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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Weird to hear people complain about doing a bit of overtime... I mean in the grand scheme of things putting in a bit extra for your job is sometimes part and parcel of working... If the job sucks in other respects then it's time to move on obviously but I see and hear this type of thing a lot from younger people where they believe that they should only work the exact amount of minutes the company pays them for and not a second more... I have someone I work with who keeps getting passed over for promotion because he thinks it's his right as he has been there a long time, well it doesn't work like that.. I keep telling him, he has the skills but lacks the dedication and effort to use them wisely... He expects everything to fall in his lap without having to make any effort at all. I hear it a lot from my Daughters boyfriend as well who moans and groans pretty much all the time about getting home a bit later from his job and yet claims he wants to progress in the company? He can't have it both ways... either you show some dedication to the job or you don't and either way if I am not the one doing it then obviously it's no skin off my nose which one he picks but he needs to stop complaining... Such a huge difference in what I used to put in when I was younger and what younger people think is hard these days... When I moved off of nights when I used to work at Safeway's back in the day my hours changed a lot.. I was getting up at 4.30am each morning to get to work for 6am then I would still be there at 10pm sorting out the night crew and roll home at around 11:15pm each night much to my other half's disappointment... I did them hours for 3 years!!! so as you can imagine I find it laughable when people moan about staying 15 minutes or having to go in a bit earlier or stay a bit later... I appreciate that times are different now and maybe the working mentality has changed and don't get me wrong I don't believe that people should be doing excessive hours, When I was doing all them hours it meant I missed out on the kids growing up during that time but then we needed the money and it was part of the job responsibility when I got promoted.. If I could do it all again though I will admit I would cull those hours right back so I had more family time it's my only regret really but then I had kids and not being around to help out sometimes made me feel a bit bad but the Mrs and me always talked about any promotions or positions before I took them so we always walked into it eyes wide open so to speak... Modern youth and young adults need to toughen up a bit... I laugh in the face of your distress..
  2. I cant believe you posted that.... They are called Turtles over here as well..... looks like some sort of Terrapin though...
  3. Err... Is that what a Peruvian Hamster looks like then..??? They sure look a lot different to that in this neck of the woods...
  4. A Twitter user known only as @NaomiH_official, who reportedly identifies as a transsexual ‘furry’, was so delighted about landing work experience at Nasa that she tweeted the words: ‘EVERYONE SHUT THE F*** UP. ‘I GOT ACCEPTED FOR A NASA INTERNSHIP.’ This attracted the attention of Homer Hickam, an author, Vietnam veteran, and ex- Nasa engineer who trained Japan’s first astronauts, who tweeted: ‘Language.’ The tweet provoked Naomi to roar: ‘Suck my dick and balls I’m working at Nasa.’ Unfortunately, it turned out the Hickam sits on the National Space Council which oversees Nasa. The over-enthusiastic Tweeter’s internship offer was then revoked.
  5. Bluewolf

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    What a tit... Amended now..
  6. Bluewolf

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    I am a Despatch ( English ) or Dispatch ( American ) Manager mate... Our job fluctuates a bit depending on the time of year or what promotions are running as to how busy we are... We tend to carve out our own time by just knocking everything out as soon as we get it so we can have a bit of down time here and there, It's a 12 hour shift and you need a bit of a break especially when you are up against it time wise... I just look around sometimes you you see others that don't seem to give a toss if their departments are covered properly or don't ever get involved with their teams at all... Clipboard Managers I call them.. At the end of the day I just have to be sure my department is running right regardless of what others are doing but it does make you wonder how they stay in the job.. and it's times like that when you sometimes think " Fuck this" I want a day where I can walk around with my hands in my pockets as well just for a bit of a change... Just out of interest though one of the firms Managers had to step down ( with some assistance ) from his role, clearly got caught out doing bugger all too many times.. so maybe there is some justice after all.. Knowing my luck it would have to be both... I can just imagine the job advert actually... Looking for excitement!! Why not become a GH Inspector.. Travel expenses paid for, Open for business 24/7 Why not come along and meet the members...
  7. Bluewolf

