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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Would be good to think that somewhere out there in the far reaches of space is another habitable planet with intelligent life just sending out signals in the vain hope of finding other life forms.. just like we are doing
  2. Type 3 The Sports Bike or 'Racer' as it's known in some quarters... These are some serious pieces of equipment built for one thing only.. Speed! comes under the heading of 'Thrill Seeker' or 'Speed Freak' amongst others.. You need a bit of money in your pocket if you fancy following this path not only for the bike itself but all the protective clothing that goes with it.. These are not for the faint hearted as some of the top models could cause serious neck injuries if not hunkering down on the tank while giving it some welly... If you don't mind seeing everything go by in a blur and love that white line then this is the bike for you, instant acceleration and reaching epic breakneck speeds and best used on long stretches of motorway to get the full enjoyment, there is of course always the Isle of man TT if you fancy testing yourself against the best out there. I would like to say that the 125cc versions are good as well but in truth I have got hairdryers in the house that have more power and make less of a whining noise, unless you are in the racing game then street 125's are pretty shit as most are restricted unless you are capable of making those all important modifications.. Speed - Low level fairly safe, Upper limit max power though then you can go so fast that in the time it takes you to breathe in and out you may have covered half a mile of road.. Fuel Consumption - Varies depending on model but it does burn through the petrol fairly quickly, maybe get 40-60 miles on one tank of fuel, more modern technology and fuel efficiency may have improved this though over the years.. Street Cred - Excellent, people will cross over the road to talk to you rather than crossing over to avoid you Thrill Factor - High to Extreme depending on use.. You will be opening it up at every opportunity and probably take the long way home after work.. Danger Level - High, Even in dry conditions these can be a handful at high speeds so expect danger at every corner and roundabout in shit weather.. I was lucky enough to have a run out on a Honda CBR600 in the early hours of a frosty morning when working nights once, a bloke who worked there gave me an opportunity to test it out. it was about 4am in the morning and we were on an estate so took it out and gave it a little bit of welly, my fucking heart was in my mouth at the acceleration.. totally unexpected and by the time I had got back with it my eyes were streaming tears with the cold wind hitting my face.. looked like I had been crying.. not for me personally as I just can't get on with the seating position of them but can't knock that power.. When we were out on our bikes one afternoon on a run from the coast we hit a stretch of motorway and started racing each other and got somewhere around 90-100mph and these 3 lads rode past in t-shirts and jeans on these power bikes and just passed us like we had slowed down to 20 miles an hour, incredible speed, fuck knows what they were hitting..
  3. Very lucky there mate by the sounds of things... Getting back on the bike after an accident like that is always hard to do.. glad everything worked out for you though.. had a few incidents myself over the years but thankfully nothing serious I do have a recent sad story that didn't turn out too well... My eldest daughter Laura has this mate and she has a couple of kids, well she split up with her boyfriend of 9 years about 3 months before Christmas after he left to be with some other woman so she took the kids to her mum's down in Portsmouth. Well this new woman he started seeing had a jealous ex and as a result got his car smashed up one night so instead of taking that he had to ride down to Portsmouth on his bike to see the kids instead, he came off the bike on his way down and hit a tree and he was killed instantly... not sure what caused it, speeding or being hit but he broke his back and all his internal injuries meant there was no chance for him.. sad turn of events
  4. I did a big write up on the differences in the two movies back on the old forum after watching the second one but that's probably lost now.. Both had positives and negatives for me.. Stallone was a terrible over acted version of Dredd who never ever said "I knew you'd say that" and kept taking his helmet off but what I liked about it was that it tried to cram a lot in to it.. The City was colourful and crazy full of the strange and weird just like the City is.. They had Rico his clone brother, The Angel Gang and even managed to fit Hammerstein the war robot from the ABC Warriors in it.. ( different storyline and time altogether ) The Lawmaster Bikes were a good replica as well.. They are big heavy duty Harley type bikes.. The second one Karl Urban played Dredd just as he should be.. a grizzled veteran of many years of street service, no fun or joy to be had just a bloke applying the full letter of the law who never takes his helmet off.. Credit also has to go for the selection of Olivia Thirlby who was an superb version of Anderson, bit of a rule breaker with a better outlook on life as a PSI Judge and often the lighter more upbeat partner to Dredd on some of his more serious cases.. Lena Heady was also a great move and loved her hard unforgiving character.. The City and the Bikes were not like the first movie but budget restrictions probably didn't allow for more so it was forgivable. What it did do quite well was show the city as it is.. crime ridden and largely a joyless concrete jungle.. I have seen Dune the movie but never saw the series... If they make a couple more then we can expect good things from that
  5. Looking forward to seeing what they do with this series when it finally airs... Rumor is knocking about that Karl Urban was interested in continuing the role of Dredd as long as they gave him some good story lines and expanded on his character a bit.. One can only hope! If they are going to cover the story 'Democracy' then that would be a quality one if they get the mood right...
  6. Great stuff... did you ever come off?? normally once bitten by the biking bug people don't often stray from that path until personal circumstances or serious injury dictate otherwise...
  7. Quality that is... Would love to test myself with something like that
  8. Type 2 The Motocross or Rally Bike as it is sometimes known... Here we ramp up the stakes a bit with this all terrain terror... The Rally Car for bikers... Mostly comes under 'Thrill Seeker' heading even the lower powered versions of these ( 125cc ) can pack a decent punch if used for the intended purpose.. Great for tarmac, grass, hills, fields, streams.. you name it this beauty can probably climb it or cross it if you have the nerve that is.. nothing better than giving it full throttle on an uphill and sliding that back wheel out on muddy corners.. A great bit of kit if you often find yourself being pursued by the law.. Need to be a bit on the leggy or tall side though to own one these as they come high off the ground and you may find yourself on tip toes at the lights or leaning the back over to get a solid foot on the floor, also a great degree of physical flexibility is required as these things require your full focus when on rough or uneven ground.. great for everyday use and open faced peaked helmet as there is no shame in owning one of these.. temptation to pull a wheelie at the lights is very high with this.. Speed - Great breakaway speed and depending on the bike power is normally sustainable Fuel Consumption - Probably get about 70-80 miles on one tank Street Cred - Decent, people are probably happy to associate with you after working hours Thrill Factor - Medium to High depending on use.. A ride down the shops is just a right or left turn away from an off road romp.. Danger Level - Medium, good riders know how to handle a bike like this but tumbles and falling off is inevitable at some point in off road pursuits but don't cry about it, take the knocks and get straight back on or trade it in for a scooter you pussy! When I was about 18 I used to have a mate that owned a 250cc Yamaha one of these and one night while a whole bunch of us were at the White Hart pub in Chessington celebrating someones birthday he rocked up on it and asked if I could go give him a hand for bit to move something heavy from his shed so I jumped on the back and he showed off a bit by giving it full throttle and wheelied it on the spot and then promptly overturned it backwards and we came crashing to the floor much to everyone's amusement.. All I remember was the sudden thud on my helmet as it hit the floor and then looking over at my mate who was half laying on me and the bike half on him and he said " are you ok " and we both burst out laughing... We used it over the fields and if you crashed it he would be more concerned about you than his bike... He used to say he can always replace bike parts but couldn't replace a person.. great bloke who I have sadly lost touch with over time
  9. Obviously I will be focusing on the two wheeled variety... So lets start with some basics... The Motorbike Keyring Often underestimated about what this tells you about a person and how and what they like to ride.. And here I am not talking about someone who often gets their bunch of keys out and casually throws them on the desk hoping you will notice the Harley Logo even though they probably don't actually own a bike at all!! I am talking about a proper keyring for bike owners.. Type 1 For ladies about town and men who lack the balls to have it out with the missus about getting a proper bike only to be beaten down and buying the 'sensible choice' Mostly used for A to B journeys.. work and back or a quick trip down the shops, always pushed round the side of the house hoping no-one sees you get on it. Normally arrives early for work and leaves later than everyone else for the same reasons.. Once helmet is on however you can pretend you are riding a Harley. You can also ignore those kids laughing at you near the crossing because it's unlikely that anyone will recognize you anyway under those thick 'sensible' goggles Speed - You will have a hard time keeping up with old people on more powerful Mobility scooters and probably get cut up by skateboarders a lot Fuel Consumption - Can go for miles and miles on 50p's worth of fuel... Street Cred - You will have less than Kayne West Thrill Factor - About as much to look forward to climbing on that as you would trying to scale an 8 foot electric fence Danger Level - More a danger to others than yourself, bike is likely to crumple and break in pieces on impact with a plastic street cone, still if danger looms then just put your feet down and stand up straight and let the bike roll on and take the hit...
  10. Some nice pictures there Nudge... This one amused me when I saw it...
  11. Sad really that this still goes on in the world in places... always will be grateful for the freedoms we enjoy
  12. One of the better aspects of social media... got to hand it to her for being brave enough to try and escape in the first place and thanks to this getting out and attracting this much interest will mean it can't be hushed up with no-one knowing what was going on..
  13. Yea, read that earlier... she was worried sending her back would basically pass her a death sentence... just caught the gist of it but never read the full article... sounds like it's going to end a little better for her now though
  14. I will take a closer look at that tomorrow when my eyes are a little more focused.. looks really good
  15. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    So glad that shift is over... never felt so knackered, feeling so tired I might even nod off before 9 at this rate
  16. Bluewolf

