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Posts posted by SchalkeUK

  1. Yes! The young Irishman has been watched for some time now and with our present problems in goal he will have a good chance to progress even from the U-19 side at first, but it might not be too long before his ability gets him higher!  Sad for all the local girls who are 04 fans - the rumour was that we were signing a refugee from Love Island - turned out to be another Dan!:dam:

    I also find it difficult to u here have not had the usual go at 04 for the disaster in the Tonnies factory - not the 04 factory which he pre3sides over with total disgraceful behaviour - can't understand why he did not object to the latest support running through the PL and the BL for the BLM movement - but hopefully this might force him out once and for all and we can get back to decent, honest behaviour which will stop folk like DDW making those sort of comments which a few years ago would have got him thrown out of here!  Not sure if I should continue at the moment!  We lost a lot of young TFF supporters when the language got out of hand then and it seems to be getting that way now - sure there will be calls for me to shut the X up but that will only make the point more relevant.  Not sure if I am now in the minority in this or are we losing the respect which we always tried to engender here?

  2. Finally the bunch of incompetents have exceeded their idiocy in trying to sort out what to do about the virus.  Having dithered and dallied about the PPE for the most vulnerabl;e they left the face mask argument open to all to decide for themselves outside hospitals and - eventually - care homes.  the fact that most advice i9s for proper masks and that the cotton crazy ones let through every minute little virus that is coughed out is of no use normally anyway, but now we have over a week to spread everything on Public Transport without having to use masks and then they will be useful as by mid June we will be   ....  you tell me why!  Oh and today from the 15th June we will have to wear them in hospitals as there is no need to do so for the next few days.  Not sure which idiots  thought this policy up!  If it will be necessary from June 15 why wasn't it necessary at the outbreak and during the worst part of the infection spreading all over!

    Next week if you wish to bathe in the sea please remove all your clothes because the cotton fabric might have virus on it and it could make the water infectious.  Can't wait for the July advice:rofl:

    Have a nice day

  3. Just to try and tie this one up a bit for the moment I was never a great fan of Thatcher, but just consider what she would have made of Cummings, Gove and Johnson and what she would have called the resultant soup! perhaps Crème De La Faussete

  4. Probably has something to do with the way the scum Press reacts to males and they seem scared to give the same to females - thus making it easier for them to concentrate on real problems rather than trying to watch their and their colleagues backs.  I have never been politically branded, but Angela has always seemed to be ahead of most of the present idiots and the Scottish Press TV each day is a much easier watch than Boris and gang trying to avoid all question with answers to something else not even mentioned.  As for Gove.......:censored:

  5. David Wagner said:

    David Wagner:

    It was a poor performance and we conceded goals at bad moments – both before and just after the break. We weren’t brave enough today. We gave Dortmund too much freedom and space. Their goals could easily have been avoided. We didn’t have a feeling of where we were at today. Our defending wasn’t good enough and we deserved to lose the game.  We need to dust ourselves down and improve for next time. The team – despite the result – has a lot of potential. I don’t want to start questioning that because of one day.

    Problem is David, this is not new - it has been the way things have been going all 2020 and difficult decisions need to be taken.  Tedesco ruined any chances you had of having a great season - during his time he lost Kehrer, Howedes, Kolasinac, Naldo and Uchida through inability to talk to players - so the defence was stuffed.  In midfield Goretzka, Geiss and Meyer left - millions of Euros wasted as they went for nothing!  His attempts to replace Huntelaar and others up front were pathetic and kids were not given any decent runs to get used to first team football.  It was a brave decision to take the job, but it needs the nastiness of Magrat and the understanding of Stevens to combine and take full charge and realise who is letting you down on the field. Be the boss - as I said, be brave.  The 04 gang will support you as we all know the season is either going to end in disaster or a courageous effort to get thing ready for 2021.  More than ever now there needs to be total support from upstairs and if you are not careful they will let you down and then - as usual - blame you and hide in the Office as you leave!  We have seen too many good coaches leave as a result of their ineptitude and lack of support - talk with Gerald and  good luck fella!


  6. Like most I miss Thea - after we met up with the rest of the gang in Duisburg she introduced us to Danny and they are now a married couple.  Tommy has had more contact with her - I still have her mobile and e-mail and address in Essen but all seem to be no more.... luvly lady and the best 04 singing voice (never in tune) I ever heard.  We went to the friendly in Aachen and as she was the only one singing it resonated all round the stadium - even Benny told me afterwards he heard her from the pitch!!  The DJ from Vancouver who came over and was with us for a day in Dusseldorf is still around and was due to have dinner with us last time we were in Canada but he was called in to work and missed out!  Jesse from Holland also seems to have got lost but happily Relling is still around.  There was also another friend of Tommy's from Poland on our group pic which is still on my wall here - he seems to have got lost too!  I think we all joined around mid to late 2007 - 13 rotten years ago - but great still to be in genuine friendly touch with some.  When this little problem is over and I can fly back to the Veltins then I will do my damnedest to get to see at least Tommy again and try and repeat that great day by the lake with the two young pro's from Duisburg who joined in the kick-about.  Great memories due to TFF365 and never should be forgotten.  Interesting to watch a young student from Leicester grow into a great guy on here - like most of my students I am still surprised how many still keep in touch.  My Ramadan message to the Gelsenkirchen kids at this time is a normal reminder and even Mesut managed to acknowledge to this year.  Next Saturday I will return to my first home where 75 years ago on that day we sat in the street and had a memorable party at the end of the war and never realised what great friends would be waiting for us in the Ruhr!  Billy Joel always gets to me with that line from 'Leningrad' and at this time perhaps we should remember it again - "What do we keep on fighting for?"  Still keeping very busy at the moment and will have time for more later - perhaps!

