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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. 'The Mummy' The latest version..Thought this might have been better but to be honest it was really disappointing all round for me. Considering they were aiming for a darker version it failed on all levels.. Much preferred the previous versions to this 3/10
  2. Bluewolf

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    Just like the wife... she is all...
  3. Bluewolf

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    Got the shitty man flu... almost at deaths door I tell ya.. Been up and down every bloody hour for the past 3 nights more or less. cant settle for shit and I am knackered. Still went to work though because there is no man flu that's manlier than me Anyway I digress Was up about 5am ish this morning only to hear a load of stuff being thrown into the back of a van and doors slamming so thought it was local pikeys on the rob or something but turns out we must have had an early morning raid somewhere round here as there were about 4 vans and 3 carloads of old bill most of which were in full body armour just wrapping up and heading off Let you know if I find out what it was about..
  4. Just seen some of the pre season fixtures and we are playing the Gooners twice if you include the Sausage Roll Plate Only 4 games in total compared to 8 for Liverpool & United and 7 for Arsenal Only City, Spurs and ourselves are playing 4 So far that is... I wonder if a more grueling pre-season will have any bearing on how teams start off.. Less matches would leave you fresher but not having got all the rust and extra holiday Ice Cream off the belly...
  5. This could turn out to be a case of well and truly shooting ourselves in the foot... We didn't have a good transfer window last season either but with a combination of good fortune and lack of European games we looked a lot better than we actually were. Having already declared to Costa that he would not be wanted this season before actually getting a decent replacement in could be one of the biggest fails since Trump got voted in to power... Ok, maybe it's not THAT epic a fail but its still not great. Unless they pull a big fluffy rabbit out of the hat rather than some old fluff at the last minute we are going to be weaker than last season AND trying to compete in Europe. Even if they went on bended knees and told Costa he was going anywhere I couldn't see him putting himself out much for the team effort after whats happened can you? We seem unable to bring in the targets selected and end up settling for last minute rush buys...
  6. What a shocking paper that is... I would rather read the Sun newspaper than that and I wouldn't even use the Sun newspaper to wipe my arse that's how little I think of the quality...
  7. Bluewolf

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    You sound like my boss.. He is crying and waving his arms around like a girl every time one flaps past him. In his house its his job is to move the spiders and its his wifes to get rid of Moths should they intrude on his personal space
  8. Bluewolf

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    If I look any closer I will be kissing it on the lips... Its Defo a moth mate I am telling ya! They also come in 5 spot variety's and have a wax like moustache type antennae Flight Time mid June to August
  9. Bluewolf

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    Well it is mate.. but it's not a Cheshire Moth its a 6 spot Burnet Moth
  10. Bluewolf

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    Actually I stand corrected. I now believe it is the 6 spot Burnet Moth
  11. Bluewolf

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    I think its a Cheshire Moth mate
  12. Bluewolf

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    Its just the wrong side of hot for me.. sweating buckets and no breeze is like being in the desert. No matter where I am outside or in it just feels like I am in a giant oven
  13. Bluewolf

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    We could talk about the weather
  14. Saturday is for finishing filling up the skip in this house

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