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Everything posted by Danny

  1. People still think I have an Aussie accent
  2. A good thread highlighting our ridiculously high death toll, lack of media scrutiny and the govt altering the numbers by not including people who’ve died of corona but weren’t tested beforehand in the official numbers
  3. Danny

    Members Pictures

    Can a man not go for a ride?
  4. With that state the Premier League could be in after this this would be a good time for any owner that actually wants to sell up to finally sell up
  5. No but various experts were saying it was unlikely to be achieved without a vaccine, you have people dying in their hundreds daily in Italy and don’t suspect that herd immunity, which essentially meant do nothing and carry on, would somehow have a different approach here? They’ve been hiding behind the police state nonsense for a while now, “the good British public are mature enough to do this and that etc etc”, was also convenient that builders were suddenly considered essential workers...wonder what was at the forefront of that decision, £££. They were treating it like it was a common cold. Go out, shake their hands, drink their spit you’ll be fine. You have South Korea ripping the dick off the virus and then you watch our inept response.
  6. Experts at the time were all saying that herd immunity would only really work if there was a vaccine, the approach went against advice from WHO...it definitely wasn’t a people centred approach. The governments ignorance in light of what was happening in China and Italy particularly was astounding. I’m happy we have done a u-turn on that disaster of an approach but hardly thankful it’s taken the government this long.
  7. Yeah I’ve got plenty of people on Facebook loving him, it’s amazing how far a persona can take you in this country I don’t see a rationale argument to suggest the handling of this pandemic has been anything but catastrophic, people are just viewing it as “oh well he’s just an ordinary bloke trying to do his best” but he is a. The PM (they’re eager to point this out when people moan about testing) and b. his best has been getting people killed at the expense of financial interests when successful and viable options have been underway elsewhere around the globe
  8. The accents aren’t toned down they’re just not all Londoners
  9. Boris is a massive cunt, his history of racism and classism is clear to see for anyone, his incompetence behind the Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe issue, his role in the windrush generation scandal and his handling of this pandemic, putting the economy over people’s lives with herd immunity...and whilst I don’t feel sorry for the position he has put himself and many people around the country in, only a proper wrongun would be wishing death on him and anyone at this point in time. Its possible to dislike someone and what they stand for and also not want them dead...ironically most people wanting him dead most likely don’t have a personal grievance against him. If it was a relative of the windrush generation for example you’d get it, but it’s mostly just either keyboard warriors or far left weirdos.
  10. Danny


    He’s a professional boxer with public responsibilities and duties Josh. Obviously it was a joke but it was also a shit one that only really made light of domestic violence I don’t think people who are encouraged to knock several shades of shit out of each other should always be held to higher standards than most in society but the video was clearly in bad taste.
  11. Danny

    Rugby League

    Liking the look of the new stadium in Townsville...will have to put it on the bucketlist of things I'll wanna do when I finally end up back towards Aus/NZ.
  12. And even then to who? The social distancing is going to be extreme if we’re to avoid another peak. Businesses really need to focus on working from home, it’s highlighted so many that really could and should have this as an option but don’t.
  13. Danny

    Members Pictures

    @Storts looking giving out David Villa vibes in the first pic @True Blue
  14. Danny

    Off Topic

    Cheers lads. When it’s all over I’m sure we will, it is what it is unfortunately just a bit shit how it’s turned out. Don’t get me wrong he was very ill anyway but it just makes you think about all the lives that have been lost that could have been saved had the government reacted appropriately. Final years taken from a lot of families and in a lot of cases just vulnerable people that still would have had time on their side. Three weeks ago Boris was telling us all to take it on the chin, shake hands with people with corona, go about our daily lives. It’s a monumental fuck up.
  15. Danny

    Off Topic

    Hospital invited us up today to see me granddad as he’s expected to die soon, told we’d get protective equipment to see him for 25 mins each. We get there and there’s been a fuck up with their processes which mean two things happened, most of us not allowed to go in because of health conditions. As we entered the hospital we now have to self isolate for 7 days, obviously self isolating anyway but no walks to the shop at all for a week. No signage or information beforehand from the nurse to tell us any of this, just invited us to come in at 2pm. Can’t be angry at them because they’re learning as they go and are probably off their feet, just frustrating. Secondly granddad will most likely die today or soon by himself with no real contact from family around him, funeral will either be non existent or only for his children and a very mild affair. We had an entire social club booked out for my nan/his wife when she passed years ago, strange times. Once this is all done and were all back out on the streets and in the pubs, if one person mentions the words herd immunity and doesn’t precede or follow it with criticism I will take great pleasure in chinning them
  16. Mad that in a few years Newcastle could be competing for the title if that sale goes through
  17. A week or so into lockdown and we’re arguing whether stress is real or not. Good start.
  18. Danny


    There’s a one off comment about it and then there’s this video...always been like this though
  19. Obviously there needs to be a grace period to see how the Tottenham players react, whether they were aware etc but this isn’t a good look so far
  20. Barce players did recently yeah Non-playing directors and staff. So much for the community aspect of the club...though it would be unfair to pin it as a Spurs specific issue and more of a wider greed in football
  21. All non-playing staff to take a 20% wage reduction...imagine if there was a millionaire or two at Spurs who could help these people out...
  22. Rick, having a dog doesn’t give you immunity from spreading the virus
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