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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. Played it a while back enjoyed it too. I'd recommend the new RE for you if you're looking for a horror fix on the PS4.
  2. Mel81x

    Work/Jobs Thread

    Seems like there's an opportunity for IT in this housing management software business.
  3. Anyone here play DOTA2? I recently got invited back to play it and has it changed. To me its really a marvel of development because what it was and what its turned into are really quite astonishing and how much time and effort goes into the stacking is truly mind blowing. Plus, internationals start next week so I am guessing that has triggered all the attention again.
  4. After his performance last season with Palace I am surprised no one actually came in for him but judging by how much people were willing to pay versus what they wanted for him I can see why that exit hasn't happened just yet.
  5. This. Last season already saw the strain put on the players with the way they were playing and how the momentum just fizzled when some of the key players got injured and Klopp had to tweak his system. With CL football on the horizon and the league its definitely important to rotate these players effectively.
  6. Mel81x

    Work/Jobs Thread

    I think you're right. Even food from road-side stalls taste 100 times better than what you get in a resto and I've tried to prove that wrong on many an occasion and failed.
  7. Curious what you thought of Titanfall 2. I thought it was too short and needed a bit more depth in the single player mode. Been wanting to try Pyre but haven't had the time to yet
  8. I considered it but then thought I'll just wait for it to release. Any good?
  9. I don't know why but I felt it was too short and maybe that has to do with the fact that I was having too much fun I wished it had gone a bit longer. I didn't mind the storytelling but if you're going to do such a hack job of it I say have less of it that might have been my only big gripe with the story-telling or "game progressing" piece of it. But as I said before it checked all the boxes for what a space action adventure should be and I wish more development houses took this adrenaline injected style and used it more.
  10. One of the things we discussed, either here or the 'other' board, was the fact that Doom wasn't just a run through guns blazing game but that music just made you want to hack and bust a hole in every NPC you found. I don't think I have ever played a game where I have actively gone around looking for fuel to use the chainsaw more than the actual assault weaponry at my disposal. The only gripe I had with it was that it was too short and lacked any real story plus I think it really didn't do itself any justice in terms of difficulty until you pushed the level up much higher and then the hording became much more challenging to engage. After reading your comments I am actually tempted to go back and give it a run through again. I always envisioned Prey to kind of have a similar mechanic but that game is nowhere close to the amount of fun Doom gave me.
  11. Watched it and it was entertaining as it most always is from my experience in watching the show.
  12. Think this bodes well for James as he wasn't involved much last season and I think Bayern will get the best out of him as well. @SirBalon: So Florention Perez didn't want him to go? I can see that form a marketing standpoint after the WC but he hasn't really been in the spotlight much since then has he?
  13. Its a super edgy game and I liked how the action just kept going. You're going to like the final boss fight.
  14. Call me silly but this looks promising and the notes post E3 are looking good too. Nice short adventure game.
  15. Quite liked how he played Palace and realistically he has no chance of a great amount of game time at Liverpool.
  16. https://twitter.com/footballpools/status/881601077287813121 Still no clue how to turn a tweet into a post with the actual data.
  17. Anyone ever try Necropolis? I was reading on some gaming forum that its making its way to consoles. I can only imagine the screaming when perma-death hits people. Awfully hard game but its nowhere close to that @#$@#$@ DarkSouls
  18. Some of the takeaways for me from that short display is a player who is always switched on in the box and the other is a guy who doesn't think there's a lost cause and will chase and hunt it down. Now, how that translates on the pitch remains to be seen but one of Mane's traits that I really like is that he's always trying and always pushing. The best of that lot was when El Shaaraway hits the post and the defense is still coming to terms with what has happened but Salah is onto it quick giving no one a chance.
  19. Mel81x


    Came home and the neighborhood was extremely quiet that signaled the fact that we lost to Pakistan. Well played. From what I hear they were ruthless from the start of the bowling.
  20. Anyone see the gameplay for this game from Crytek called Hunt? I was impressed with how they went about setting it all up and what they showed was Alpha footage.
  21. I'll second the SF remaster as being very good. I liked the Kirby demo as well but I'll wait to see what they finally do there. I think they did a good job at E3, everything was short and to the point. Even the fact that they had demos for Pokemon battle systems and an RPG based Pokemon game in the works was great news because that is something the fans wanted to hear since they released the Switch.
  22. Rather awesome gameplay as well at E3. And while that had me hooked the other thing which I was very happy about is that they are finally serious about a Metroid Prime release as well.
  23. Didn't he beat the first iteration? Thats kind of how I remember it but after it learned there was really no saving grace. Also have to remember that processing power has come a long way since then. Yep looked it up. The 1996 edition wasn't as good as it should have been. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Blue_versus_Garry_Kasparov
  24. Terribly vast topic but also equally fascinating. Not so arsed about the interactivity portion of it more so the actual patterns and code that go behind making these things happen. I remember reading months ago about a system that learned to laugh at jokes and remembered my time in college where we had a professor who specialized in the topic talking about machines learning humor and deciphering enough to understand the even bigger problem with AI which is context. The machine can learn numerous ways of parsing a language based on decisions trees and language maps but what it really has to learn through trial and error with a lot more decisions is how to use the maps in the context they were meant for. Its also nice timing since this just came out. https://techcrunch.com/2017/05/23/googles-alphago-ai-beats-the-worlds-best-human-go-player/ That AI is learning very very fast. Its one of the most complex games to map and I sometimes wonder if Deep Blue had that kind of backing whether Kasprov would have even stood a chance.
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