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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiX2aXv5cSFAxURgVYBHfx8DsEQFnoECBYQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fstore.steampowered.com%2Fapp%2F1714420%2FFursan_alAqsa_The_Knights_of_the_AlAqsa_Mosque%2F&usg=AOvVaw3el3hHkFqNgGp-u0Vi4j_L&opi=89978449 Enjoy.
  2. I especially left the toes part in there for you.
  3. Survival Horror game that actually keeps you on your toes till the very end Fuck open world; we have enough of that already. Players choose their stats as they start the game and do not level up once the character is built. Corridor style shooting/action system Just a knife, a shotgun and a pistol Throw in a torch just to add to the horror Torches can be used as a weapon Enemies can lurk in dark spaces that can only be lit by torches. Health is obtained very rarely so being mindful of environments and enemies is important. Two antagonists who run after you through the whole game and are relentless till both of them are dead. Heavily reliant on environmental damage to kill bosses / enemies. Time limits on levels to force tension and survival instinct kick in You gain more time by engaging the antagonists and winning the fight. Perma-Death on failure Co-Op with infect ratio gain so that if you get infected you now switch teams and start hunting your partner. Max team-size: 4 No respawn just perma-death Level does not reduce enemy count on partner conversion/death. Converted players can team up with two antagonists to chase the non-infected team through the game. Game gets slightly easier with bigger groups of protagonists. I feel like someone will make something like this, but game design is quite hell-bent on having winners and heroes that turning someone to the other side seems like it wouldn't sell.
  4. Oh I'd give up on it because I don't think I posted very often back then if at all.
  5. I sort of remember coming in around a Euro competition and I remember this because I was at IBM at the time and I told someone else to join and they never did.
  6. Yeah its what I have used everywhere really.
  7. Could have sworn I was on here earlier than that just as a non participant. I honestly dont remember what I was doign in 2017 either haha.
  8. Id like to know when I joined but I think I lurked a lot in the initial years/months.
  9. Wasn't there talk we've approached someone from Portugal for the job?
  10. As said above we've been slowly digressing in attack and defense. The match last night was just a team showing what needs to be done to take advantage of that and had we met Leverkusen we'd have gotten the drubbing of the season because Atalanta could have had much more. The players look like they are out of it and have already given up because you don't just magically go from one game to the next and turn into world beaters its consistency that gets you there. I don't think this is smart from Klopp if it was his gameplan to keep players fresh for the league because it will backfire. What also puzzles me is how well this team did in the absence of big names up front but their return has made them worse? Odd really but this is standard fare really because we always start strong and start to falter a bit towards the end of the season. Maybe it's the fact that the players are run so hard for most part of the year that its hard playing at the same intensity but that's no excuse for what we saw last night and have been seeing in shades all season long.
  11. You could do a coconut-based gravy for seafood too. That to me is almost peak cooking on our side of pond, the fish/seafood really just takes in all the flavors.
  12. Let's face it, we've all either watched a video where someone has butchered a dish that we know and love or worse we've been to a restaurant to see something we know get absolutely misrepresented. I figure we've got so many stories why not share them on here. I'll go first with what is considered our national dish and there's tons of videos on YT and elsewhere of folks (both amateur and professional) 100% fucking this up. I can also safely say that I have never eaten this dish outside India and said it was good. On with the show.
  13. I feel like Madrid are the ones who are going to advance there but there's still a lot of football to be played. You'll had moments where you'll looked very good and then just sat back and started absorbing pressure which will always allow teams like Arsenal to get a goal the later into a game it goes. I can't see this happening in the second leg.
  14. I honestly can't see them winning the league so I do hope they focus on the CL even if it seems even more unlikely they'll win this either.
  15. Feel like Bayern can apply a bit more pressure here and get another goal to make the second leg more comfortable. Having said that, Arsenal haven't really sat back either.
  16. We do a curry with peas but its all vegetarian. It's very very rare you'll see meat with peas in a dish here and when you do you generally ask for water and politely eat a bit and run away.
  17. I like them both but overall, I'd lean more on the side of a good Indian curry with coconut and a lot of low-end spice vs what we get outside of India which is just cream and hey have we added enough cream yet? It's slowly changing in places but it's nowhere close to what we get at home. Something like this Thai curry is actually really good too, but I err on the side of eating it mostly with seafood as I find chicken to be a bit on the meh side.
  18. I agree this is way more deliberate even if he gets the ball. The only saving grace is the player on the receiving end doesn't get injured.
  19. City have this in the bag. Neither of the other two have the kind of winning mentality to go the distance here. This is City's bread and butter.
  20. We saw Curtis get one earlier in the season when he gets the ball first then follows through. Which is not any different to what happened with Casemiro and I agree all we really want is some consistency but the laws themselves lead to all kinds of ambiguous behavior you're not going to get that anytime soon.
  21. They'll win at OT guaranteed. Manchester United would lose to all three of the teams struggling for relegation but when it comes to us and especially when it comes to us at OT they wake up and decide to play football.
  22. If Ali isn't injured everyone is smoking cigars today and taking a tie with United while being away from the rest of the pack. I don't think we concede half as much with him in goal and our backline gets their act together sharpish.
  23. As if a "luxury" tax will ever put a dent or send a message to clubs that have been caught of financial irregularities. Just deduct points and hit them where it hurts if found guilty. All this taxing is a waste of everyone's time.
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