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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Bluewolf

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    Off for 12 days now.. hoping the weather stays semi decent so I can get the garden project out the way while I am off Strange that I am taking 12 days off of work to come home and do 12 days worth of work in the garden... Normally when I am off I try to do the least amount possible
  2. Bluewolf

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    Ours is at the bottom of the garden... I often tell the kids to go and give it a shake when they need something, like when they make those off the cuff comments like "Dad let's get a new shed" quickly followed by "Let's get some decking and Artificial grass as well" Yea, don't worry kids, I will just poo the money out my bumhole and we can go and buy all them things no worries...
  3. Bluewolf

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    Yeah, fuck off Soccer Aid, No way I am giving up an hours pay...
  4. It's just all a mess at the moment... With the World Cup on top of that and some players being allowed to return back to training later depending on how some do and still no clear decision on the Management front just screams another messy season ahead.. How we can hope to pin down players on extending contracts when we can't even make a decision on what Manager is going to be in charge or for that matter get any new players to come and play for the club is beyond me.. We are becoming the new Arsenal... Below par in ambition and below par in performances... We are like a headless chicken... Laughable.. except I am not laughing
  5. Bluewolf

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    They said 4pm today for us and there was a bit of thunder but nothing else so far... Just as well though I had loads to get done in the garden today
  6. Bluewolf

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    So Cardiff get an Amber rain warning then @Bluebird Hewitt Forecast is for 48 hours of solid rain and storms, They expect shed loads of flooding, I suppose all the local leisure centres will be closed for the duration when them farmers bring all the sheep in and put them under lock and key..
  7. Yea it was a bit of a sad tale to be honest....
  8. Maybe he is just into your riffs mate...
  9. Cockerpoo's or Poo Poms or whatever they are bloody called are not proper dogs mate...
  10. Yea but Liverpool are playing attractive fast flowing attacking football these days that's why anyone with even the smallest brain cell will not join us or United if they value their freedom to express themselves on the pitch...
  11. Bluewolf

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    Been trying to get some stuff finished in the garden yesterday and today while I am off but it's been raining pretty much most of it.. I was out there while it was light rain but now it's got a bit silly I have had to come in and dry off... I am currently sitting by the Koi pond having some toast and coffee listening to that rain coming down and thunder in the distance.. The rain forcing me into chill mode and there is nothing I can do about it.. Such a relaxing way to spend some time off...
  12. Like a Spitfire taking on 4 bombers..
  13. Amazing stuff... The fact it knows no fear either when attacking larger birds and the way it tucks it's wings in to gain maximum speed, what I wouldn't give for that kind of speed and eyesight..
  14. Bluewolf

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    You come out with some bizarre and random stuff sometimes... Are you like that when you are out socializing??? I can imagine you just looking over at someone randomly at the bar and telling them you hope they slip over on the pissy floor in the bog and crack their head open or something...
  15. Bluewolf

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    We had that Saturday night. Everywhere you looked their was lightning flashing and the feint rumblings of thunder but ours faded to nothing in the end which was disappointing... Did you point out his error or just say thanks??
  16. Not currently... but I do miss the crap out of it when the summer months come rolling in... Every now and then I will take the missus out on my mates Harley which he is good enough to let me borrow from time to time.. Mine is currently off road and is going to need a fair bit of cash to get her back to her best but with other financial priorities I have had to leave it on the back burner unfortunately.. It's a bit of a long and sad story why she is off the road so I won't bore you with it...
  17. I had a few mates over the years that got themselves racing bikes and I opted for a cruiser... when they were banging on about how quick their bikes used to go I just used to laugh... Speed is great if you are racing but not for taking in all the scenery.. There used to be a small group of us that used to get out in the evenings after work on the summer nights and me and my other cruising mate were always the last to get there.. we would stop at nice places and take breaks and enjoy the sights... They were all speed, speed, speed, faster, faster, faster.. I do enjoy both types of bike to ride but with racers you are always tempted to open it up and give it some welly which is the whole point... I just don't need everything I do to be at 150MPH!! I am getting older, I want to be slowing stuff down not speeding it up
  18. How beautiful is that... Those roads look fine, great riding conditions.. Might be worth waiting until your friend is around before making any final decision then as there is nothing like having someone who can steer you in the right direction and spot the pitfalls as long as there is no urgency... Sounds like you are living in and around a good area with helpful locals then so can't see you going too far wrong with a purchase... That turn by the sea looks awesome... Great on a lovely day and what views... wouldn't fancy it much in strong winds or stormy weather though.. mind you, what a rush that would be.. And feel free to send any pictures of any more potential purchases..
  19. Make sure you give a test run before buying it if you can.. I don't know what condition the roads are like where you are but that seat looks a little thin on the padding and that could mean a bit of a rough ride on the bones from time to time if your journey is slightly longer than normal or the roads are bumpy. You also need to be sure you are going to feel comfortable while riding it around.. If your journeys are mostly short hops with the odd cruise around from time to time then it should be fine.. Looks like it's geared up for a bit of racing given the style of it ( handlebars have been dropped down a bit which gives you a tendency to lean slightly more forward across the tank rather than sitting a little more upright ) but that's not a bad thing, At least you won't be buying a slug but be careful not to buy anything that's been thrashed to death in road racing or similar... Again, it's about being comfortable on it. Also see if you can source a local garage/bike repair shop that's not miles away from you just in case something happens or it needs minor repairs, mot etc.. If you end up pushing it for any reason last thing you want is being at deaths door by the time you have got it there... Actually looks quite cool to be honest... I think we can agree on Black by the way
  20. That is the other good aspect of it... not too heavy and as you say not too powerful but just about right, you control it, not the other way around.. Good for getting around town or back and forth from a job.. Parts are important as you say so it's good you have put some thought into that as well.. Bike or Scooter??? Both would probably serve you well enough and a lot will depend on the budget you are looking at.. I suppose both bikes and scooters are as popular as each other where you are so a lot will depend on personal choice.. One other thing that's quite important as well... The colour, got to be Blue like my old RXS..
  21. As a runaround from A to B it could be ideal.. My original Yamaha RXS100 was a really reliable bike for it's size, parts were cheap, went for miles on a full tank and had a good turn of speed getting away at the lights or for those tricky traffic moments where you might need to accelerate away quickly... A lot of the older models were unrestricted so you could get a semi decent speed out of them. Mine served me faithfully and I only let it go due to me part exchanging for a newer bike... Someone even nicked the battery out of mine once and it still went.. so fuck you battery thief! I got home ok.. Is that the actual bike or just a picture of the one you are hoping to get? I am assuming it's just a picture of it?
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