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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Just finished episode 5 and it's all turning a bit ugly now... first real close up glimpse of the beast bear as well.. that's a proper monster, fairly gory in parts and just reminds you of how tough it must have been to try and survive out there with all those things stacking up against them.. really good watch
  2. Arsenal v Chelsea Ladies FA Cup final live on BBC1 now...
  3. Just googled it... never heard of that before.. might give it a watch
  4. Just thinking the same thing myself..... If you have to interrupt us in the future @Stan can you make sure you come with something worthwhile please... Yea I forget about that... I am so out of touch with the modern youth..
  5. Thought they might have been longer than that...
  6. When you binge you proper binge don't you.. no half measures.. I am beginning to think you like your tv shows they way you like your alcohol... 8 hours straight where possible..
  7. In that case... I was doing a little digging and came across this article about it.. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/12/hms-terror-wreck-found-arctic-nearly-170-years-northwest-passage-attempt Having only seen one episode and having read the article I am sure there are some spoilers in there for me now.. I doubt it will take anything away from the series though.. One other thing, The one I watched had subtitles so not sure if they will all be like that or not? I actually think the subtitles added a little something to proceedings...
  8. Have you watched all of it yet?
  9. No confirmed dates as of yet so you are just going to have to wait... learn Chess and do something constructive with your time while you wait..
  10. I watched the first one last night... thought it was really good Loved how they have managed to re-create those ice cold conditions and the sheer vast emptiness of it all.. When it pans out on the 2 ships at the end of the first episode you really do get that feeling of how small we really are in the world and how desperately alone they must have felt... Can you imagine how it must have been to have no contact with the outside world at all.. just them battling against the elements... They do seem to have tried to sell it as some sort of horror/supernatural type series from the clips I have seen and can only assume that they have done that to try and lure in a broader audience perhaps before serving them up some historical fact... Although it must be said that quite a bit of the old monster myth comes from the sea so having that element in it might not have been too far fetched... Talking of which, I doubt I could have done that sea dive when he cleared the ice from the propeller I think that would have freaked me out a bit... Looking downward into that darkness and not even being able to turn your head properly to see what's behind you because of the suit would have been so unnerving I think... What if a monster came up up and wanted to nibble on me!! no thanks!
  11. Glad to hear that... It looks very good and didn't want it to be one that promised much and failed to deliver so I have held off a bit...
  12. Bluewolf


    At least he retired with a better fight record than Ronnie Pickering....
  13. Just started watching 'Deep State' and thinking about giving 'The Terror' a watch while I am off for a few days...
  14. Have to say it has been decent and full of incident...
  15. Look at the leaping power on that!!! I tend to have a healthy respect for anything dangerous....
  16. Defo some feathers getting ruffled there.... I found out something interesting about bees a couple of weeks ago which surprised me... When we were still in that colder weather I found a large bumble bee that seemed stuck in one of our early blooming flowers at the back of the garden and hoping it would just take off at some point still found it in the same spot at around 7pm.. As the evening was still getting a bit cold I thought he would probably die overnight so got a plastic curry dish and lid out and brought it into the house and put him under the boiler in the kitchen. I put a little bud cap in there with some sugar and water and left him overnight as he seemed very sluggish.. The next morning my daughter said that it had been buzzing around in there most of the morning so I checked on it and left the lid open a bit to see if it would fly off... About an hour later my missus said it had died... I come down to find it had somehow got straight into the sink of greasy water and was all bunched up in a little ball and did look dead and buried.. I was a bit pissed off that I had done my best to try and save him only for that to happen so put it back in the container and thought I would get rid of it later but forgot and left it overnight.. In the morning when I came down it was on it's back with it's legs spread out which I thought was weird so gave it a little nudge and it started buzzing... did make me jump to be honest.. In my defence it was a big one... Well in the afternoon I took it down the back of the garden that was in full sun and after about 5 minutes of grooming itself it climbed out on the arm of the chair and then flew off over the fence... I suppose they must go into shock or something but can still recover under certain circumstances... needless to say I was pleased it survived.. had a few buzzing round the house when the sun was out last week and they all seem really big this year..
  17. True that... They found the Park was not at fault for what happened and rightly so... although I did read that signs were put up after the incident to advise people not to leave their cars which I found a bit odd... Thought they might have been a bog standard requirement, even so, the sheer stupidity of the moment turned out to be very costly indeed... That looks cool... Stick a couple of guns on it and them poachers won't know what hit them... if only!! Always the ones you least suspect....
  18. It was actually at the Beijing Safari Park... The Mother and daughter had a row and the daughter got out of the car only to be attacked by a Siberian Tiger and dragged off, Her Mother tried to rescue her only to be mauled to death by a second Tiger while the daughter has been left disabled a result.. It happened in 2016
  19. Fuck that!!! This one not so bad until you reach the Lion enclosure of course....
  20. Never seen a Magpie do that before.... Our cat loves to sit on the shed roof at the bottom of our garden hoping to catch out the birds nesting up in the trees down there but she had a run in with a feisty Magpie the other week according to my missus and didn't know what to make of it by the sounds of it and did a runner by all accounts...
  21. Spotted along the coast of Cornwall on Saturday... He is going to need a bigger Kayak!!
  22. That bit caught me right out when I saw it... was not expecting that at all..
  23. She is a far more sinister character compared to the original who was more of a frightened bumbler who put people in danger due to a complete lack of common sense.. This Smith is devious, manipulative and downright dangerous for all concerned.. The only thing the old and the new have in common is bloody self preservation.. You are right about her acting though.. You just want something really nasty to happen to her or get her alone in the cargo bay and smack her up a bit or send her on that weather balloon trip and accidentally forget to anchor it down properly so full credit there she is totally owning that... The other thing is the vast difference between the Robots old and new... The old Robot was part of the crew but this one has other origins.. Very menacing and with zero personality compared to the old and certainly not to be messed with but liking it all the same.. I want one!!! The other family members are interesting.. Not much difference for me between Penny & Judy, They seem to be almost the same personalities as the old so the fit is good, The parents are interesting with the mini power struggle going on between them and I think Don is an improvement over the old one as he has more of a maverick role as opposed to the more serious role of the original who hardly ever seemed to smile much or have anything remotely funny to say... Will seems a tad younger than the original but both seem to share the same type of loner in the group type character I would love to tell you more about the Robot, If there was even anything to tell but I wouldn't want to lumber you with any spoilers , If there were indeed any to be had.... Enjoy!!! We can catch up again once you have seen the last 4..
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