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Posts posted by Dave

  1. 8 hours ago, 6666 said:

    They want a cuople of biggish names on NXT so they can sell tickets for house shows. They brought in Bobby Roode so Samoa Joe could go up and now they've brought in Drew McIntyre so Nakamura could go up. Wonder if anyone will bring up 3MB...

    I think Chris Hero, Eric Young, Roderick Strong and Killian Dain could step up if needed. They're getting an influx of established Ring Of Honor guys later on in the year too. The rosters going to be the most experienced it ever has at this rate.

  2. I'm quite surprised Drew McIntyre wasn't just put straight on Smackdown given his previous affiliation to the company. He'd have contributed to the roster playing his face character very well. Him rejoining WWE is a massive loss to the rest of the Wrestling World especially the fast growing British Wrestling Scene.

  3. The draw last night was interesting. I've grown up with Smackdown always getting dicked on in these drafts so it's rare to see an even draft.

    The New Day moving to Smackdown makes perfect sense. With the amount of teams on Raw now they could have found themselves easily getting left out. Moving should extend their longevity.

    Rusev should really benefit from the draft. They were running out of ideas for him on Raw. I imagine the scriptwriters on Smackdown will think of something interesting for Sami Zayn too. 

    I'm not sure what to make of Charlotte and Kevin Owens coming over. I expect them both to boss it but from a raitings and quality perspective you'd think the creative team would want to keep them on Raw. Still as somebody who enjoys watching Smackdown I shouldn't complain.

    As for the others, I wouldn't be surprised to see Sin Cara, The Shining Stars, Tamina or Jinder Mahal released in the next twelve months but at least now they will have a to impress on a smaller roster where they should get a fair amount of exposure. 

  4. I agree about the draft. Raw may be struggling now the part timers have gone but Smackdown as a product is still a very good watch. I don't see why they couldn't hold off for another two months. 


    After seeing the draft choices to Raw the only one i'm in favour of is Dean Ambrose. That was inevitable really as he's done the main event scene on Smackdown and now WWE can tease a Shield reunion. I'm very surprised AJ Styles wasn't bought over too for a Shield / Bullet Club rivalry. 

    Curt Hawkins also makes sense as it's sad to see Sami Zayn jobbing given the position he was in last year.

    As for the rest of them I think moving to Raw could kill the momentum of both The Miz and Alexxa Bliss who have really benefitted from the draft in the first place. Apollo Crews still had more to offer I reckon and Kalisto really should head off to 205 live. Mickie James could find herself getting lost on a more talented womens roster whilst Heath Slater and Rhino now look destined to be jobbers again.

    The biggest dissapointment for me though is Bray Wyatt. Finally he made it to a Championship position with a great storyline involving Randy Orton and now he's going to spend a year putting people over and people will consider this a mistake in a years time.

    What I would have liked to have seen happen would have been AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose, Eric Rowan, Mojo Rowley, Curt Hawkins, Breezedangos, Becky Lynch and Carmella as the people to go to Raw. All would have added something to brand and would have kept or sped up there momentum

  5. He will never properly turn heel now. Just like John Cena. The scriptwriters know how people feel about him and they love it. That whole promo on Monday Night Raw with the fans chanting 'fuck you Roman' and booing him for ten minutes could be the most heel reaction i've ever seen, and a simple yet boring sentence was the perfect response.

  6. On 03/04/2017 at 21:19, UNORTHODOX said:

    After watching the main event I think it became clear why Roman isnt the guy they want him to be, That tombstone botch was hilariously bad and commentators like to bill him as a powerhouse when he doesn't really have any powerhouse traits to be honest. He spams the superman punch wayyyyyy too fuckin much that it's become the most unbearable move in wrestling for me, I'm even more fed up with it than I was when Cena was beating everyone with an AA a few years ago. To be fair though there really wasn't much more he could of done in that match The Undertaker is literally crippled and can barely pull off a choke slam properly anymore so I knew this match would be bad. 

