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Just now, Khan of TF365 said:

Is there a hierarchy of smokers ?

As in, based on cigarettes they smoke? Not really, as it's more about taste preference, although there are certainly tiers of brands in terms of perceived tobacco quality (and price). 

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I only smoked off and on as a social smoker (being in a band did that) for a couple years in my late teens/early 20's.  Never really got hooked and at some point I decided it wasn't as cool as it seemed.

My father-in-law smoked for 40 years and had to quit due to COPD, etc.  He was in the hospital for a few weeks and when he came out he never picked up another cigarette.  Now he just smokes pot.  I also had a boss that quit cold turkey after smoking for 30 plus years.  If they can do it, anyone can.

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On 21/11/2021 at 18:20, nudge said:

As in, based on cigarettes they smoke? Not really, as it's more about taste preference, although there are certainly tiers of brands in terms of perceived tobacco quality (and price). 

When I used to smoke cigs it was Benson and Hedges or Embassy. If people went aboard I'd get them to bring back Dunhill via duty free. The cheaper brands just used to taste rank as fuck. 

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Social smoker a lot over the festive period and many days out including Manchester etc well into January. Had a few disposable e cigs since and they seem to scratch the itch. My friends are still baffled/annoyed how I can enjoy the occasional few socially and then not get addicted like them. 

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4 hours ago, RondónEFC said:

My birthday just passed again so that's 4 years without puffing on a cigarette for me now 👌.

Well done man that’s brilliant.

Were you full on smoking and addicted? And what did you do to stop - if anything?

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4 hours ago, RondónEFC said:

My birthday just passed again so that's 4 years without puffing on a cigarette for me now 👌.

Belated Happy Birthday buddy.

It's 5 years coming up since I quit the cancer sticks and now I can't even stand the smell of tobacco.

thumbnail_Screenshot_20220212-153729_Quit Tracker.jpg

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28 minutes ago, JoshBRFC said:

Well done man that’s brilliant.

Were you full on smoking and addicted? And what did you do to stop - if anything?

I wasn't the worst but I went from a social smoker to smoking 5-7 a day for a couple of years and I probably would have carried on increasing, I tried to downgrade back to social smoking but I kept having leftovers from nights out and smoking them anyway. Just went cold turkey instead. I actually didn't find it that hard to stop smoking, so I probably wasn't that badly addicted. It coincided with some broader lifestyle changes for me as well such as new job, moving back home and hitting the gym pretty regularly so it fit in quite well.

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20 grand @CaaC (John) Jesus that’s amazing xD. How many were you smoking?

3 minutes ago, RondónEFC said:

I wasn't the worst but I went from a social smoker to smoking 5-7 a day for a couple of years and I probably would have carried on increasing, I tried to downgrade back to social smoking but I kept having leftovers from nights out and smoking them anyway. Just went cold turkey instead. I actually didn't find it that hard to stop smoking, so I probably wasn't that badly addicted. It coincided with some broader lifestyle changes for me as well such as new job, moving back home and hitting the gym pretty regularly so it fit in quite well.

Yeah other lifestyle changes will definitely help. It’s still amazing anyway, and happy birthday mate!

I haven’t had a few proper cigarette for a few weeks now, just a few e cigs. 

As you say, waking up to having cigarettes has happened to me too - but I never smoke them. I threw some away yesterday that had been in a drawer for weeks. It’s what prompted me to post in this thread.


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What’s the environmental impact of cigarette butts?

Cigarette butts contain chemicals toxic to wildlife and create 845,000 tons of litter every year.

There are still over a billion smokers worldwide. More than 15 billion cigarettes are bought every day and this figure is actually expected to rise.

Cigarette filters are made from cellulose acetate, a kind of plastic that takes several years to degrade in the environment. Cigarettes cause 90,000 fires each year in the US alone and are a major cause of forest fires, but the impact of cigarettes on the ocean is even greater.

Discarded cigarette butts wash into storm drains and are carried into rivers and eventually the sea. Cigarette butts are the most common item of litter collected from beach cleanups. Worldwide, cigarette butts amount to 845,000 tons of litter per year.

Cigarette butts are mistaken for food by fish, seabirds and turtles and are frequently found in the stomachs of dead animals washed up on the beach. Even when the butts are simply floating free in the water, the chemicals trapped in the filter during smoking – mainly nicotine and ethylphenol – are also toxic to marine life.

At concentrations of one cigarette butt per litre of water, the toxins are lethal to small fish, and to planktonic organisms such as water fleas at one-eighth of this concentration. The five trillion butts discarded each year are enough to render all the water in China’s Three Gorges Dam completely lethal to aquatic life.

On top of this, cigarette filters may not even reduce the harm to humans from smoking. Some studies have shown that the perceived protective effect of cigarette filters encourages smokers to smoke more or be less inclined to quit. The 12,000 cellulose acetate fibres in the filter may also be inhaled directly into the lungs and trigger respiratory illnesses themselves. The tobacco manufacturers have looked at safer and less polluting filters, but none has found widespread market acceptance yet.



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Well, in about 2 days' time it will be 5 years since I had a cancer stick in my gob and I only got a reminder when it came up as a message on my calendar here on my laptop.

I just checked and from what I could see is the cheapest packet of 20 cigs today is £10.15, to think if I was still smoking today with my normal 20 a day that would be around £70 odds a week or £280 a month :dam:

All this stopping was down to a collapsed lung caused by a blister which the doc who operated on my lung said was caused by a bit of hot ash making its way down to my lung when smoking.




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On 04/06/2017 at 01:52, RandoEFC said:

Any smokers on here? Anyone a former smoker? Trying to quit? Social smoker? Cigar connoisseur?

I've been a social smoker pretty much since I turned 18 but that transitioned into becoming an actual smoker (about 5 a day) just over a year ago, not long after I moved into my own place. However, I've now made the decision to quit whilst probably still having a few fags on a night out - wish me luck!

Any pics?

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