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Honey Honey

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Everything posted by Honey Honey

  1. Political tactic perhaps. Lock everything down and people whine at the government. Wait for the emergence of a group of ignorant tossers ignoring advice and then locking down becomes an approval rate winner. Though most leaders are surging in approval ratings in this crisis anyway. Some of those who started with the worst approval ratings such as Macron and Trump are getting great gains.
  2. I don't think what he's saying there now matters. The people watching are those isolating. The french had to enforce lockdown because of a proportion of people not listening. We are a couple of days from that. The ice cream van has just been down my street ffs.
  3. Looks like New York state is in massive trouble. 12000 cases. Saying they will be out of medical supplies in 10 days.
  4. New York has 10,000 cases. US on the whole have over 700 currently in intensive care.
  5. I reckon London will go into full lockdown on Monday.
  6. Northern Italy went into lockdown March 8th, the rest of Italy March 9th.
  7. 106 in intensive care in London. Something like 75% men. Funny as I reckon my gf has what I have now but she only has sore throat and occasional cough whereas I reckon I've got very mild pneumonia if such a thing is possible.
  8. 1600 in intensive care in France. 50% are under 60. The obsession with age group fatality risks making people blind to how they can take up hospital beds. Stay in doors.
  9. There's still 2800 in intensive care as well.
  10. The best bit is that lad trying to justify it by saying people will lose their jobs if he doesn't go to the pub... 4 hours after the government guaranteed every bar tenders job in the country Keep up
  11. Better thanks mate. Dry persistent cough still clinging on but feeling healthy otherwise.
  12. It's still optional based on what Boris said. They've been told they should close, they don't have to.
  13. WHO saying under 50s are making up a significant portion of those hospitalised so wake the fuck up you feckless young cunts.
  14. Tune may change of bars after this evening's message from the government. Come next week they will force any closed that haven't. No reason to stay open now with these new economic measures. We will probably have 1000 deaths by next weekend.
  15. These war communism measures in the UK are the first step to a complete lockdown in London soon, probably next week. Finally. One London hospital already reached capacity in the last 24 hours.
  16. Bavaria to go into complete lockdown from midnight tonight. People only allowed out to buy groceries or medicine. What is London waiting for? As of 9am yesterday London had 1221 cases. Given that people like myself may have it and can't get tested then that number is an understatement.
  17. Spain on worse trajectory than Italy. UK bad, outside of zone 1 in London there is barely any lockdown at all. Alarm bells.
  18. Need for intensive care 300 over capacity in Lombardy. Is this partly the reason for the higher fatality rate?
  19. Could be. However on the flip side Wuhan shut down 8 days earlier than Italy at the same stage. As a society Italy is being criticised for not taking this seriously early on, people ignoring advice, restaurants and socialising carried on. Basically responding as badly as the rest of the west. Many communities are going to get away with that defiance. Lombardy and Madrid are not.
  20. I wonder if they'll be spying on me, I'm o2, NHS 111 website has told me I might have it and need to isolate immediately for the next 7 days, used this phone and gave them my postcode. Not that I plan on going anywhere.
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