  7. Lots of nice plus thoughts about the place - My greatest achievement - signing Wally Lewis in the 80's to play for us in the UK.  Time with young James Mason when he was getting settled in 'Neighbours' before moving over here . Sitting with a young cricketer in Chennai as he was beginning to get the rest of the world looking at him and now seeing him captain the Green Hat brigade.  Back to Melbourne with young Chris and old Bill as they filmed the Pirate Movie.  First time in Melbourne in 1959 when I visited the Aussie DSB re work!

    The wife and I will try and get there next year before we get too old to travel that distance, but would love to add NZ to the trip and do the whole antipodes!

    • Upvote 1
  8. On ‎17‎/‎04‎/‎2020 at 21:35, LFCMike said:

    I was 30 yesterday. Had a few drinks in the garden, weather was lovely, then we had an Indian for tea. Dead chilled

    Today however I ended up fucking bladdered in the garden. My missus putting me to bed, just woke up now, she's not happyxD

    Was that because your had too much to drink or the fact that when she got up there was a strange Indian guy in the front room?

  9. There are many missteps the government have taken on a political level, don't get me wrong, but it's a pretty regular thing apparently that prime ministers don't attend every single COBRA meeting. Former ministers from both parties have admitted this today.

    That is a section from a good post from Rando - unfortunately he must have missed the interview with Blair this morning - he refused to say if he missed any - simply saying that he couldn't remember.  There's a lot more that he has under that category to bother about!!

  10. Just been watching an interview with Billy Liar (aka Gove) who, when asked about the possibility of the tracking app to keep tabs on those who might have had contact with those with or suspected of having the virus confirmed that you would be allowed out if you could demonstrate that you had the all downloaded on to your phone. Looks as if I will be locked down forever.  I don't have, don't need, never want a mobile phone so that's me stuffed then!  Next week he will be insisting we all sign up to facebook, then Gawd help us!

    • Upvote 1
  11. Yesterday was not a brilliant day here for weather, but today the sun is out again and the temperature is back up.  This lockdown seems easier to me when the day is brighter and there are things to look at outside - and the warmth is OK for a walk round the block.  If this continues for another few weeks am I alone in thinking it will be easier if the sun keeps shining and we are not under grey skies physically and mentally?

  12. 28 minutes ago, Carnivore Chris said:

    There was even someone on here claiming how stress and depression don't exist a few pages back. 



    Not quite - I was saying that the meaning of the words was being abused and did not exist in the way people were using them as an excuse - a depression is a weather phenomenon!:dam:

    • Haha 1
  13. I Remember the number being quoted (35%) when Idi Amin was accused of creating Aids!  What tends to suggest that this theory has no grounds to be contemplated is the idea that those who created it were so superior to the rest of the scientific world that it is taking the others so long to undo it!

  14. Every Era throws up a talented guy like DG and some get lost for different reasons.  A young guy I met in the 50's was such a man.  His guitar playing was brilliant and he occasionally sat in on sessions on the drums, but more often than not was always willing to play guitar on others recordings - folk like Al Casey, Skeets McDonald and Buddy Lowe to name just three.  He had success in his own right until he managed to travel in the wrong Taxi in Wiltshire whilst on tour in the UK and at only 21 with all that behind him and lots more to come - we lost him.  Not many modern-day music lovers remember him but, like DG, his music will live on for a long time. He died 60 years ago this week - a good time to pause and remember Eddie Cochran

    April 17th, 1960 Eddie Cochran died aged 21 - Zoomer Radio AM740

  15. Just been watching the UK Marr Show with an interview from one of the main Government Ministers who - as usual - has not answered any questions other than to repeat 'we have a plan' 'I have a plan' but no idea which or what plan - it was a perfect example of why Marr has never interviewed Baldrick from Black Adder - his plans were always similar and probably these plans will have the same result - being amended to another plan when we have to try and explain them.  Dear, Oh Dear, we will just have to wait for someone to explain these plans - meanwhile NHS staff are still dying waiting for the plan the work!  Another day/week/month at home before the plan is revealed!

  16. Here's a little bit of possibly interesting news for those who are not aware of it.  I was annoyed today when after watching 30 minutes of the game from Belarus with perfectly good pictures my Internet froze and the game restarted with a goal having been scored.  I have since realised that whilst I was making a sandwich I used the microwave to heat a cup of coffee.  I now find that my microwave oven is stopping my WiFi working properly when it is switched on and not only that, the Internet cuts out when the folk above and below me do the same - I have been blaming my supplier all this time and the fault is with us!

    Anyone else experiencing such problems - not life-threatening, but now I know what it is I will save the Unit and use it only during the adverts!!!

  17. 4 minutes ago, Panflute said:

    God, the worst thing (well, after the death, disease and damage to people's livelihoods) must be the myriad of celebrities trying to cash in on a vague sense of brotherhood, recording horrible, soppy songs and other crap to 'help keep people motivated'.

    I guess it's a fair trade-off, though, as at least Eurovision was cancelled.

    Aw, come on - Eurovision was never meant to motivate anyone other than those taking part and Terry Wogan and he died before it did!

  18. I wonder if any of our scientists have considered the situation at present with the mindset of those in charge of us when we were kids.  Just before the war in 1939, I was deliberately exposed - with my brother - to measles, yellow jaundice, chicken pox and mumps.  Most of my friends I discovered later had the same treatment - we often were made to sleep together to make sure we caught it!  Since then my system has been totally immune to those four and I have been able to help with kids who had those illnesses when parents were likely to catch it.  Would that work with C19 with the younger members of society (I know we have had two 13yo deaths but some kids died in 1940) or is that taking the 'herd immunity' too far?  Serious thoughts please rather than just 'crap' response!

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