’re building a massive stadium a small stadium will not look that great from that position. Also it’s taken on a camera phone so will distort what the actual view will look like and will make the smaller stands look further away than they are and also makes them look even smaller as you take away the natural peripheral view people have. I think once we’re in there and it’s close to or sold out it’ll be nice, the corners will give the place a bit of character imo as theyre very small and will be something a bit different from most grounds. Tight, compact, close enough to the pitch though not as close as Griffin Park. Its difficult to build a new small ground and have it drop jaws in the way Spurs’ ground did but I think it will turn into a grower rather than a shower
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