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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. And I hope Littlefinger plays a part in it.
  2. Well, she once tried to out-Littlefinger Littlefinger, and it didn't go as planned.
  3. So who do you guys want to see on the Iron Throne? By now I'm hoping it's Littlefinger. That would be the ultimate fuck you to all the fan boys and girls. <3
  4. And people who start complaining about stupid writing etc. Start trying to finish a complicated ass story, that even the creator couldn't finish for YEARS.
  5. You're all a bunch of whinging cunts! Anyway, Arya is fucking stupid. "I'd die before serving a Lannister"
  6. Funny, but true and sad Hopefully Liberty Media keep their promise to bring back some of the more traditional tracks. I miss Imola!
  7. Anyway, watched Episode 5 last night (haven't watched the leaked one yet, is it in decent quality?). Decent episode, but everything feels so rushed now, and it was certainly a bit "slower" than the episode before that.
  8. Hi, I'm back. Even got a tan. Had better weather up there than down here. Lots of beers were consumed, some places even had Altiber, lots of fresh air was inhaled and now I'm back in the smog.
  9. Ich spiele immer, wenn der Jackpot so an den 20 Mio kratzt. Damit würde sich mein Lebensstil gut finanzieren lassen
  10. Aber das Bier ist da leider überall sehr teuer
  11. Kopenhagen! Schick! Wollte auch immer mal nach Nordeuropa reisen, aber am liebsten nach Finnland!
  12. Danke, werde ich. Die Luft alleine ist schon tausendmal besser als hier. Wenn man zurückkommt, merkt man erstmal was man hier für eine dickflüssige Kacke einatmet
  13. Want to be cool? Join our cool Bundesliga Fantasy League: 


  14. Anyway lads, I'm off to the North tomorrow until Friday. The King in the North has summoned me.
  15. https://sport.sky.de/fussball/artikel/nummer-eins-beim-hsv-gisdol-hat-entschieden/10983491/34240?wkz=WXFNL1 Christian Mathenia will be Hamburg's first choice keeper this season. Probably not what Pollersbeck expected, but Mathenia really deserves this after his performances at the end of last season.
  16. Let's congratulate Inga, it's her birthday today. But do it loud, as she's getting old and he hearing is not that good anymore. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, INGA!
  17. Well, I'm not saying she's the prettiest of them all. For that we have Sophie Turner
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