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Fairy In Boots

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Posts posted by Fairy In Boots

  1. Harvz at this point I don't know why you're engaging the whinny mob on a this topic.  The sky has been falling in any day now for a year, and Britain will collapse etc etc. I remember most leavers saying that we expected a bit of an recession post vote if it went our way, it's actually been less painless than that despite political turmoil. 

  2. 23 hours ago, Inverted said:

    They do say that changing the topic entirely when clearly refuted is a sign of intelligence. 

    Eh? how have I changed the topic, you said  Jez wasn't a Marxist I posted a vid of his most important cabinet member and deputy describing himself as a Marxist and i'm changing the topic? it's highly relevant to the discussion. 

  3. 8 hours ago, Inverted said:

    Very funny, Id suggest someone do a similar joke against the right, but it's already hard enough to get them to pick up a book. 

    And calling for one instance of property appropriation in an emergency isn't Marxist. Jezza supports regulated capitalism. He believes you can have a fair society if you force bosses to pay their workers more and treat them well. Marx thought the workers needed to violently overthrow their boss and seize collective control of the workplace. 

    A few nationalisations and some labour regulations is just capitalism-lite. 

    In fairness he professes not to be a Marxist as does MacDonald the more violent of the pair.

    Also most Tory voters tend to be of a higher intelligence than Labour voters on average, I don't get the digs about intelligence from the left. It's very much throwing a stone from a glass house. 

  4. On 27/06/2017 at 7:22 PM, True Bender said:

    While it's true that you are importing more than you export, it's not like you're exporting nothing and those exports mean jobs UK citizens. Besides that: The English soil can only nurture ~15mio people afaik.

    Even if the major banks move to Paris or Frankfurt?

    That's the spirit!

    NY & Tokyo aren't in the EU and have large banking sectors, you don't just build these things overnight. Finance is a skill, Frankfurt & Paris are a decade behind London it's not going to switch overnight. 

    We'll still buy food from abroad, I can't wait for some Kiwi Lamb or Aussie Steaks. 

    No spirit in it, just a realistic perception of what is happening. Merkel is cancer for Europe. 


    9 hours ago, Inverted said:

    The right often complains about the ease with which words like "racist" or"fascist" are thrown around these days. But, when it comes to their approach to the left they're happy to throw around words like Marxist or communist. 

    And the funny thing is, that Marx and Engels were pretty rare amongst thinkers in that they offered a one sentence summary of what they stood for:

    "In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property."

    Corbyn supports private property being confiscated by the state. 

    Fixed for you. 

    12 hours ago, Inverted said:


    Farage should probably know better than to throw terms like "Marxist" around in an age when people can easily google basic information for themselves, and see through his bullshit. 

    Corbyn is far from a Marxist, and in any case "Marxist" doesn't have the same Cold War ring to it anymore. 

    may I suggest a book for you. 


  5. 3 hours ago, True Bender said:

    What about market size? What about the risk to lose a substantial part of the financial sector?

    Europe isn't a great market for us anyway, coupled with 30 years of shite leadership our trade with Europe has been going in one direction. The financial sector is good for about a decade while Europe skills up and that should be around about the time it crashes again anyway. The UK is fucked long term anyway, we're just going to stand by and watched Europe get fucked first. 

  6. I'd say that bloke has some existing problems, that's not natural rage it's a full on hissy fit. 

    8 hours ago, The Artful Dodger said:

    It's gone as hilariously badly as it could have done so far, the UK is in its worst political crisis since the war because of Brexit. You've only got to look at the pro-Brexit people on here to see how badly this country is in the mire.

    We've now got a government based on pure bribery. This isn't even funny, schadenfreude about the Tory incompetence anymore, and I'm not suggesting Labour are going to answer everything, but it's worrying how poorly this country is being governed at the moment.

    It's in crisis because she called a needless election and weakened her position through a shite campaign.

    Brexit is still the best thing for us long term, as a pro leave voter I've stopped commenting as much because a lot of it is baseless rhetoric especially from the remain leaning media. The EU hasn't  solved its financial worries, why everyone thinks they're negotiating from a position of significant strength is beyond me. There's also the fact that the German elections need to take place so the real power behind the EU can start negotiations, at the minute we're basically chewing the fat with some ultimately insignificant Belgians. 

  7. To be honest TB I won't bother addressing all the things wrong with that post.

    I'll be genuinely sad for the German people when this horrid little cabal you're building comes crashing down around you and burdens the German tax payer for generations to come. It will be a dark time financial meltdown coupled with suicidal immigration policies that will ensure a hard painful violent time for Europe and the greater continent as a whole. I'll be genuinely sad about what will be lost then but then I'll think back to you and smile. Can't beat a bit of German arrogance it does them in the end. 

  8. Finished The Dark Tower Vol: 3 the waste lands by Stephen King. I think it's really good but a slightly lesser book than book 2. 

    Now 3/4 through Bernard Cornwall's The Flame Bearer which is ok but you can tell he's just churning these out now. The last two or three could have been 1 book. 

  9. 8 hours ago, True Bender said:

    >posted from my monarchy 


    She's gone, point scoring at this point is lame. Plus it's a constitutional monarchy 

    4 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    You say nobody is going to let him... and that's what people said about him being president. He's also got conflicts with the Constitution oath he took, but nobody is doing anything to stop him.

    Saying world leaders don't have the power to exercise the power granted to them is just inaccurate. Look at Trump and the Paris Climate Agreement. That's the entire world impacted by his decision because 1.) He could make that decision; 2.) America is the biggest polluting nation.