    The things I enjoyed were the first match Shane Mcmahon proving why he's an absolute legend, I know he doesn't wrestle much but every time he has a match it's pure entertainment to see how far he can go without killing himself or his opponent, he's not really technically sound in there but he has enough wrestling/Jui Jitsu knowledge to pull off a good match and obviously AJ styles made him look a million dollars like he does with everyone.

    Rollins vs HHH was a very good match even though Seth spent most of the match selling the wrong knee which makes me believe the injury was all a work to get the fans behind him and cement his baby face turn. Obviously the best moment of the night was the Hardyz returning, I was pacing around my living room like a loon when I heard their music, It's gonna be interesting to see them on Raw tonight and what they are going to do with them moving forward because I don't know how much of the broken gimmick they can use with all the legal threats from TNA, Unless Vince just says fuck them and let's them use the gimmick anyway.

    Completely agree with everything you've said there abouts Roman Reigns and AJ Styles. I wish AJ Styles wrestled Undertaker as if anybody could make him look good it would be him.

    Regarding The Hardy Boyz gimmick, there is an arguement that by winning the titles they've shown theyre 'the greatest tag team in all space and time' by holding all three major titles in less than a month. Technically ending that storyline. It would be a damn shame if we never see Senor Benjamin or Vanguard One again. I hope vince runs with it.

  7. 47 minutes ago, JOSHBRFC said:

    I have re watched the Hardyz return so many times. I love a good return and that was up up there with some of my favourite Mania moments. 

    AJ is quality and always has some of the best matches, i expect him to feud with Orton down the line for the title. 



    I'm genuinely struggling to think of the last time my jaw dropped and I was so psyched at the same time for a whole Wrestle Mania match. Absolute class moment.

  8. Spoilers - Don't read if you still intend to watch Wrestle Mania.


    Overall that was a very good showing, but unfortunately a lot of people judge a Pay Per View by the final match and for me that could have been scripted a lot better. I understand why they did it as now the legacy of Roman Reigns is cemented forever. Even if they lay off his push as the leader of the company he will never drop as Lex Luger did because he has a convincing victory over the Dead Man to his record. He's the Guy that will forever be known as the person who retired The Undertaker and is now in a position where he can be justified as the unstoppable force in WWE. The only thing that annoys me is how they've done it.

    Since he won his Slammy after being injured for a third of the year people recognised what was happening. He was going to be chosen over the other Shield members and Daniel Bryan to be the person to lead the company after John Cena. I wasn't against it as he looked the part and could hold a half decent match but when you have as many fans at live shows revolt on the multiple occassions that they did you have to alter the approach. Making him heel with Heyman as a Manager would have been perfect, but like John Cena they were content on getting him cheered and I think that still harms him. Because of that his weeknesses are highlighted more. He hasn't got Cena's charisma or likeability factor, and he's also showed himself to be absolutely terrible at selling a match. The whole main event was pretty painful to watch. They teased a whole 'new era' bollocks with AJ Styles and the NXT guys last year but when it comes to the big events, the ones that people remember, the ones where everybody around the world takes notice, the inner politics involing Roman Reigns and the part timers always seems to take centre statge.

    Unfortunately nothing will change any time soon as the script writers did a very good job in ending it so Roman Reigns wouldn't turn heel and hurt his merchandise figures (anybody who goes to a live event will know why him and Cena out sell everybody else), and the fans wouldn't be able to do a WCW revolt by the way The Undertaker left the ring.


    To focus on more positive the return of The Hardy Boyz was probably one of my favourite Wrestle Mania moments of all time. Everything from how they were announced, to the flow of the match, to the moves they performed, to the stunt Jeff Hardy did to how they got the crowd going at the end was played out magnificent. If you want to bring somebody back from the past that's how you do it.

    I was plesently surprised how much I liked the Lesnar / Goldberg match. We knew it was going to be short and lack moves but jesus it was as intense as it could have been. Then there was the Shane McMahon/AJ Styles where Shane really did surprise me. AJ Styles can work against anybody. I know he's not got that Roman Empire build but if he was in the ring against an ageing Undertaker I imagine the match would have been of a far better quality.

