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Posts posted by Beelzebub

  1. 6 minutes ago, Azeem said:

    For the record no one here is ok with what happened and the murders. Like previously said we're discussing that Religiophobic element of secularism in France. 

    I also seriously believe these Islamists are not able to function in society either on the other hand. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Rucksackfranzose said:

    Where is the blasphemy in falsely accusing someone? The cartoonist insinuated falsely said person a crime, which actually is against the law in contrast to blasphemy. What is the significance of his religion in this context?

    Because they didn't made anything about excusing him of something but the typical why Jews are so influential stuff pointed nose etc 

  3. 21 minutes ago, Rucksackfranzose said:

    Nobody said or thought something that stupid, though. We discussed the French occurrence, where discussingthese cartoons clearly wasn't a sign of this mind set, though. On a side note murder is murder, whether the victim is islamophobic or not.

    And if you don't like the right of free speech to include blasphemous utterances your out of place in Europe, regardless of your ethnicity. Murder is against the law here, islamophobia and blasphemy aren't, rightfully so by the way.

    Is that 100% the case with Charlie Hebdo ? They made a cartoon about some rich Jewish guy in 2009 since he protested with economic/legal actions they fired the cartoonist for not apologising. 

  4. France aside i hope people know there have been ' draw Mohammad cartoon contests ' organised by right wing politicians in Europe Denmark Netherlands etc anyone who doesn't think that satires of Mohammad are never a tool of Islamophobic intentions needs a reality check. 


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  5. 5 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    I don't see why the local government had to take the official stance of "we will project these cartoons onto government buildings."


    And Macron already had made remarks to stire tensions up even before these incidents, so something is up

    France is in lots of shit already their economy to be shrink by 11% this year, the Paris Climate shit was a cash grab from US but US pulled out. I can see from all of this a public opinion being formed for potential opportunistic wars in MENA :what:


  6. Glad I've stopped watching us play whiteball cricket apart from big tournaments. We are like England a few years back totally out of touch with the modern game.

    P.S ODIs need something to keep them relevant they have been meaningless for quite a long time

  7. This very forum had the Donal Trump thread titled changed because it was ' ridiculing ' so it's not hard to imagine where the Muslim sentiments come from. There is great bunch of hypocrisy it's not black and white

    I don't care about cartoons i think reacting to them just gives to the idea of extremists ' on any side 'or what they do in France but the ones who make these cartoons someone shared their history and some of the things they made about the Srebrenica in the 90s is really disgusting, if you also defend that as a ' right ' then i just agree to disagree and rest my case.  

  8. 2 minutes ago, The Artful Dodger said:

    Horrific beheadings in France, again. This is going to come to a head soon (no pun intended), people are not going to tolerate people being slain in such gruesome fashion by Islamic fascists, the people protesting about that teacher drawing cartoons of Mohammed are part of the problem here. 

    Talked about this in other thread with @Dr. Gonzo earlier. Cartoons have been going on for a while now but this time the governments being involved in trolling and reaction to it all seems odd.

    P.S There was an attack on a guard on French consulate in Jeddah as well

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