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    Yea you say that but if you saw how much I actually do when I am there you would be begging me not to leave... I might have them moments but don't mean I actually follow them up... sometimes you are covering so much you wonder what the fuck everyone else is doing around the place... It's quite hard graft with tight deadlines and I am lucky that I have a good team that can raise their game but you look around at some and wonder how they manage to stay in a job... You can sack those hands in pockets fuckers if you like...
  8. Beth is a good character for me.. Although always seeming in control and scheming and manipulating the downfall of others, You can't help think she is on the very edge of completely losing control if that makes any sense... She is always pushing the boundaries constantly..
  9. Bound to happen though when you consider everything that's going on... I will be sticking with it, something has to go tits up somewhere you would have thought but hard to tell where it might come from with everything that's going on...
  10. Still an interesting watch for me at the moment, The mountain top scene with the tourists was rather unexpected I must admit and then the bear and all the questions... Even funnier when they sent that officer who got thrown and impaled... " your not gonna die, because they will think I did it" It's coming on all fronts now which I kind of expected as we get deeper into it and have more characters and scenarios to explore... It seems to be a case of when it rains it pours with everything coming all at once..
  11. Bluewolf

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    To be honest most of my 'don't feel like doing a damn thing' moments come when I am at work....
  12. Bluewolf

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    We all need one of them days... good to get up and have nothing on the agenda..
  13. Bluewolf

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    @Batard caught speeding again!!! Told him so many times not to leave the house without me and @Stan but does he listen... does he fuck!
  14. Just thinking that with our game coming up and judging by the way he played for you at the weekend it might be worth Chelsea breaking their normal rule and allow Kenedy to play against us...
  15. Bluewolf

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    I won't get bowled out until I hit my century.... Been smashing 4's and 6's most of my early life but now down to 1's and 2's with the odd boundry to give everyone something to cheer about... Slow and steady wins the day now... helps get you over the line..
  16. To be fair that was just a quick flick on that created that chance.. A very good one I grant you that and more play like that from him and he will be a major problem for any defence, things like that suddenly unlock the opposition in a blink of an eye, I am talking more about when he carries the ball on his run and uses his pace to burst forward, sometimes he gets himself boxed in and loses any outlet.. Again he had a very good game against Arsenal , very sharp, good short passing, his movement and involvement was good and more of that I will applaud all day long.. Indeed, There is a long way to go yet and the whole team not just Barkley need to adapt to Sarris way of thinking and playing.. The play is great to watch at times but also agree with what you said a little before the season kicked off that playing more attacking/attractive football in this set up with the players still adjusting means we will be vulnerable and lose that solidity we have been used to before under previous managers.. Though I would say playing that way last season did us no extra favours and we still caved and lost games we should have won only we had no intention of even trying, That may have been Conte or it may have been the players showing discontent and possibly a bit of both, so why not flip it around and try it the other way for a change..
  17. Well that was pretty detailed mate I have to say... nice informative post As you have said which is our worry, given the amount of managers he has worked under you might have thought he could have made some sort of progress by now under one of them but does he feel like one of those orphans that have multiple parents and families and yet never feeling like he belonged anywhere and just couldn't settle... I fear like you that he may always be that 'guy that had so much unfulfilled potential' and never showed it.. Obi Mikel was the same type of player.. You were always waiting for this so called potential to come bursting out and take the league by storm but it never happened.. He was supposed to have been a great player but he became just a steady player that never really excelled at all and you have to wonder if Barkley will end up being the same.. If Sarri continues to have faith but Barkley makes no further progress then I fear all is lost, When you play in a side with so many experienced players you would think he could take note and become better..
  18. In fairness I actually thought Barkley had a decent game for us prior to coming off... It kind of got lost though in all the defensive talk which was the main topic of conversation.. I would agree with Luke about him, he looks great on the ball sometimes and can move it quickly and put pressure on defenders with his sudden bursts of speed but he still lacks that ability to make a sensible or controlled decision beyond that point.. You know, a clever little pass after drawing in the defenders to free up someone else, he just seems to drive on with it until he is crowded off the ball and ends up losing it.. Sarri seems to fancy him and maybe he can improve his thought process.. he also seems to be a bit hit and miss, some games he hardly makes a dent and others he is right in the thick of it.. Not sure how he was at Everton, if he was the same there or more consistent?? He has not had a lot of playing time since coming to us so let's see how much better ( or not ) he becomes across the season..
  19. Bluewolf

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    All just a bit of daft fun really especially the earlier films.. "but James I need you, So does England" all that kind of stuff... No matter what the situation, danger or foe he would always find a way out of it and end up with the girl... "Do you expect me to talk? No Mr Bond I expect you to die!!" only for him to talk his way out of it and save the day... Grew up on James Bond..
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