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Honey Honey

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Everything posted by Honey Honey

  1. There's now 100 cases of unusual illness in children in 6 countries. Toxic shock and inflammation around the heart.
  2. Haha yeah. It's a common take by the Guardian and anti-British identity outlets here.
  3. I actually saw an article this morning criticising the lazy thinking in articles like that. Unfortunately I've searched but can't find it. I think it might have been in the Financial Times.
  4. It suggests we are sitting ducks for a second wave. I remember when it first started and they said if you have symptoms after visiting this very specific village in Italy then don't go outside. That was it. I also remember Mat Hancock saying that we arent shutting our borders because that only delays the virus by a day or two. I've mentioned a couple of times on here that some countries have shut their borders to visitors and any national coming back is taken from the airport straight to a quarantine hotel for 14 days. They can't go home. They can't see anyone. They're locked up.
  5. Fair play. It's a shame most the media present ones advocate selfishness and mass death. In similar vein only 3% in a recent survey oppose buying non-essential items online. Quite incredible. Online clothing sales are through the roof. A whistleblower said they cried on their way to the M&S warehouse every day and cried on the way home because they were made to go in and pack candles. In France, Amazon have been ordered by the court to only sell essential items because their warehouse conditions are shite. You've got the Royal Mail now cancelling Saturday post and a number of depots were striking about safety at the start of the crisis.
  6. "my right to buy what I want" This virus has made an absolute tit out of libertarians.
  7. It originated in Newcastle. Disappointed they don't own NUFC
  8. Head of recruitment Steve Nickson has been brought back off furlough working on proviso Steve Bruce remains manager and needs him to find more gems like Joelinton
  9. Would expect those who qualify for free prescriptions would get to have one through their GP. Surprised if not.
  10. The government have ordered 50 million immunity tests. First million expected early summer. Will cost £10 to get tested. Pin prick of blood required, then device will tell you within 20 minutes if you have been heavily exposed to a 5G mast had coronavirus.
  11. Newport and Sunderland makes sense somewhat in theory. Large number of jobs people can't work from home.
  12. Sunderland Echo. Infection rate to population. https://www.sunderlandecho.com/health/coronavirus/sunderland-has-highest-number-coronavirus-cases-population-england-what-experts-say-could-be-behind-2549447
  13. Highest infection rates in UK right now are in Cardiff, Newport and Sunderland.
  14. Is that another Twitter rumour like the one the other week that Prince Philip had died?
  15. Always a shortcut wasn't it? Human trials of covid-19 specific vaccine started in the UK the other day. 800 participants to be injected, half with vaccine, half with meningitis vaccine, with the exception that 2 American participants will have their lungs injected with bleach instead.
  16. Could just play the games on @DeadLinesman 's street. No lockdown in place there and good quality camera footage available.
  17. Deaths in UK is 41000 above the average for previous 5 years.
  18. In stitches. At both them and the image of you peeping through your curtains to get that snap love it
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