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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

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1 hour ago, Gunnersauraus said:

According to a news report Peru did very well in containing the virus. Perhaps because of that as you said a majority were healthy people. I hope this doesn't sound disrespectful but you have lived in poor countries and rich countries. I would imagine people have stronger immune systems in poorer countries because they have to with less medical care otherwise you would die of diseases that would be treatable in richer countries?

The latter is more true. Another thing perhaps is less testing kits in the country, so its possible more people have it then we know of. However, I think we've done OK all things considered. At least the doctors, police and government. Civilians is a whole different story.

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2 minutes ago, Inti Brian said:

The latter is more true. Another thing perhaps is less testing kits in the country, so its possible more people have it then we know of. However, I think we've done OK all things considered. At least the doctors, police and government. Civilians is a whole different story.

That's an issue basically everywhere mate. I think it was the imperial college in London that estimated the size of the outbreak in some countries. They had 15% on the entire population of Spain, and 10% of Italy, France and a bit less for the UK. That's 50 times more people than the confirmed cases. 

The positive is it means there's a lot of mild cases with good recoveries that are not being captured in the data.

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7 hours ago, Inti Brian said:

The latter is more true. Another thing perhaps is less testing kits in the country, so its possible more people have it then we know of. However, I think we've done OK all things considered. At least the doctors, police and government. Civilians is a whole different story.

Same with everywhere mate. A scientist even claimed other day that he believes 400,000 people in Catalunya alone have probably been infected by it.

It knocks some people for 6 but there are also many who don't know they even have it. 

But then how do you get rid of a virus like that? It'll always be with us as someone will always be infected.

I also believe this virus has been around longer than they say as I'm adamant I had it at the end of Jan and all the symptoms make sense now. Simply lifting a plasterboard up a scaffold led me to lay down for 10 mins, out of breath, feeling as though I was having the asthma attacks I had as a kid. The cough I had was also far dryer than normal and the headache was horrible. 

I thought it was due to the working conditions as at that point there was no roof on the building I was working in, so when it rained, it filled up with water. 4 of us, who were working on that floor ended up full of this flu-like bug, 1 even had a week off. It's also got to be noted that I had just gotten rid of 2 colds within 2 months before it, so it would seem weird for it to be another cold so soon.

Just before moving to that site also, a mate of mine who I worked with on the site around the corner had the same thing. He was ill as fuck at work for 5 days, then ended up having an additional week off. This lad is also a beast, he lives in the gym and whatever he had caught knocked him for six.

It does make you wonder. The "experts" seem to know fuck all themselves, so I certainly wouldn't rule out that this has been with us longer than we are aware of.


Edited by Carnivore Chris
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8 hours ago, Harry said:

That's an issue basically everywhere mate. I think it was the imperial college in London that estimated the size of the outbreak in some countries. They had 15% on the entire population of Spain, and 10% of Italy, France and a bit less for the UK. That's 50 times more people than the confirmed cases. 

The positive is it means there's a lot of mild cases with good recoveries that are not being captured in the data.

Obviously their model is more in depth, but if we assume Germany and South Korea have correct fatality rates then apply that to Spain, only 2-4% of the population has it.

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2 hours ago, IgnisExcubitor said:

One of the best responses :D :congrats:


They are just biding their time and hoping no one finds a vaccine soon. Because once all the dust settles a lot of other grudges are going to be settled and I'd be willing to bet China is #1 on a lot of country lists for "shit to sort out when COVID-19 is dealt with"

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What is it with Health ministers breaking the rules xD?!

First Scotland's, and now NZ's. This guy even did it twice.




New Zealand's health minister has called himself an "idiot" after breaking the country's lockdown by driving his family to the beach.

David Clark admitted the 12-mile (20km) drive was "a clear breach of the lockdown principles".

He offered his resignation to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, but kept his job because of the ongoing crisis.

But he has been been demoted in cabinet rankings and also lost a secondary position of associate finance minister.

On Sunday, Scotland's chief medical officer resigned for making two trips to her second home during the lockdown.

What did David Clark do?

New Zealand went into its highest state of lockdown, level four, late on Wednesday 25 March.