    Ladies feet

    Toe-tally... Don't think I would be overly impressed if my missus started walking all over my Sunday dinner squashing my spuds ( although I may be thinking of a different fetish altogether there ) Don't the Japanese do that thing where they eat Sushi off naked women laying on tables??
  17. Anyone else seen 'Ray Donovan' My sister suggested it to me so have given the first series a watch... pretty decent
  18. Bluewolf

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    Merry Christmas all!!!
  19. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    It happens.... I will do my best to ask for some next time I have a Steak... or might ask the missus to knock some up to try..
  20. Bluewolf

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    Can't say I have ever tried Peppercorn Sauce....
  21. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    Nice... I normally go for the chunky chips, mushroom ( big one ) and a fried tomato half... or, the chunky chips, mushroom, tomato, peas and onion rings combo.. Like my Steak well done though... don't really want to be listening to it still mooing out the back while I am eating...
  22. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    All that chaos surrounding the Gatwick Drone incident and now after dragging some poor bloke and his missus through the mud in the media and then letting them go with no charges after being held for 36 hours is fucking appalling... Their names and faces should never have been released to the press until they were 100% sure they were guilty of something.. Some reports are now saying there may not even have been a drone in the first place.. What a cluster fuck all round...
  23. Bluewolf

    Members Pictures

    She is growing up so quickly...
  24. Bluewolf

    Ladies feet

    Giving a woman a foot rub or a relaxing massage is ok but licking between the toes/toe sucking etc is not on my list of desirable erotic must do's... I would put running through nettles naked or dressing up as a deer in the lion enclosure up the zoo ahead of that... There are far more fascinating/erotic/sexy areas to visit on a womans body than being down where the shoes have just been kicked off...
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