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Honey Honey

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Everything posted by Honey Honey

  1. The Dr said a few times we are at 10k capacity now and will be at 25k within a few weeks.
  2. Not sure the tests have any great bearing on a step change in deaths. Which things have they lied about? Genuine question. Just switched the press conference off because the quality of journalism is shoddy. They're so aggressive it's ridiculous. Like foaming tweeters and it makes the questions naff.
  3. 538 more deaths today in the UK. Gone from being a week or so behind France on daily deaths to suddenly being a day behind. Why the sudden and sharp increase?
  4. Ever since yesterdays press conference there has been a flurry of articles about testing. None of which make SAGE look good. Lockdown was the result of backlash against SAGE putting pressure on the government and testing will go down the same path.
  5. Don't think you can shut it down without impacting the staff of essential services. What you could have are hospital IDs or government letters for getting into central London. Buses need to continue though, people like me are a 40 minute walk to the supermarket, can't get back with a weekly shop without the bus.
  6. The tube is supposed to be for hospital staff only.
  7. @Bluebird Hewitt did you get arrested in the end?
  8. Danish government already talking about opening back up in early April whilst Sweden haven't even locked down.
  9. With >1200 deaths in New York state they are now asking for health care workers from around the country to come help
  10. Correction, 8000 and around half of them are in London.
  11. Hungarian parliament has voted to shut itself down and have the government operate a dictatorship.
  12. The uncle of someone I know died this weekend from coronavirus. In his 50s, no underlying health conditions. The cases we have are largely only people who needed emergency care. They'll not test anyone else. Are you based in the North West? Manchester has 91 cases https://www.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/ae5dda8f86814ae99dde905d2a9070ae
  13. People in Austria must spit a lot when they talk
  14. Germany considering making face masks mandatory when lockdown is over.
  15. Newspapers mustn't be getting the clicks they need for revenue without any football.
  16. Worst thing about that is it is not cases of people who have it, it's only people who have it who need hospital treatment, are in a vulnerable group or work for an essential service. No one else is getting tested.
  17. This is the Excel centre in London. Typically a conference centre, being turned into a 4000 bed hospital, ready end of next week. Flu kills more people though
  18. You just have to go back to the first month of this thread to see the western mindset. Blaming sensationalist newspapers, complaining about panic buying and trying to argue the fatality rate isn't bad.
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