But on the first weekend, Mr Clark drove his family from their home in Dunedin to Doctor's Point beach.

Mr Clark admitted the trip to Ms Ardern after being criticised for another breach of the rules.

Last week, he drove a shorter distance to a mountain bike trail - and his van, featuring a picture of himself on the side, was photographed at the trail.

"People can go outside to get fresh air and drive short distances if needed, but we have asked people to avoid activities where there is a higher risk of injury," said Ms Ardern last week in response to the trail ride.

"The minister should have followed that guidance."



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Boris is a massive cunt, his history of racism and classism is clear to see for anyone, his incompetence behind the Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe issue, his role in the windrush generation scandal and his handling of this pandemic, putting the economy over people’s lives with herd immunity...and whilst I don’t feel sorry for the position he has put himself and many people around the country in, only a proper wrongun would be wishing death on him and anyone at this point in time.

Its possible to dislike someone and what they stand for and also not want them dead...ironically most people wanting him dead most likely don’t have a personal grievance against him. If it was a relative of the windrush generation for example you’d get it, but it’s mostly just either keyboard warriors or far left weirdos.

Edited by Danny
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1 hour ago, Mel81x said:

They are just biding their time and hoping no one finds a vaccine soon. Because once all the dust settles a lot of other grudges are going to be settled and I'd be willing to bet China is #1 on a lot of country lists for "shit to sort out when COVID-19 is dealt with"

Do you ever watch the channel 'Wion' on YouTube? They are exposing China more by the day.

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4 hours ago, IgnisExcubitor said:

One of the best responses :D :congrats:


China: The effectiveness of China's epidemic prevention and control has fully underlined the people-centred philosophy of the Communist Party of China and the strong advantages of the Chinese system.


DT: In 2018, Amnesty International reported that China executed more citizens than the rest of the world combined.

Please tell us more about your “people-centred philosophy” and how many bullets it requires.


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4 minutes ago, Carnivore Chris said:

Do you ever watch the channel 'Wion' on YouTube? They are exposing China more by the day.

Watch them every now and then didn't know they were exposing China. Thanks, now I have stuff to run in the background while I work.

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3 hours ago, Danny said:

Boris is a massive cunt, his history of racism and classism is clear to see for anyone, his incompetence behind the Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe issue, his role in the windrush generation scandal and his handling of this pandemic, putting the economy over people’s lives with herd immunity...and whilst I don’t feel sorry for the position he has put himself and many people around the country in, only a proper wrongun would be wishing death on him and anyone at this point in time.

Government handling and approval rating for this pandemic handling was soaring before Boris went into isolation. The Independent's soundbite reach is limited to social media.

Approval is only falling because of the wobbling on testing.

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2 hours ago, Carnivore Chris said:

Do you ever watch the channel 'Wion' on YouTube? They are exposing China more by the day.

Channel mostly headed and run by Indians :D. Some of my commie comrades here hate it, because its anti-China and pro Indian government (to an extent). I mean, their editor in chief, Sudir Chaudhary is absolutely hated by the left here.


Tablighi Jamaat members continue to be scum - shitting in quarantine centre rooms now. 


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4 hours ago, Mel81x said:

They are just biding their time and hoping no one finds a vaccine soon. Because once all the dust settles a lot of other grudges are going to be settled and I'd be willing to bet China is #1 on a lot of country lists for "shit to sort out when COVID-19 is dealt with"

Brand China has taken a massive hit, but meanwhile they profiteering like hell right now.

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1 hour ago, Harvsky said:

Government handling and approval rating for this pandemic handling was soaring before Boris went into isolation. The Independent's soundbite reach is limited to social media.

Approval is only falling because of the wobbling on testing.

Yeah I’ve got plenty of people on Facebook loving him, it’s amazing how far a persona can take you in this country

I don’t see a rationale argument to suggest the handling of this pandemic has been anything but catastrophic, people are just viewing it as “oh well he’s just an ordinary bloke trying to do his best” but he is a. The PM (they’re eager to point this out when people moan about testing) and b. his best has been getting people killed at the expense of financial interests when successful and viable options have been underway elsewhere around the globe

Edited by Danny
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