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Everything posted by nudge

  1. nudge

    Off Topic

    I bet it was the false widow...
  2. nudge

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    I was scratched and playfully "bitten" (well, more like chewed and nibbled on) numerous times by a puppy a few years ago, and then found out that he was put down because of rabies. I got extremely lucky there, I think. Other than that, not many bites for me, except your usual mosquito and tiny fly nonsense. One wasp sting in my whole life. Almost stepped on a scorpion once, brushed lightly against it, but there was no defensive reaction, thankfully.
  3. nudge

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    And then disappeared into thin air... Could have just been a vampire, after all. Or a tiny Luis Suarez.
  4. nudge

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    Yeah, looks like it, I'd just put some antibiotic cream on it.
  5. nudge

    Off Topic

    Or a vampire...
  6. Child's car seat from the 50s
  7. In all seriousness, I do use binoculars for stargazing, and it's even more eye opening, but I always feel a bit uneasy if I do that somewhere where there are other houses/apartments around
  8. One of my near future goals is to get a telescope again, bring it out on the street, and show the kids and other passers-by the beauty of the universe. As you said, it is truly eye (and mind) opening...
  9. Amazing, isn't it? It should be one of those apps that are pre-installed in every phone by default
  10. That's the web version, I meant the app for the phone though!
  11. Make sure that you go into Settings (the six dots at the bottom left) and activate sensors, so that the view of the sky changes live as you move your phone! And don't forget activating the night mode in the same settings, too
  12. You don't need the pro version, it's mostly for those who use telescopes as it has features for controlling telescopes and planning observing sessions, etc. The free version is more than enough, just search for Stellarium Mobile - Star Map: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.noctuasoftware.stellarium_free&hl=en_US&gl=US Nightshift is free, too: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.waddensky.nightshift&hl=en_US&gl=US
  13. I'll make sure to tell you next time And yeah, that site is pretty cool. I use Nightshift app on my phone, and it tells me exactly which planets (and other objects) are visible at what time, and also takes weather conditions and cloud cover into account. This site is also good for daily info on what is visible and where to look: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/visible-planets-tonight-mars-jupiter-venus-saturn-mercury/ Same with this: https://theskylive.com/ But nothing beats Stellarium app for me. Just point it at the sky, and it will tell you immediately what you are looking at... Very good for learning the night sky.
  14. It's unmistakable, very bright reddish glow, easily brighter than most of the stars. Been like that this whole month, more or less!
  15. In all seriousness though I saw Mars a few hours ago from my balcony, almost overhead. It's very bright as it's currently still almost at its closest distance to us. Jupiter is very bright currently as well and should be easily spotted as it's right next to the Moon, but unfortunately for me, it's below the horizon already.
  16. With the James Webb Space Telescope? For sure
  17. Haha, thanks, but I don't care that much - I'm mostly into endurance racing anyway, and VLN keeps on delivering. With WEC entering the new golden age and Porsche returning to the top class now things are going to get even better in this aspect!
  18. Open wheel single seater racing has hit rock bottom in Germany, overall. German Formula 4 will not even be taking place next season, and it used to be one of the strongest junior formula competitions at that level. There are no big coming up talents. It is all just too expensive. Heck, even non-formula racing has issues. DTM has been declining for years, was sold earlier this year, and will become just another generic GT3 series from next season.
  19. India’s maiden human space flight mission is targeted for launch in the fourth quarter of 2024. Uncrewed test missions G1 and G2 are scheduled to be conducted in Q4 2023 and Q2 2024! @Mel81x @Stan
  20. There's actually no direct evidence of T. Rex having feathers... They might have had them because their closest relatives/ancestors had them, but as of now, we don't know for sure. The only skin impressions we have of T. Rex show scaly skin.
  21. I mean, dinosaurs have existed for over 150 million years, the variety in their appearance would have been huge during that timeframe. There are thousands of known species of dinosaurs that existed, and probably thousands more that we don't know and will never know about. We know some of the species had full-blown feathers, some had a sort of short fuzz, some were completely featherless, etc. Seems such a trivial thing to be bothered about...
  22. I mean, the movie hasn't premiered yet. Maybe there will be some feathered dinosaurs in it? Personally, I don't mind. The distinction between soft sci-fi and hard sci-fi exists for a reason, and I only expect the latter to follow scientific realism closely. The other ones are just for fun and entertainment...
  23. Oh for sure, and a lot of marriages happen as a result of that too, haha. Sometimes though those miracles of life happen to people who are taking care, too... So yeah, you obviously can't plan for everything, but for me it's kinda important to know that we're roughly on the same page when it comes to things like that in a serious relationship...
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