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Devil-Dick Willie

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Posts posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. 4 hours ago, The Palace Fan said:

    Well it guarantees The Young Bucks will appear for AAA again and they'll lose to a team that will get a good reception. From a political stand point it makes sense.

    Im surprised they're not doing Moxley against Omega next given how well Moxley's debut has gone down. Over time I reckon he will get exposed in AEW so it may be best to milk him now whilst hes shit hot.


    He is a very mediocre wrestler it's true. I'd have him do work with Cody for sure, but eventually once the hype goes I'd put him in a tag team

  2. On 27/05/2019 at 23:17, The Palace Fan said:

    I didn't mind The Young Bucks / Lucha Bros outcome to be honest. It sets up the match with Cody and Dustin for the next show nicely and I dont think Lucha Bros have signed an exclusive contract as of yet so giving them the win would have been rather risky. 

    SCU were great though. With the talk of Gallows, Anderson, Revival and possibly even The Usos having an eye on the company when there contracts expire I was worried they may get pushed aside very quickly, but that performance shows that shouldn't happen. The tag team division is already quite bulky but they look capable of still holding their own.

    Cody Rhodes may not be the most technically gifted, but my word he is a great story teller. I quite like seeing a mix of styles throughout a card which is why I enjoyed him so much in Ring of Honor. I know they go on about being different but there is a time and a place to use WWEs story telling style and two thirds of the way in to the card was it.

    I dont think the show was as good as people are making it out to be on Twitter. Then again they could have had Kenny Omega wrestle a tree for three hours and people on Twitter would have been praising it. The production felt very similar to WWE and some of the commentary at times was actually very poor. However the majority of wrestling was good, some new characters to the mainstream market got some very good exposure (MJF, Best Friends etc) and they achieved their goal for the show.

    I will say that though thank god they signed a well known name in the Western Market in Jon Moxley. Before that I was feeling a little underwhelmed at the lack of surprises.


    Why? It's the titles from AAA. Not AEW titles. They probably want them back at some point on a team that actually performs in mexico. 


    I agree the commentary was poor at times. JR knows very little about the wrestlers and their move sets. 

  3. The only match that exceeded my expectations was SCU vs Stronghearts.

    The psychology of the lucha bros vs the young bucks was horrid. They made a huge deal of the bucks lacking practice, and had them bump into each other and kick each other, even in the middle of the match, just for them to win it anyway. Which also meant neither AAA or OWE got the rub either. 

    Jericho vs Omega was good if not slightly underwhelming. 

    Cody vs Dustin was a WWE match but with blood in it.It was a great story and Dustin performed admirably. Cody always has story driven matches because he is incapable of wrestling technically high level matches. He will always be codeine Rhodes, the American nightmeh 

  4. 17 hours ago, The Palace Fan said:

    I thought the unpredictable ending to last nights show was great but the internet seems to have had a break down xD


    Did I pop? Yes. Is it the worst mid term decision they could have made? Yes. The guy who never shows up is next in line to be champion again. In a match where 9 other guys busted their ass (Literally in Andrades case) to put themselves over (bar Orton who's the laziest cunt in the world) 

    Strip the title off the 2 over as fuck face champs and put it on Lesnar. Yeah, great thinking, that'll bring the viewers back

    The 24/7 title should have just been a reintroduction of the hardcore title. The idea is good the execution was poor. The crowd didn't give a fuck about the fuggo piece of shit.

    The wildcard rule is shit, and they are on a fucking mission from god to get roman booed again. Stop putting him on every PPV, stop having him go on after titles in a more main event spot, stop having him squash more popular guys, stop having him win EVERY SINGLE FUCKING MATCH, stop putting him on both shows. Fuck me. Poor bastard. 

