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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. That is the other good aspect of it... not too heavy and as you say not too powerful but just about right, you control it, not the other way around.. Good for getting around town or back and forth from a job.. Parts are important as you say so it's good you have put some thought into that as well.. Bike or Scooter??? Both would probably serve you well enough and a lot will depend on the budget you are looking at.. I suppose both bikes and scooters are as popular as each other where you are so a lot will depend on personal choice.. One other thing that's quite important as well... The colour, got to be Blue like my old RXS..
  2. As a runaround from A to B it could be ideal.. My original Yamaha RXS100 was a really reliable bike for it's size, parts were cheap, went for miles on a full tank and had a good turn of speed getting away at the lights or for those tricky traffic moments where you might need to accelerate away quickly... A lot of the older models were unrestricted so you could get a semi decent speed out of them. Mine served me faithfully and I only let it go due to me part exchanging for a newer bike... Someone even nicked the battery out of mine once and it still went.. so fuck you battery thief! I got home ok.. Is that the actual bike or just a picture of the one you are hoping to get? I am assuming it's just a picture of it?
  3. Well didn't you notice there was less room in your bag... hmmm!! Towel, check, Suncream, check, Flip Flops unusually sticking out top of bag... erm.. check! What like a lost and found you mean.. under the 'pilfered by mistake' section... It was ( according to you ) an innocent mistake... I know you think most people are peasants but they won't turn up outside your abode with pitchforks and flaming torches looking for retribution if you come clean... It will be good to cleanse yourself of this smudge on your otherwise good character.. You don't want it to be haunting you in later life.. Trying to get into another country for example.. "You seem to have rather an unusual amount of different sized Flip Flops in your luggage Madame!!! and yet you only have one size pair of feet??" You could be branded a Flip Flop smuggler and detained for questioning.. maybe even jail time if you can't explain it away.. You need to think very carefully about the future as these things have a habit of catching up with you over time...
  4. I can just visualize the moment you realized something was not right....
  5. Right then.... I mean honestly, who would steal flip flops on purpose..
  6. Please explain yourself.... You don't accidentally steal something... either you did it with intent along the lines of " oooh, these flip flops look nice" looks round to see if anyone is looking before dropping said flip flops accidentally into bag.... OR, in your rush you picked up a similar pair to yours and took them by mistake.. If it's a mistake it's not really theft...
  7. Bluewolf

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    Peasants.... 2 questions, Why are you mixing with peasants and did you go along in the end to keep her happy??? Supposed to be about 100,000 odd turn out just for a wave... It's a day out for people I suppose, I managed to clear the entire back garden shed out while all that was going on yesterday.. I also find it interesting that we can have a billion flags up everywhere for a month and no one gives a toss but if I stick one up on a flagpole in my back garden for a week I am bound to have someone knocking the door telling me it's upsetting one of my neighbours......
  8. Bluewolf

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    Yea sure.... It's just all over the place.. every shop, every paper and will be taking over daytime tv for god knows how long... I am not a Royal hater or anything and actually think Kate and Meghan are a bit of a breath of fresh air but it's overkill as normal... All that digging up her past and all the family issues etc.. Got tomorrow off so will be spending it in the garden doing all manner of stuff to fill my skip waiting for the footy to come round.. I have told people at work though that I have the day off so I can camp out in my tent over night to get a good spot for when the Royals roll past and hopefully I can grab a selfie with Meghan and some of them believe me which I always find amusing entertainment on what has been an otherwise dull week...
  9. Bluewolf

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    When is this Royal Wedding supposed to be taking place??? It's all ready starting to annoy me...
  10. Amazing... They do look the prehistoric part don't they, That strange noise they make as well would be the sort of noise that might get you all huddled together round the campfire if you heard it in the night moving through the undergrowth..
  11. Just let them wander around 3 or 4 more wildlife parks and I am sure they will get whittled down one by one.. On a serious note just how dumb are some people... Did anyone read about the guy in India who stopped to take a selfie with an injured bear and got mauled to death?? The fuckers killed the Bear afterwards for it as well... sometimes we just don't deserve to be sharing the same planet
  12. Yea.. Happy Birthday Son... All the best..
  13. Bluewolf

