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Azeem last won the day on August 14

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  1. Tag your jobless friends you feel suspicious about @Stan @MUFC
  2. Same I have never drank fruit flavor lassi. We drink only the original stuff. P.S the girl mentioning Pakistani drink has caused the usual cuisine wars with some saying it's an Indian drink. As the tweet mentions there is a Turkish equivalent of it which is actually the origin of the drink, when Turkic conquerers came to the region they brought it, from there Punjab region adopted it made it even better and exported it to rest of subcontinent. So it's a Turkic-Punjabi drink if you really want to go in the nitty tities. And own those Turkic conquerers as well if you want to own their drink.
  3. Pros and Cons of every season and my final rating Spring Pros: balanced weather not too cold or hot, can wear some extra layers without being overdressed or uncomfortable, my birthday, almost all cultures around the world have some activities to mark the beginning of spring which are fun, here it is the kite flying festival Basant which is a sweet memory from childhood although I sucked at it Cons: the transition from cold to warm weather usually causes me cold, runny nose mostly because of my own doing. It feels hot without fan and chilly with it during night. Rating 8.5/10 Winter Pros: the heat here is long and extreme so it's natural to like short-lived winters, can wear extra layers, we don't have snow at our homes so we used to travel to hilly areas to witness it in winters which is a good holiday memory, more indoor times watching movies etc for reclusives like me, winters are orange season here which is my top 5 fruit Cons: less outdoor activities which causes laziness, I didn't like waking up for school early in the morning in cold, if geyser isn't working taking showers becomes difficult Rating 7.2/10 Summer Pros: more outdoor activities, longer days, summer vacations, more sporting events to follow world cups etc, mangoe season here which is my top 1-3 fruit, drinking more liquids your shakes, lassis and lemonades, moonsoon Cons: too long and extreme here, electricity bills, can't wear extra layers, have to delay things after peak hours, insects and reptiles become more audacious, clothes become smelly easily Rating 6.5/10 Can't really rate Autumn because it's an ephemeral period unless you notice trees it feels like winters here. Although one good memory I have with it is begging of new university term and moving back to hostel like Harry Potter.
  4. Spring > Winter > Summer > Autumn
  5. https://www.bbc.com/sport/athletics/articles/cewlqxkn5x8o British athlete who finished 11th in the women's 1500m final at London 2012 has now risen to 5th after six of the first nine finishers in the race have been found guilty of doping over the years, the latest being the silver medalist (which she has been stripped of) who originally finished 4th but two infront of her were banned earlier for doping as well. The race
  6. Even worse now even the standard physical bar to be a soldier are being lowered bcz most of them are too fat otherwise
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