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Everything posted by Danny

  1. Danny

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    Condolences to both of you @DeadLinesman @Happy Blue My granddad's in the hospital with multiple minis strokes and now has coronavirus, no more visiting and not looking good for him.
  2. It will be a death sentence for a lot of people, I don't think the media have reported it as being a death sentence for everybody...but there's something like 1.5m people with serious health complications that could die from this if they get it. That is a ridiculously high number. The reporting is spot on imo and everybody should be doing all we can to isolate and not spread the virus.
  3. Shock horror, the man who pushed for a herd immunity programme & shook the hands of people with coronavirus, after seeing what happened to Italy, when the rest of the world was going into lockdown has the virus. Obviously don't wish him any harm but fuck me the incompetence of his leadership throughout this crisis has been staggering (but also completely unsurprising)
  4. And looking back at it that interview he done with the BBC he was essentially forced into it by Rodgers who came out and made comments about £100k p/w wages and that the club wouldn’t pay someone ahead of their worth, insinuating it was just a money issue
  5. Our Govt's response has been at various times clueless, vague and really slow but fuck me am I glad it's not Trump in charge
  6. Yeah been aware of doctors having to choose who lives and who doesn’t for a while, it’s sad for the family
  7. A family friend has a daughter with severe learning difficulties and after reading into things if she goes into hospital and needs a ventilator she’ll only be given one if an able bodied/minded person doesn’t need it.
  8. Init, what are they gonna do jot down into a notepad who’s been out for a run? Might be able to recognise people in smaller towns and villages but cities no chance
  9. Went to Richmond Park thinking it’d be fairly quiet considering how big it was, and away from the road where cyclists were riding in groups shitloads of cars were there the park itself was empty in large spaces. We had to park at Isabelle Plantation though and that was ridiculous, so many people around that area that we turned around and went home 15/20 minutes in because we were struggling to stay 2 meters apart from people. So many families and big groups without a care in the world, was literally just me and he missus. Just gunna stick to my local park for a walk which has been quiet recently
  10. Init. Massive fuck up and now to have such a sudden u-turn, at the beginning of the week Boris is chatting about how we couldn’t shut up shop too soon otherwise not enough people would get it, a week later he’s talking about people going inside so they don’t overwhelm the NHS. He doesn’t wanna announce a lockdown on Mother’s Day/a Sunday night. If anything it’ll come tomorrow night once bosses have had a chance to put plans into place
  11. Load of bollocks, no ones listening to you Boris
  12. Kids also carry the virus and spread it to adults...keep the fuckers away
  13. Went for a walk round Richmond Park today, massive park with loads of space, thought it’d be fine. The amount of families and large groups just wandering around as if nothing is happening, parents letting their kids run off and into other people...we intended a decent 2 hour walk...lasted 20 minutes and turned back.We managed to keep a distance from people but began being very difficult to do that. Police shutting the park down now
  14. Alongside this eggheadery are people commenting “nOt BrItIsH, tHeYrE eNgLiSh” when you can see Scottish and Welsh football tops in them
  15. Yeah I’ve not read that before but have read that anyone with the flu jab yearly due needs to stay away from people. Looks like I will be spending a lot of time on this forum over the next 3 months
  16. Pubs, bars, theatres, comedy clubs, restaurants, small businesses, etc, etc cannot claim their insurance because Boris doesn’t want to impose a lockdown Read a few bits about Boris being paid to be a keynote speaker at an insurance industry event but really not sure if that was a stretch or not. Either way a lot of people are going to be fucked because of him
  17. Yeah asthma can seem normal to people cos of how common it is but it’s people literally not being able to breathe. When the flu hits you can be using your inhaler all day, no telling really how bad it could be with corona...at least they haven’t told us anyway
  18. 12 week self isolation/no unnecessary travel if you have severe chronic health problems...waiting on what that full list is. Asthma is a chronic lung disease...could be a long 3 months ahead
  19. Yeah. I’d love to know why the UK’s advice is different to advice around the world. I get Italy are in lockdown because of how concentrated the outbreak is in one area S. Korea and Vietnam completely leading the way...I’ve read a lot of expert opinion on how herd immunity mainly works with a vaccine...something we don’t have. The only thing I’ve seen supporting the governments position is a Facebook video of a man pouring water into a bottle
  20. Sky News just now... Reporter: Has deliberate, natural herd immunity been used successfully anywhere before? Sky News Expert: Erm, not really, no....talks a lot about vaccination herd immunity, scientists around the world trying to find a vaccination...herd immunity can be achieved against virus’, mainly through vaccination. Got to say the more the government use the words “medical and scientific approach” as if every country around the world is not using the same approach the more I lose faith in their approach
  21. Love how the big chains are selling out yet you go to any corner shop, any mini-supermarket that’s Asian or Polish owned and their shelves are stocked and ready to go yet you know most of those Costco shoppers wouldn’t even think to go to these places.
  22. Win win this for you lot, if the season is ended you don’t have to put up with anymore of this football and if it’s not then you’ve got added recovery time for the likes of Son and Kane
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