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    Stop being a pussy.... We had 4 and I never moaned once!! not once I tell ya!!! Admittedly I worked a lot of nights over the years which also equals a lot of sleeping through the daytime when they were younger and she also used to take them out a lot over the park and to her nans so I could get some sleep but even so.. Stop being a pussy!!
  14. @nudge I have finished the whole season of 'The Terror' now, Watched the last episode in the quiet early hours of the morning but had to be up for work early and with my eyelids feeling like they had a couple of crows perched on them I thought I would leave my thoughts until tonight. I have also taken the opportunity to read through the article you provided so cheers for that... What a great series!! loved the whole thing from start to finish, I think they managed to capture the adventure and atmosphere of the period really well, They also handled the despair and downward spiral of the expedition with as much care as they probably could have done given what they knew of the actual events that took place. Such a barren and cold landscape to navigate in a ship let alone on foot.. The Bear/Creature was a good touch overall and didn't make the whole thing seem unbelievable and did add a lot to events as they unfolded. The acting was brilliant, Not at anytime did I hear anything that seemed out of place for the period and you could really feel the despair that they were all in about their situation and how they went about trying to keep it all together despite the odds being firmly stacked against them. As the episodes and time progressed it showed you how quickly sides can be taken when the fear and uncertainty starts setting in and certain individuals start thinking of the few rather than the many and how quickly that became their undoing as a whole group and lessened their chances of survival overall. That Hickey turned out to be a right nasty piece of work and was wholly instrumental in the division of the camp preparing to sacrifice all before him for his own selfish gain.. As this was based on actual events we witnessed 2 sides of the technology coin here... The ships being state of art for their time but the canning/food that accounted for so many lives being sub standard.. Even if they had been successful in their endeavors a lot of them would not have made it anyway and those that did would have been near or not far from death as a result of that alone.. I am sure had they made it that their deaths may have been linked to some sort of cursed expedition or something along those lines.. It was doomed before it even started just on that simple thing alone.. I personally found it strange that despite knowing the historical outcome of their situation that they did a fantastic job of having you keep rooting for at least some of them to survive the whole thing in the end ( daft as though it may sound ) which is a great credit to the believability of each of the actors involved throughout... I have always enjoyed shows that take you back through time which is probably why I tend to like things like 'Ripper Street' and the more recent 'The Alienist' and even though 'The Alienist' subject matter is a bit odd it does grab the time period very well... From that article it seems as though there may be something more in the future.. not sure how they might work that in or where they would draw their material from but as a standalone series of 10 it was just right..
  15. Bluewolf

    TF365 Memes

    Shows you long they can be... she was in her 30's when she started reading it!
  16. Well... just 2 to go now What the hell is that thing!!... I was under the impression it was just some kind of polar bear that was just being blown out of proportion into some kind of unworldly creature until you get a good look at it's face and realize it's not just an ordinary bear.. now I have just watched it tearing through the camp ripping everyone to shreds and it's like some kind of mutant creature.. It's all falling to pieces now... some nasty goings on
  17. Bluewolf

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    Right result for you there mate...
  18. Bluewolf

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    Mate, when she is not feeling great it's hard enough to get in the front door let alone anywhere else... Bless her she is a trooper though... never moans about it, but when it's bad it's bad... it has brought her to tears at some points and I feel so helpless not being able to do anything for her to ease it...
  19. Bluewolf

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    I had one lined up for her a couple of years ago but with her being in a bit of discomfort with her neck and back it didn't seem like a good idea so we shelved it... She has seemed a lot better in recent months though so might be a good chance to give her that experience especially now the summer is on it's way..
  20. Bluewolf

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    I expect with the new snooping laws that Google have that they will be informing the powers that be as we speak as they have picked up some idle internet chatter that could lead to your gaff being raided in the early hours of the morning... better hide the stash as a priority mate.. On another related note my other half always wanted to take a helicopter ride.. something I need to sort out for her if I can...
  21. Bluewolf

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    I wouldn't even fly a kite over that let alone a helicopter...
  22. This dog hiding because it does not want to come back inside the house...
  23. Thanks... I will steer clear then until I am finished
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