    As expected the womens matches and the crusierweight match didn't disappoint. I think all those matches had the right outcomes too. Infact I think every match apart from Roman Reigns and Mojo Rawlley's wins had the correct outcomes. If The Deadman was allowed to go out in to the sunset I would have said this has been one of the best Wrestle Mania's ever.


    I did have a couple more gripes. The ending to the Randy Orton / Bray Wyatt and the Kevin Owens / Chris Jericho matches could have been a lot better given how good the matches were.  I anticipated that they were rushed on time with that. John Cena and Nikki Bella's moment was cringe as hell. I would have liked to have seen Samoa Joe and Finn Balor interfere in the Triple H / Seth Rollins match instead of having a similar finish to the year before too

    Then there was the kick off show. I have no idea what Dean Ambrose / Baron Corbin was doing on the kick off show. They must have been fuming to make way for Pitbull. The Andre The Giant Battle Royal was a complete waste of time again. Anything that screams problem with decision making the most in WWE it's the attitude of 'let the former football player with celebrity friends win a big match'.


    I'd give it an 8/10 overall. Better than last year, but not as good as the year when Seth left as The Champion.

    • Upvote 3
  9. Without giving away anything... some of the matches I wasnt looking forward to turned out to be really good, one moment is possibly one of my favourite wrestlemania moments ever, and there were three matches I was disappointed with which I don't want to overshadow what was otherwise a good show.

  10. 2 hours ago, 6666 said:

    Watching WrestleMania for free with the WWE Network 1 month free trial. There's actually great content on the app.

    It's great but it's got a tendency to freeze in the middle of a big match.

  11. So tonight is the night...

    Will Brock Lesnar and Goldberg have a long match?

    Will Roman Reigns beat The Undertaker?

    Will Shane McMahon be the only one allowed to perform a big stunt again?

    Will John propose to Nikki?

    Does anybody really care about any of the above questions?

    Is this the most boring WrestleMania line up in history?

  12. Sounds like WWE have clocked on that Roman Reigns beating Undertaker is going to cause a riot that's going to ruin the Brock / Goldberg match so they're going to put the Roman match on last. 

  13. On 28/03/2017 at 5:52 PM, Cannabis said:

    Zaha's a right melt from going to the Ivory Coast. It's literally admitting that you're too shite to play for a decent nation so will cling to some family tree loop-hole in order to become an international.



    Family tree loop hole? He was born in Ivory Coast. Did Nigerian born Victor Moses do the same thing? 

    I don't blame him for picking another nationality. If I was as talented as he is and was constantly left out for underperforming drovel associated with a top club I think id look elsewhere and score a brilliant solo effort against Russia too.

  14. Gareth Southgate has said Wilfried Zaha didn't have the passion to play for England. I'm sorry but what planet is that spanner on. What's Zaha meant to think when he constantly gets ignored for players like Lingard and Townsend. Id argue that he showed more passion in creating that goal for himself against Russia the other night than any of those fuckwits did against Russia in Euro 2016 and similarly shitter opposition in Iceland and Slovenia. I can't say id use passion as a word to describe our performances since either. England have lost out on a player who can add something different to our squad because of an unhealthy FA obsession of picking players from a top six club.

  15. You lucky fucker! I saw the Taylor/Wright match. I thought Wright was going to knick a draw with the way it was finishing.

  16. The face of the WOS brand on ITV looks like it's going to be Nick Aldis. Probably the best name they could have hoped for alongside Drew Galloway given Stu Bennett is focused on acting. Interestingly WWE are plugging their United Kingdom tour with the stars from The UK Tournament more.

  17. It's inevitable it will happen at some point. The cryptic tweets were always going to happen after the year they've had. I just hope it's after they've had a decent length feud with The Young Bucks.


    Playing WWE2K17 today. My God the fucking glitches on this game are embarrassing.

  18. Reigns / Lesnar again. God that doesn't get me enthusiastic at all.

    World Of Sport is returning to ITV on Saturday evening for a ten part series. It's being produced by Impact Wrestling's Jeff Jarrett. Really hope it's successful. LU under the AAA umbrella shows it can be done. There's so much British talent at the moment it's impossible for WWE to hoover it all up. I imagine with his Impact return that Magnus will be the focus of the shows.

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