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Everything posted by Azeem

  1. This Haitian stuff is even worse than post 9/11 hysteria imo. The latter started off after probably one of the biggest event of this century so far but this is being perpetuated out of straight lies over nothing
  2. Yeah Azerbaijan is so random in geopolitics. Although the country is secular and not that religious it is still Shia Muslim majority but has bad relations with only other Shia majority country around it, Iran. They are very close to Israel but also in the Turkish camp who all despise Israel lol
  3. The question is asked on Quora as well and rule of internet is if it's asked on Quora it is notable enough lol https://www.quora.com/Do-you-believe-that-Catholic-Charities-and-other-organizations-involved-in-assisting-migrants-enter-the-U-S-illegally
  4. In 1940s Mass Communication was a nascent field and prevalent paradigm was that of powerful effects of media, that media has direct powerful effects on shaping perceptions. This was supported by an event in 1938 when a Radio Station aired an episode of an alien invasion on Halloween in New Jersey and many people actually believed it causing a nation wide panic https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_of_the_Worlds_(1938_radio_drama) But a study was conducted for the 1948 (I think) Presidential elections by Paul Lazarsfeld to guage people's voting preferences based on media exposure. It found that there were four categories of voters. Early deciders, who made up their mind and voted accordingly regardless how media presented stuff. Waivers, people who thought of changing vote after watching media but eventually voted for their intial choice. Converts, as implied who changed vote after media exposure and crystalizers, people who just made up their mind on the voting day who to vote for based on media exposure. Study found Early deciders and Waivers formed the majority and concluded media doesn't have powerful effects but rather limited effects on shaping perceptions. The study also gave the idea of two-step flow of communication. It found that people were more influenced by how people around them interpreted media content rather than direct effect of media i.e Famous YouTuber doing his reaction of Trump Kamla debate might influence you more than watching debate yourself or even your dad or uncle giving his analysis might influence you more This study was monumental as it brought a new paradigm in the world of communication studies and gave impetus to further studies that shape our discussions till today.
  5. Speaking of Latino-Americans being more religious I came across this talking point that Catholic Charity institutions help illegal immigration from Latin America bcz they want to maintain good number of Catholics in the country. How true is that ?
  6. Azeem


    Has any dog ever made anything extinct ? Dogs > Bird murderers
  7. Azeem

    Off Topic

    Is the quotes thread also archived ? Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied. – Otto von Bismarck
  8. Yes, steeming from Africa happened at millions and there were no continents back then.
  9. There were no continents back then it was all Pangaea
  10. Europe is the continent with most number of people of its heritage living outside the continent.
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