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Everything posted by Azeem

  1. Taken over Herat the third largest city and claiming to have taken Kandhar. The Governors of respective places are agreeing surrender settlements in return of safe passages. U. S reportedly has agreed with the Taliban a safe passage for their diplomatic staff in Kabul. It's a matter of when it happens. Was Vietnam as big a quagmire as this !? Read a piece by an American 'expert' that only way to stop Taliban is too ethnically target rural Pashtuns since they make the majority of them ! lol they refuse to learn
  2. Like this whole pandemic is the perfect wet dream of right-winger conspiracy theorists the early politicisation of the issue has also helped them.
  3. Azeem


    During the siege of Weinsberg in Germany 1140 the King of Welfs dynasty, gave a condition that women can leave unharmed carrying whatever they can. The women choose to carry their husbands on their backs. The King kept to his word. The incident is famously known as ' The loyal wives of Weinsberg '
  4. There must be some kind of buffer zone created within Afghanistan for hosting the refugees. It won't happen though just more civilian casualties & in return many will go join the Taliban in vengeance. Taliban's swift conquest is also because many troops are surrendering to them, refusing to fight them cause many of them are their relatives and family.
  5. Hopefully it comes out of the ocean one day and people create bunch of different countries with similar flags in it so Australia can fuck off from AFC and play in it's own confederation, where it belongs @Spike
  6. My favourite & worst times of the year Best 1. October to mid November, hottest plains of the country have a nice moderate cold weather and the snowy parts are a delight to visit. 2. February to early May, best weather for outdoor activities 3. December, living in too hot weather makes you appreciate greyish cold at times. Worst 1. July, August to early September sometimes, there is no refugee other than air conditioners. Sweaty, rainy, humidity with heat that can suffocate you. 2. Late May to June, heat is tolerable if you have a simple cooling fan but outdoor activities are almost impossible.
  7. Azeem

    Off Topic

    My friend once got a rejection email for a job he applied two years ago.
  8. Azeem


    These crows have been dive-bombing me for the past few days. There are two paths for my daily pedestrian commute from my house and they chase me on both. I know they remember faces but they must be mistaken me for someone else.
  9. US has made it clear their only attention is to get out their troops safely.
  10. Taliban have taken over 5 capital cities in three days. US & govt forces are only indiscriminately airstriking achieving nothing on the ground. Civilians casualties in the end. Things like drugs, corruption are well documented in Afghan govt forces but just how bad they are losing major cities like dominoes ! US gave them equipment that no one other has in the region.
  11. Yeah I just stated what's being speculating. The scale of the fires are way too much for it being an inside job they are reaching Greece as well
  12. It's really grim seeing the situation of displaced Afghan civilians. It's understable no single country bordering Afghanistan can take the whole burden of refugees but some kind of joint buffer zone must be done.
  13. Azeem


    Rain whipping out whole series for us. It's time they have retractable roofs or reserve days. It makes Cricket look quite stupid.
  14. Azeem


    In relation to the 666 post in the pandemic thread. 666 according to many scholars refers to the Roman Emperor Nero. 666 is an alphanumeric code by assigning numbers to Hebrew letters, called Gematria. Under Nero the persecution of Christians formally started in the empire. They referred to Nero as 666 in their letters. If you add all the Hebrew letters of Nero's full name as per their Gematria value you get 666. Gematria and other numerology methods devised from it are widely used in religious, esoteric and astrological texts and practices https://www.dcode.fr/gematria-numerology My full name adds up to 123, perfect
  15. Still at large and possible suspicion of eco warfare
  16. The letters b, p, q, and d are 90 or 180 flips of each other
  17. The head wobble was so accurate
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