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Everything posted by Tommy

  1. No wonder. Hungarian and Finnish are two of the most unique languages with no real familiarity with other language branches.
  2. Nope, not yet. Funnily enough, there seems to be more hype around it abroad than in Germany. I haven't seen a single ad, poster etc. for that film.
  3. Tommy


    Good question. It was with coconut milk, green curry paste, chicken and veggies. Probably as authentic as a Chinese rolex, but it was yummy either way
  4. Tommy


    Do you enjoy cooking? Over the past few years I have become a passionate cook. Today I've made a yummy Thai Curry that was to die for. What's your favourite thing to cook? Anything you specialize in? Anything you want to try in the future? Share recipes, experiences etc. here.
  5. So, Force India got a new sponsor and changed their livery:
  6. Na, I'm just a keyboard warrior. I don't attend rallies
  7. My city's in the news AGAIN! https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/778435/Teenage-boy-arrested-girl-throat-cut-Dusseldorf-Germany
  8. I want a European Union Flag! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. football forums


      Germany's next chancellor will MEGA! 


    3. football forums


      I love you Germans so much. xD

    4. football forums


      We'll be throwing ours in the English Channel in the not too distant future. Loads to collect there :ph34r:

  9. You hate us cause you ain't us!
  10. Had a dart match with my team away from home last night. Was fun. But too much beer and vodka was consumed.
  11. Kimi just ran a 1:18.634 on Super softs. The Ferrari Hype is real! Meanwhile... https://hasmclarenbrokendown.com/
  12. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/03/09/several-injured-axe-attack-dusseldorf-train-station/ Well, my city's making quite the headlines these days. What a fucked up world we're living in.
  13. https://www.rp-online.de/nrw/staedte/duesseldorf/bombenentschaerfung-duesseldorf-live-die-bombe-ist-entschaerft-aid-1.6677193
  14. So, the bomb still hasn't been defused. Over 8000 people had to be evacuated. I'm from Düsseldorf Unterrath, which you can see on the left of the map. Luckily it's just a small part of Unterrath that had to be evacuated. I'm good!
  15. Keep in mind that Mercedes did all those top times with Super or even Ultra Soft tyres, while Ferrari mostly used soft.
  16. Normandy would be amazing to see as well. I saw so many documentaries about it. Most feel surreal to see THAT place with your own eyes. Funnily enough, I've never been to Berlin before as well. I really want to go there, and see where the Führerbunker was etc.
  17. Nope, there are still tens of thousands of bombs in the grounds all over Germany. Hmm, I know that my Great-Grandfather was a prisoner of war in Russia. But I also have a great-grandfather who was supposedly French (named Dupont). So I'm half Nazi half victim really But to be serious, I don't feel guilt or anything, as my generation, and even the generation before me had nothing to do with it. But there's always that sense that we have the responsibility to make sure that history doesn't repeat itself. I want to visit a Concentration Camp one day, even though I imagine that it's a REALLY depressing experience.
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