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Honey Honey

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Everything posted by Honey Honey

  1. Not sure on manufacturer but it is finger prick blood test which checks for a particular antibody I believe. Probably be relying on you telling them online or over the phone.
  2. Good news in UK. Mass home test kits that will tell you in 15 minutes if you have it or have had it could be a week or two away. Amazon will deliver kits and chemists will sell them. Crucial to coming out of lockdown.
  3. 7 people in Iceland who have the virus have 1 common theme... they all attended the same football game in England
  4. How come there are cases in my area and I can barely get 3G
  5. Wouldn't you? If this ripped through the population panic would ensue, mass varied behavioural changes would emerge causing wild negative economic outcomes. Likely to lead to economic turmoil that lasts years not months. Businesses would be destroyed with the absence of government support. Unemployment would last longer. Tourism would end for 2 years, which on its own probably accounts for enough lost transactions to constitute depression. Exports may collapse as buying nations would stop dealing with a country out of control due to risks. Just one large pariah state threatens the whole world. Lives versus economy is a false choice.
  6. I believe Trump said they should never need "foreign" equipment then on the same day they put a request in to European countries for help with providing equipment The only hope they've got at the minute is that most cases are the young. In countries like Italy and Spain the young have strong relationships with the elders in the family. More regular contact than in most other countries. Leading to an outbreak among the older demographics. As the US plays catch up with testing their case trajectory as of this morning is the worst in the west. But this chart is distorted by bad testers like the US and UK.
  7. Trump is having an absolute shocker in the last week. He's pivoting toward opening the country back up in 2 weeks against all evidence. He's regularly contradicting Dr Fauci. His propaganda arm are putting out ideas about letting the virus do what it wants and that it's not that big a deal. He's going around playing political games against the Governor of New York, a Democrat of course. He's blaming China to divert attention from himself. He was tweeting about how strong the stock market was because of him, it then fell to an 11 year low when the algorithms cottoned on to what is actually going on. Places like New York only really started shutting down properly earlier this week after cases rocketed. That had to be initiated by the Governor not the President. New York has a big outbreak among the young because life just went on. The price may be heavy.
  8. Wet markets with animals like bats and rats started in the 1970s.
  9. Tell your auntie that the Chinese government has banned the eating of wild animals in the last month. So in that area they now have higher standards than us
  10. Snap poll finds 93% support the lockdown. 3% don't know. 4% against.
  11. Mike Ashley refusing to close SportsDirect stores.
  12. Boris Johnson press conference in 1 hour at 8:30pm. Could announce lockdown.
  13. Sounds like India are having trouble getting people to follow lockdown rules.
  14. German state must be feeling guilty for blocking exports of medical supplies to Italy a couple of weeks ago.
  15. Once we knew about it we did very little so it doesn't matter a great deal when we found out. We could have done more, we didn't take it seriously. China were building an entire hospital in a week and still westerners were going around saying the flu is worse.
  16. Spain 434 deaths so far today alone. 2355 in intensive care.
  17. You should go out for walks but there's no need go get in your car and go to the beach or the park at typical prime time. Just a 10-20 minute walk around your streets should suffice.
  18. I'm going to go the opposite way and say the outbreak in China wasn't taken seriously in much of the west because they are thought of as alien due to being racially and culturally different. However Italy closed their borders to the whole of China well before they had an outbreak of their own. They were the first western country to do so.
  19. The only positive in it all is that they are changing tact fast. At least they are amenable to internal and external pressures. What is fascinating in the public side is I have seen people go from "the flu kills more" to battening down the hatches. The only people left to catch up are the contrarian's who will probably never change and seemingly a bulk of young 20 somethings.
  20. What about us downplaying it for the last 2 months despite having the evidence as well?
  21. A better plan to mass test. It's too slow and we have no idea the extent to which this virus is in the community and which community. The reality is everything is slow because the government spent a couple of weeks behind the scenes believing in herd immunity. We've only ditched that 6 days ago! We are playing catch up and that is their fault. The public inquiry after this is over will be damning.
  22. Jesus. In the last 3 hours New York state cases have risen to 22000.
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