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Everything posted by Cure

  1. Cure

    Off Topic

    Well fuck me I actually got some time... Life's pretty fucking busy right now... but it's been worth it so far. Hope you guys are doing alright. That's... that's all I can think of right now. Uni's (quite literally) fucked my brain.
  2. Sorry guys I kind of forgot about you all, hope you’re all well!

    1. football forums


      Welcome to the forum. Good to have a new face around.

  3. Cure

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    It's official: I'm now a proper student. My uni place was confirmed this morning. I didn't get the grades I was hoping for but it all begins today.
  4. Cure

    Off Topic

    Stolen of course.
  5. Cure

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    You can be my chauffeur. I'll tip you in Croatian kuna. Well done. Don't kill anyone.
  6. Cure

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    From my mafia users out there and to break out of that... It has come to my attention that Cannabis's character surname, Esposa-Quente, returns a lot of porn videos if you put it into a search engine. I thank the person who pointed that out to me. Whilst it is very tongue-in-cheek, ironically perhaps in a literal manner if you'll pardon the dirty pun, I didn't exact a long list of options.
  7. Cure

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    If I become a figure of significance I wonder if they'll replace me with a woman... You know it just really irritates me. There are so many people in this world who think they're God's gift or that they're always right, too many in fact.
  8. Cure

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    Scrolling through Twitter it's increasingly clear that there are now calls for a female Sherlock Holmes and a female Bond. Some women have said they won't stop ranting about it until it happens.
  9. Cure

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    I agree. I recently re-watched from Ecclestone and all the way through Tennant. As soon as I moved onto Matt Smith I noticed an immediate decline in the quality of the stories and characters alike. Capaldi... He's been in the show for three series and aside from the occasional good spell he hasn't developed at all and to top it off Chris Chinballs as I call him has gone totally against the groove and cast a woman for, as you so perfectly put it, 'PC snowflakes'. I appreciate that the show is based around change but what it's been turned into is an anything-can-happen cliché where literally anything to please the loud-mouths/arselickers/overly-opinionated/condescending-to-those-who-disagree-with-them. I know I've said it before but this has genuinely pissed me off. Worst nightmare would be if everyone suddenly starts watching Who again. I can't even bring myself to watch anything right now. Game of Thrones tomorrow? Not a chance. I've lost interest in everything on the tele right now. Looks like music is my only true retreat from now on.
  10. Cure

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    It's complete bollocks. I can't explain my anger right now. I never thought I'd do this but I'm going to stop watching. Although on the forums people are calling those who are sceptical or dismissive of this female Doctor 'bigots', sexists, mysoginists and whatever other choice words you can think of... it's fan service for that sort of person. Doctor Who had a long hiatus at the end of the eighties because it had slipped down the pan despite improving slightly towards the end. I reckon this could kill it again. To add salt into the wounds the last girl I was interested in was called Jodie and now with all of this I can't get away. I tried to forget but now it's all coming back. Cue the violins, I know, but it really is a kick in my balls. To top it off some random dickhead has just referred to me as a 'r*pist woman-slinger'. Disgusting how this sort of thing riffles the thick people.
  11. Cure

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    My God... it's happened. Doctor Who played a huge role in my growing up and I hold it dear. The Doctor was always relatable to me, a confused and lonely boy pushed away and cast out by normal society. Anyone who follows the show will be aware that the showrunner has been introducing new mechanics to the show's structure to please its fans - when I say fans I speak of people who will only accept change. The new Doctor was revealed nearly half an hour ago and it's a female. I'm devasted. Absolutely devastated.
  12. Cure

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    That's amazing. The day's only just begun and I've already laughed at three things.
  13. Cure

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    The tambourine and the triangle. If I ever need one of you I'll pay you well for your skills.
  14. Cure

    Off Topic

    GCSE Drama all over again. Music was the same which is why I didn't take it.
  15. He just wanted to see how much more money he could get out of pleading. As was the case with Wayne Rooney his wages priced him out of a move to another club where if they were lower more clubs would have pursued him.
  16. I like Rocky Horror a lot. Collectively I think it's great give or take the camp. I'd give it an 8/10. The re-make was horrible.
  17. I like Rocky Horror a lot. Collectively I think it's great give or take the camp. I'd give it an 8/10. The re-make was horrible.
  18. Everton have been looking very shrewd so far this window. A plethora of young home-grown players are coming through the ranks, strong offerings in the likes of Idrissa Gueye and Kevin Mirallas already provide a strong backbone for the team. The way they're going the only way is up for them. I could see Everton in the Champions League in a few seasons time if they keep this up.
  19. Cure

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    This morning I finished my final exam. Fucking hard work and I'm not too sure how I've done. I literally have a couple of months with very little I have to do so I'm back here. Going to work on some other things but I'm feeling relieved and relaxed for the first time in my life. Welcome to Hell.
  20. Cure

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    Not to distract from the food but I'll be away for a few weeks what with important exams coming up, my eighteenth in less than a week and a genuine lack of time. I'm sure you'll all be fine without me but take care of yourselves.
  21. Cure

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    You're the best-looking Martin I've ever seen. You're the only Martin I know.
  22. Cure

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    You're the best piece of Argentine meat I've ever seen.
  23. Cure

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    My favourite would probably be chicken. Basic but succulent and tasty, especially good when marinated or accompanied with a condiment. I avoid pork and unless starving wouldn't take it.
  24. Cure

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    I don't have a clue but I've seen it done. A few weeks back some guy in a restaurant ordered a rib-eye and the plate had nothing on it by the time he'd finished, therefore he must have eaten the bone. I've also seen someone refuse to waste it and struggle their way through with a carving knife.
  25. Cure

    Off Topic

    Each to their own. Better than shredding your way through a tough slab of cow. Hope you don't eat the bone dependent on what steak you go with. Some people do and it's disgusting to watch.
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