    Having Boris Johnson as PM would be a disaster for this country. Especially if he was in any way involved with the Brexit negotiations. We're going into negotiation with no leverage, we don't need a moron the EU hates for lying to get people to vote for something they didn't understand.

    I don't have any faith in Maybot. Yet that's more faith I'd have in Boris the clown. I hope the Conservative and Union Negotiating Team (anyone got a good acronym??????) can prove to not be a fucking disaster for Britain.

    Tell you what though, I'm not hopeful about that at all.

    I think Boris would be better than May, he's eccentric but proved he wasn't feckless with London. 

    Boris or The labour front bench dealing with Brexit? Its BoJo everyday 

  10. 15 hours ago, LFCMike said:

    He's a dangerous cunt, Johnson. I can't get my head around the mindset of people wanting to see him as PM 'for a laugh'.

    Yet you championed a Marxist & his gang of hard left loons just a few weeks back 😂

    15 hours ago, SirBalon said:

    There's absolutely no such thing as a dangerous political leader in an advanced western country.  Even Trump is all blah blah blah with a self obsessed rhetoric and no foundation to anything...  The guy's a comedy show in itself and has worked wonders for politics and highlighting it.

    How is Boris a danger to anything?  How's he a more of a danger than anyone else!

    People don't rule...  Those with the quorn rule!  Don't make any mistake about it.  Everyone else thinking they have some sort of understanding on what's better in the spectrum we're offered today is just a fool and ignore them.

    There's nothing better in this world than being entertained because if you think for a single second there's something out there in politics that will really change your life unless they're forced to do so due to unforeseen occurrences, then you're more the fool mate!

    The first sentence is silly, I know you go on to explain it but power is still capable of dangerous results no matter how a system is constructed to guard against it. 

    • Upvote 1
  11. It's the culture of the city I'm afraid, pretty much every decent academy product of Birmingham football clubs only do well once they get out of Brum. Frankie Gavin all the talent in the world just parties too much, Macklin was the same I could pretty much name any boxer in the last 20 years. Dan Evans again talented but also it's a big city with next to no media attention, Coke is everywhere women are quick to jump on a meal ticket.  Moeen Ali was a write off till 24 ish because he was off out partying, Woakes was another now he's settled down into a stable relationship he's kicked on. Some of the kids here are frighteningly talented but by 18 most are too busy out and about pissing talent down the drain. My mate was a talented swimmer competing in nationals aged 11-12 come 15 weed n Coke not been in a pool unless pissed on holiday in 15-16 years. It's still very much the culture here to get mortal when you can. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Spike said:

    Well it is culturally relative isn't it? A Sudanese man probably won't find 'nigger' very offensive because it isn't culturally relebant to him. Just kinda like you wouldn't find 'gweilo' that offensive if a Cantonese person said it.

    Likening to animals though, do you see New Zealander's getting offended by Kiwi or Saffers with Springbok? I think it's being overly sensitive I don't see that as racist in the slightest. 

    2 hours ago, LaSambadeStGermain said:

    I'm sorry to break this to you, but we don't speak English.

    I'm very aware of Peru's diversity and various languages, I actually have just watched a documentary this evening about a town that have a mass brawl once a year in Peru. 

  13. On 29/05/2017 at 7:05 PM, HK85 said:

    No doubt it's a good problem, he's making a fucking fortune from it and most shows sell well because he's a good promoter of average cards. 

    That last Birmingham one was shite. Yafai's, Egginton and Frankie Gavin xD It takes a proper boxing purist to get excited for that. 

    I like Eggington & Yafai, both good lads progressing nicely. Yafai's younger brothers are going to be in the world championships picture down the line. Frankie is a cunt, falling behind because he spends far to much time partying. They get decent enough crowds at the NIA and they're growing their reputations all the time. 

    On 29/05/2017 at 7:08 PM, JOSHBRFC said:

    Boxing fans from Birmingham will have no doubt been excited. 


    Boxing is doing well in the city at the minute there's lots of gyms open and packed out. Mma also does well here, there's easily 30+ white collar / mma events per weekend across the city now. 

  14. I fully expect the Lions to be beating these teams by now. They need to if they're going to give the genuine All Blacks a test. 

    Still predicting 3-0 to the All Blacks

  15. It was a great result from the chiefs. A club that's done it the right way I hope they continue on with success for years to come. 

    Not enthusiastic about the Lions at all, Gatland was the wrong choice in my eyes and taking the Bulk of the Welsh who aren't as good as England and Ireland will see us get drubbed badly.

  16. Smoked fags & weed from age 14, jacked in the weed around 24, jacked in the fags getting on for 4 years now I think. I used the vapes for 9 months and weened myself down from 20 a day habit to 0, don't even crave when drinking fags are like burnt cotton. 

    I smoke about 5 Cubans a year mainly on special occasions or that odd night in the summer after a BBQ with a drink and some genuine peace & quiet.

    Cohiba, Hoya de Monterey & RJ's are my preference 

  17. 11 hours ago, JOSHBRFC said:

    And risk going blind? After what Golovkin did to him? He couldn't see? 


    Absolutely amazing night, I'll be going to more boxing events like that. Atmosphere was amazing. 

    Yeah In fairness it didn't look as bad his eye looked open and I didn't doubt he had hurt it but i thought he'd took an easy route out. It's since been revealed he's broken the eye socket same as against GGG but opposite eye so I have no problem with Kell taking a knee.

    Long term that may be it for him, both those eyes are suspect now

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