I've had so many debates arguments in Italy with friends and family (curiously, the same in Spain) about this sort of thing. Not all, but most don't get it. They maintain that it's just to put the opposition player off and ironically they'll tell you the player should be thankful because it's a mark of respect from the fans because they're afraid of what the player can achieve.
I know, I know it's ridiculous, but try as you might to get beyond that point and go into all of the details of what this sort of thing actually means doesn't work because they'll return to the same point.
Then you have the more radical, those that actually feel what they're saying... They're called "liberalists" and we have that movement here in the UK now too, it's massive and they state it's freedom of expression under the freedom to state your mind verbally. But let's not take away or sway away from the focus of the issue to combat which is the first point.
Those that oppose this sort of thing will mostly just stay silent and the reason they do it goes back to the first point in that you can't get beyond the point no matter what you then want to go onto say.
Remember that politics feeds this... This is a fundamental point! With the death of political correctness (this counts for us here in the UK too) and modern politics actually enabling all of this (in Italy they have Salvini condoning or making excuses), then there is no way forward right now.