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Pig on the Wing

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Everything posted by Pig on the Wing

  1. Jesus fucking wept. I am so tired of people like this. You can -almost- excuse racial ignorance from the uneducated white British underclass who don't associate with anyone outside of their white British circles, but this bigot is supposed to be EDUCATING FUTURE GENERATIONS. There is so much poison in UK society, and with lunacy like this, how is it ever going to change? The more we're subjected to this, the more I keep thinking we're living in a parallel universe within the mind of Chris Morris. Satire is dead.
  2. Pig on the Wing

    Off Topic

    If ever there's a picture that deserves to be upside down, it's one of Sam Allardyce telling someone to think.
  3. Up and down, Ben Nevis was about 6 hours, Scafell (in the dark) around 4 1/2, and Snowdon about 5. With a lot of travelling in between, on a cramped minibus.
  4. I'm a chubby fucker but I'm more stubborn than gonorrhoea in a Wigan girl. My feeble lungs/heart/body gave up after the first one but I figured I was only ever going to do this once, so may as well have a go at finishing it. My advice: don't ever get conned into trying it. Hell. Hell on earth.
  5. I still had a 2.5 hour descent before the challenge was over, so I wasn't even thinking of that haha!!
  6. I did the Three Peaks challenge with work over the weekend - hardest thing I've ever done. For your enjoyment, here's a picture of me acting all Danny fackin' Dyer on top of Snowdon as I found out that we'd beaten Derby.
  7. Just watched Toronto Wolfpack play Toulouse on my jollies. Great fun! Positives: Full to the brim with pretty Canadian girls who have a thing about big men hitting each other, and then realising me and my mate are gigantic (I totally lied and said I play this sport at home to a chorus of oohs and aahs ). Negatives: I was probably in the top 5 percent most knowledgeable on RL in the stadium. The poor sods haven't got a clue!!
  8. Baffling decision really, I'm guessing another party (Sydney FC, the local paper, Le Fondre himself) was ready to go public and the club had to save face and announce it first? Either way, I've never heard of anything like it.
  9. I genuinely feel like someone has stabbed my mum. A player that has given so much to this club, a true fan favourite, who has been told in no uncertain terms that he simply won't lead the line here again. With all due respect to the Australian league, he still had so much to give in the Championship; my club hasn't had a natural finisher like ALF since Ivan Klasnic. Granted, he doesn't fit into the current manager's rough-and-tumble style but he is still a class above this move. Quotes are coming out saying it's an 'opportunity of a lifetime' for him; I'm sure it is, and on a rumoured 3x wage increase, why wouldn't he leave? As this forum's sole BWFC fan, I speak for the thousands of us when I say: Adam, you've been a fucking hero for us in the darkest period this club has had in over 30 years, and your efforts in the white shirt won't be forgotten. Enjoy your three years in the Aussie sunshine - you deserve it. Big love.
  10. I'd like to think that you're being clever and satirical in your blatant disregard for irony, but sadly, based on your previous political posts on this forum, I can't see that being the case. Love, a Brit residing in the UK x x
  11. Did not have you down as a League supporter, let alone a St. Helens fan... what's your story? To draw a Venn diagram with all Leyton Orient fans and all Rugby League fans, I'm sure you're one of tiny minority... I'm genuinely interested.
  12. Gutted for Klitschko, really thought he had Joshua in the 6th. What a wonderful comeback from Joshua though, truly remarkable. Inevitably that's Klitschko's retirement now, but what a competitor to hand over too. Fuck Fury, he's a genuine scrotum and hopefully, when the time comes, Joshua will truly sit the mouthy fucker down.
  13. You must be mistaken - I don't own that dress.
  14. Fake. You can't have been there, you haven't got a clapper.
  15. Definitely doesn't look English to me. She's in another country and (going off this evidence) hasn't taken her top off, urinated on a local monument or projectile-vomited at a police officer.
  16. Carrying on with Fairy in Boots's excellent shout with Phoenix Nights - @Any O'Brien @Storts I'm getting the word, 'Nonce' @Fairy In Boots
  17. I loved the first season, and got well into the second. I kinda left with the feeling that if season 3 comes out... I'm not going to rush watching it. Did anyone watch The Knick? Thoroughly enjoyed it, absolutely gutted when I found out it was cancelled after the second season - a really interesting concept with some really engaging performances.
  18. Now come on, who is going to own up to that?! That's almost like asking members to admit they've tasted the ashes of a dead family member. Oh, wait...
  19. That's honestly fascinating (for me, at least). Any idea why? Not that I expect it to be an easy answer - it is arguably a similar thing in the UK, but we can at least draw a pretty map around the League heartland. As far as the actual sports go, there is absolutely nothing to make either a 'rich' or 'poor' sport.
  20. Agreed. Is there a regional divide in Australia, as well? In the UK, League is the egg-game of choice for nearly everyone north of an imaginary line drawn from the Mersey to the Humber. It appears that anyone south of this line assumes that the game is for feral beasts, because it doesn't involve 10 fat blokes jumping on top of each other.
  21. As a part-time Rugby League watcher who defines their support of a team as 'Anyone but Wigan', I'm baffled by this season so far. What has happened to Warrington, Phil? And how on earth have perennial mid-table tosh Castleford started off by dicking everyone? Please explain - although I've been half watching RL for a couple of years, I am still an absolute virgin.
  22. Just finished watching Inarritu's Oscar winning Birdman - took me a while to get into it but I was eventually taken in. An exercise in inviting literary and film criticism over the actual plot element, I'd give it 8/10. Cinematography was superb as well, but then, Emanuel Lubetzki was leading that (he did the Revenant, which was basically the only plus point of that film, for me). In a supporting role, Edward Norton was excellent, but let's be honest, he always is.
  23. I know we're shite now, but could you please add Bolton Wanderers as an option? Ta in advance
  24. S'alright, I'm some character with 8 chins. I don't eat that many pasties. I don't watch Game of Thrones so I'm truly baffled. There, I said it, been meaning to get that out into the open. Fuck GoT.
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