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Everything posted by Eco

  1. Currently Reading Revan And Stacey Abram's first book - Lead from the Outside Need to finish these up ASAP, as tomorrow the new Obama book comes out, and at over 700 pages, I am going to dedicate all my time to reading it. Pre-ordered it so it'll be delivered to my door tomorrow AM.
  2. Yea, it's all the talk in the Chess world, plus it was on the cover of the latest edition of Chess Life. I was holding off because the wife said she wanted to watch it with me, but then it turns out she didn't, so I'll probably start it today.
  3. I'd love to watch the Bahrain race. I'll search for it and keep up.
  4. Waking up and seeing Georgia Blue for the first time in my life? Fucking buzzing....
  5. I'm not 100% positive, but i think they can investigate, but can't actually remove a senator.
  6. I'm not sure, but it has never made a lick of since to me. If we went to popular vote though, Trump would have never been elected...
  7. This made me immediately think of this. Go to 1:18.
  8. This again? We get it, you hate America. Broken record you have become in these discussions. Few things here: The majority of the American public don't really trust politicians, because they all lie. As for the sex offender and racist aspect, I can't say anything to discredit this, other than just remind you that there is a lot of people that align with the Republican party that are able to ignore the man, and still vote for the party that most aligns with their views. Obamacare scared the shit out of a lot of people, and Trump got on top of that and spread lies about it that just excited his fanbase. Trump runs on the platform that he isn't a 'normal' politician and that he is a businessman, and since we have a society of people that read headlines and not do their own research into facts, they honestly believe that Trump is just a great businessman. Also, and I have stated this a couple of times, the economy under Trump before Covid, was booming. our stocks were soaring, businesses were making a lot of money, and the majority of the country were happy because they were thriving on the personal front. Now Covid comes, and Republicans will say that it's not Trump's fault, and the rest of demographic will just take this as another reason Trump needs to be out of office. We have record turnouts in this election and I believe that is 100% due to Trump (good or bad), and I'm certainly looking forward to the day Trump and his Far-Right, gun carrying members, begin to riot and realize how those views do not fit with this country. Both the Dems and Rebs need to take a hard look in the mirror, and please the Liberatians needs to gain some ground so that they can at least bring a 3rd view into all this. I think American politics are different from other countries, as we have a two party system which their hard stances on key topics, and there are a lot of people that will vote for their party, despite who is leading it. My Mom is a far-right, while my sister is far-left. Mom thinks Trump is a scum bag, but his actions towards the economy and standing up for America against the WHO and Paris Agreement is enough to get her and a lot of people's vote. My sister meanwhile, told me that she'd be willing to give Obama a lifetime appointment to president over living in this country for 4 more years under Trump. Both extreme. The problem with being 'in the middle' is that it doesn't rally and excite people. Simple. If your Trump, then you yell about Gun Rights, Anti-Immigration, and about anti-socialism and you will get a lot of people excited. If you Biden, then yell about Women's Right, Healthcare for all, and gun laws and you will get a lot of people excited.
  9. I'm not from Alabama I remember when that happened, and it was one of the very worst interviews I have ever seen. This was back in 2017
  10. Did he? I haven't seen or heard it. He's completely falling apart at this point. Basically claimed victory last night, angering a lot of Republicans. Wanting to stop vote counting, and now suing potentially Wisconsin and Michigan for voting issues and demanding a recount. Unreal the kind of petulant child he is. I try to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it's way past due that he fades from the spot light.
  11. Imagine a bunch of old white dudes fighting a bill in the senate, and this is the deciding vote.
  12. The VP becomes the deciding vote in all ties. It was to be expected. COVID and masks became a political discussion, and Biden supporters were told to mail in votes, to which they did.
  13. I was wrong, Politico (usually my go-to), hasn't called Nevada, but has called Wisconsin.
  14. Politico also has called AZ and Nev to Biden. CNN has been the last to call states for a candidate, which I feel like is the best way to go about it and makes the most sense.
  15. You are right. The goal is 270 electoral votes, once someone is there, the rest of the votes don't really matter.
  16. I agree. My wife doesn't like politics at all, whereas I love it, so when we did ours, we talked about the each thing and then made our vote separately. I do think she matched my ballot 100%, but the mail-in ballot is certainly easier for those who don't keep up with ongoing politics or due their research to see what's going to be on the ballot
  17. Yes, their should always be a blank space for write ins. Kayne West got a handful of votes in Iowa I believe, all of which were write ins, and there is no VP candidate the votes don't choose the VP, the President does. If Kayne West had won, he could pick his wife as VP
  18. Mine got it, as you can check online. So Trump and his appointed Post Master General defund the USPS, and now they are upset that they don't have enough staff to handle in influx of mail in ballots.
  19. @Stan - As to your question regarding not voting for a particular person, looks at these results from the state of Nevada.
  20. Just got back from a job, and happy to see numerous outlets are calling Wisconsin is Biden's. With AZ and hopefully Nevada and Michigan, this is certainly looking like a Biden win.
  21. Sure. You can write in a candidate or just not vote for a candidate.
  22. Obama much more than Clinton, but his Obama-Care scared the shit out of a lot of Americans as being a socialist stance. Sanders/AOC are certainly more left, but Obama is seen as being very liberal, so going from that, to Trump, is just another polar opposite shift in the system. But how do you collect those taxes? Do you tax major corporations? Do you do a flat tax where everyone pays the same percentage? Do you tax the wealthy more because they can 'afford' it? Even something as simple as 'paying your taxes', can be a lot and drown out discussions with 10 different points of view.
  23. Yeah, didn't think it would go Blue. I was thinking that if it did, it could be simply the fact that Trump is viewed as handling Covid so poorly, and Florida has the largest amount of elderly people who are the most likely to die from Covid. Turns out, it didn't matter and it remains Red.
  24. Yeah, I think what killed Biden in Florida (which he really didn't have much of a chance with anyways), is that Trump really spent a lot of time and energy telling Cuban-Americans in Miami that Biden was a socialist, and that appears to have worked.
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