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Posts posted by Azeem

  1. Houthis are indeed an Iranian proxy but  they are a lot more 'indigenous' one can say than many other proxies. They are genuine North Yemeni folks whose cause started long before in 60s. 

    UAE Saudi have pulled out of the coalition understandably so. The passions in Muzlamic world are high, these two have been starving Yemen for years through a blockade but quickly come to solve a blockade when it's Israel being affected ? obviously is gonna give traitory vibes. Also don't want their oil fields pounded which Houthis have shown they are capable of before. But hard to see anything being done without these two really.

    Ngl I'm ok to show the world by a blockade why this can't be going on forever. Prisoners of Geography. Europe may have created Israel at the crossroads of major trade routes since eons but if they want to give it unlimited leash then also expect they will get the most fucked. Imagine if Iran also blockades Hormuz at this point.

    Last time Shah Faisal of KSA did an oil embargo over Israeli atrocities in Palestine it was choas in Europe. Kissinger tried to browbeat Faisal but he replied we lived in tents and ate dates for thousands of years, we can always go back to that how will you survive without oil ? This is 100% true people were fighting pulling guns over toilet papers let's not think of a global food shortage. 


    Came across a qoute from Mohamed Iqbal – national poet of Pakistan – in one of his letters when the situation in Palestine was developing. Accurately describes where the world is likely to headed. 

    " The formation of a Western base at the very gates of East is a menace to both "

  2. 12 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    If you’ve looked at any of the IDF footage of the combat, you will see lots of GoPro videos of IDF soldiers seeming very jumpy and very quick to pull the trigger, a lot of soldiers aren’t following the rules of engagement and are firing first and worrying about what they’ve shot after the fact. So I’m not really surprised by this.

    America: If it's in our engagement shoot. If not then maybe if anyone isn't watching

    Russia: Shoot, ask questions later

    Israel: Just shoot ! questioning is antisemitic

  3. Quite a few journalists specially from Al Jazeera have been killed. Reminder that Al Jazeera are known for their prolific embedded journalism in conflict zones around the world since their inception. During the U.S invasion of Iraq, Al Jazeera journalists covered so many atrocities it was hurting PR, Bush wanted to bomb the Al Jazeera HQs but Blair talked him out of it. 


  4. The eschatological element can't be ignored. Nethanyahu in 80s was told by the Rebbe that he would be the last PM of Israel to pass the realm to the Messiah. One faction in U.S is also unconditionally supporting Israel purely out of eschatological reasons I've mentioned above. 

    IDF soldiers are wearing patches of the Third Temple in this operation.


  5. 25 minutes ago, Redcanuck said:

    I hadn't heard that for this conflict but  historically that figure would not be unusual.   16 % of WWII deaths are thought to be due to friendly fire and it has been said that 23% of the US deaths in Desert Storm were due to friendly fire.  I have also heard that 1/3  of the  Arab civilian deaths in wars against israel are traditional due to friendly fire by Hamas or Hezbollah and their allies.

    That makes wars look even more stupid. 

  6. Future lesson for anyone who wants to pick a fight with U.S

    a) Start the war you want to fight

    b) Fight for a while. Even being average would do

    c) Pay someone to attack Israel

    d) Wait until U.S attentions are completely diverted to the favorite child

    e) You win by submission

    China should hire me for Taiwan. I would win it for them using this strategy !

  7. India should relax. This isn't age of empires when an empire weakened different areas broke away from their suzerainty. Modern nation states are far more rigid, secession movements don't succeed until global/regional powers want them to and are willing to intervene in anyway i.e Russia in Donbass. Texas Catalonia can be as much popular movements they want but won't happen unless they get outside help.

    They are only reviving the once popular but now fringe Sikh independence sentiment by these useless killings abroad and giving US own goals. US won't do anything now bcz they want India against China but certainly in future when India becomes too 'independent' they will use this for sanctions and what not. 


  8. 4 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    It's mental to see how radicalised people have become on reddit over this conflict. Pro-Israelis justifying absolutely insane genocidal rhetoric that would make the Nazis proud, pro-Palestinians that seem like they would be mortally wounded if they had to admit that what happened on October 7th was a barbaric act of terrorism.

    Social media really brought about the death of nuance in discourse in a way I never would have imagined.

    Same energy


  9. American Evangelicals are proselytizing this idea everywhere that Israel is the biblical Israel and those who honor Israel will be blessed, Jews come back Jesus come back etc Even Japanese Korean Evangelical Christians were signing bombs to be dropped on Gaza. The irony of Japanese doing that 

    This theology is called Dispensationalism and is rooted in the writings of John Nelson Darby. 


    But this theology really kicked off by a guy name C.I Scofield whose annotated Bible, Scofield Reference Bible, popularized the idea in U.S that creation of Israel and Jews coming back to build the Temple is necessary for Jesus to come back. After which he will give them (Jews) a final chance to believe in him otherwise...

    Scofield used Doctor of Divinity along with his name but no seminary in U.S has his name in his records. He was allegedly very close to a hardcore Zionist lawyer in New York who funded his career. The biography on his life discusses this in detail. 


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  10. The SC five is a 'We won WW2' club. Germany can economically surpass China and military Russia but never will be given a permanent seat. 

    The original candidate for the fifth member was Brazil but Russia China objected it being close to US and possibly be influenced by it. So they agreed to have a fifth member which mostly will be silent and gets along with really no one so they picked France.

    That's why you occasionally see France taking a different stance to US. Not joining Iraq war, recently clashing with them over submarines to Australia etc

    The question is, is it genuine or an act given to them ?

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