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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Those as well obviously..... without them I may never have pulled through, I of course always tell it as though it was about how determined I was not to let it get the better of me I am because it's the only way to get any sympathy and pity from the women in the office.. Didn't get any pity at home obviously but at work you get that gentle hand on the arm as they lean in to ask "are you ok??" " would you like me to get you anything"
  2. You have my sympathies... Lucky for me my manliness was too much even for the man flu so I eventually recovered...
  3. Very good point Nudge.. To think about a lot of those teams of people working away in the background, testing to ensure the safest possible vehicle is out on the track do deserve a whole lot of credit.. Think how difficult it must be to find that fine balance between lightness for speed but at the same time incorporating the maximum amount of safety features and structural integrity to keep the driver safe in the event of a crash... Obviously crash testing would not have been put under the the types of impact we saw today but fair to say that even though it was so horrific that she could come out of it alive is a credit to that team of people...
  4. Incredible... couldn't believe what I was seeing earlier.. At least she survived it although I don't know how she managed it... It all happened so quickly no one really had much chance to react...
  5. Currently watching 'Into The Dark'... a series of one off tales covering various themes, I believe that one per month for the next 12 months is planned.. Thriller themed.. Watched the first 2 and they were pretty decent.. Going to get started on Daredevil Season 3 soon..
  6. Bluewolf

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    Ridiculous.... No High Vis???
  7. Bluewolf

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    Class.... I notice everyone else standing off waiting for her to soften them up a bit before wading in.. Think she must have been an x member of that once notorious 'Hells Grannies' gang..
  8. True that... When I had to go and pick up Holly our old German Shepard pup many moons ago I had to carry her home, her head and paws were drooped over the back of my shoulders and I was getting stopped what seemed like every 10 minutes on the train back home.. The amount of times I had to say "no, fuck off mate I don't want your number"
  9. Thought there had been some excitement for a while when I started reading this then just realised it was just world football player standard handbags.. Been left feeling disappointed... About time we saw someone get a good old fashioned crack in the jaw for a change... Until the sport has more random acts of inexcusable violence and emotional over reacting to the slightest provocation then it will continue to hold no interest for me..
  10. Bluewolf

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    How do you put someone on block???
  11. Bluewolf

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    Just when I think life can't possibly get any worse I find out the Spice Girls are getting back together..
  12. Bluewolf

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    We used to make our own Guy and pushed it around in a pram.. Penny for the Guy outside the shops.. made a bit of extra pocket money from it and like you say used to build your own bonfire in the back garden and let off a few cheap fireworks... You could by bangers from the shops back then as well..
  13. Bluewolf

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    There were loads of them round our way... more than last year, some people round here do a lot of stuff on the houses though so it's not surprising.. One bloke had a full sized Frankenstein Monster outside his gaff... others cover all the gardens and houses with webs etc.. good fun for the kids
  14. Bluewolf

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    You must live on the very top floor of a block of flats then....
  15. Someday when mankind has abandoned it's morals and descended into madness they will wake Cthulhu from his slumber and he will raise the old ones from death and all the world will flame in the holocaust of ecstasy and freedom... Nothing belongs to man, not this world, not the home they have built on it, not even the human mind, It is the ultimate destiny of this species to unravel into primal chaos as all things must. To the sounds of their laughter and exultant shouts all man has ever built will one day fade away...
  16. Come on Hammy... do it for Roscoe and Coco
  17. Defo see you in this driving around town... Thought you might go for a 4 door Vax or something... just enough room in the back for an ironing board.. suppose that would be too powerful for you too handle on corners and in those hard to reach places...
  18. Sounds like the type of car @SirBalon would be happy driving around in...
  19. Bluewolf

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    Lets hope they arrive soon... It could be my last hope.. The situation is actually far worse than I am letting on... All the the decent booze is gone as well....
  20. Bluewolf

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    Man Flu Update.. I was going to put the day number but in all honesty it's near impossible for me to tell how long I have been here now... I am drifting in and out of consciousness at an alarming rate as these bugs savage every organ and muscle in my body... There have been times I felt that it may only be a matter of hours, even minutes perhaps before my passing and only my stubborn unwillingness to give in is what is holding me here... I have been coughing, sneezing and ache all over.. nearly used a whole bog roll already and can only best describe whats coming out of my nose as wallpaper paste... Family and friends have gathered and come to my room over and over again it seems just as they think I am on the precipice of death only for me to raise an arm and reach out for one more Mocha Choca Latte... they leave either disappointed or relieved its hard to tell, my vision is blurred most times and sometimes all I see are shapes and hear voices... they seem so far away.. almost as if I am listening in from another realm.. The cat has been coming to see me as well, maybe it's a sign... Is she an Angel or a Guide.. maybe some kind of afterlife thing who knows! All I know is that the situation is grimm... my financial adviser suggested getting out as much as possible and spending it while I still had time and I had 2 shadowy figures round with black suits and top hats.. They got a tape out and I thought they were here to measure the carpet and curtains but when one held the tape on my forehead while the other one pulled it down to my toes I felt they were trying to tell me something... and although things have taken a turn for the worse I am hopeful I can still beat this thing... I don't have time for a defeatist attitude...
  21. That can be annoying... especially if like with Bond they have a great many book to film releases... Once you see Connery as you say that's what you come to expect there after and in many cases anything short of that is always going to be a bit of a let down... Do it the other way round and have that image of what you think the character should be after reading the books then anything not matching that actor wise is always going to be disappointing...
  22. Yea, I have seen the films... That's the one where he asks if they want to pay before going outside because they won't be able to after.. Reading the books and then having a visual in your mind of the type of character he is makes such a difference when it comes to selecting the right type of actor... Having not read the books at all I have nothing to go on so any wrong casting in that respect does not impact on my enjoyment of the film, It would just then be a question of the quality and story line throughout...
  23. How do you feel about Tom Cruise being cast as Jack Reacher in the films??? Does his character fall in line with the books and pretty much how you had the vision of the character being??? I must warn you in advance though your reply might get you put on ignore straight away from @nudge depending on the response... and only that Bottle of Scotch is going to undo that lock out...
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