  5. 8 hours ago, Cicero said:

    Maybe because the fleet were behind a giant fucking rock? Were Dany and co supposed to expect a random surprise fleet behind that as well? Mad how you defend those scenarios I brought up, but can't completely grasp this explanation. xD

    The criticism I agree with is that the season does feel rushed, which does a disservice to some elements. But when people are criticising fucking battle tactics and how these legendary thinkers would never be caught out, despite it happening over and over from season 1 to now, is embarrassing. 



    Here is a representation of how line of sight for things in the air work. THEY CAN SEE OVER THINGS ON THE GROUND. Also remember the GIANT FLEET that was 'hiding behind a rock' saw 2 sky predators before they saw them apparently. 


    Not to mention the first 3 shots they take from a ship bobbing up and down on the ocean at a fast moving target at distance that they haven't ranged in are all hits. 



  6. 10 hours ago, Cicero said:

    Cercei did nothing during the armistice meeting, so the possibility of 'having their guard down' is highly probable.

    People acting genuinely shocked that Dany, Tyrion, and Varys didn't 'know better' when heading to Dragonstone, are downright nitpicking. 


    Why didn't Robert Baratheon question that all of his legitimate children have blonde hair? Because his wifes entire family is blonde?

    How did Khal Drogo, the greatest warrior of Essos, die of a small wound? Because 'being a great warrior' doesn't save you from infection or evil witch magic?

    Why did Robb, who has won every major battle and had great character, allowed a woman he just met to have his guard down and completely forget about the war? It's different in the books, but even in the show, he doesn't 'forget about the war' He marries the lass he loves then appeals to the Freys for forgiveness and to renegotiate.

    Why did Jaqen H'ghar, a master of manipulation, assassination, and disguise, get captured by low Lannister guards? Who said he did? He was being sent north from the kings dungeons from kings landing. It's entirely possible it was his easiest ride north, or that he needed to go to the wall for some reason. We don't know where he goes after he leaves Arya. Honestly the better question is why did he kick around harrenhall for so fucking long

    Why didn't Stannis, the greatest naval commander in Westeros, lead the battle of Blackwater? He did. He just wasn't at the front because HES THE FUCKING KING

    Why did Prince Oberyn, arguably the greatest fighter in Westeros, let his guard down and not finish off the Mountain? At no point is it ever suggested he's 'the greatest fighter in westeros' Ever. He's a dangerous boi, but also a heavy drinker and silly wanker. In the books it's very clear that Jaime, Selmy and the Hound are the greatest fighters in westeros, (at least with a sword) and in the books theres none of this fan ficcy bullshit where Briene beats Jaime or the Hound.


    These are just a small handful of the numerous mistakes found in seasons 1-4. So to actually criticise a scene, that is entirely plausible, screams of nitpicking. xD



    The main problem isn't 'why didn't she realise they were there' the main problem is how can't you see a fucking fleet that's about to open fire on your fucking dragons. Sure they were off screen for us, but they literally would have been just sitting there in Dannys view in reality. 

    • Upvote 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Fairy In Boots said:

    Tyrion in s4 to the people of KL “I should have let Stannis burn you all” why grief/anger. The fan base “yeah fuck them cunts, go one Tyrion & the fan base now “innocents”. 




    Tyrion to a very specific group of 100 ish people who are nobles who want him persecuted for a crime he didn't commit while he has just been sentenced to death "I shoulda let someone else kill you instead of defending you"


    Danny to the innocent poor people of kings landing, not even the red keep, as she wins her greatest victory and gets everything she ever wanted after promising she would show mercy 'imma personally kill you with fire instead of freeing you'


    Fairy in boots. "This is basically the same"

    • Haha 3
    • Upvote 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Tommy said:

    I just hope that one day GRRM is going to finish the books and we'll get a re-make of the show. I loved season 1-4, even 5 and 6... but than it just went downhill so fucking fast. It's a shame really. 


    I was thinking that yesterday. A full metal alchemist brotherhood if you will. 

  9. I understand Danerys arc. But what about Jaime. He spent 7 seasons learning a different way, redeeming himself and getting over Cerci. Then when he gets what he truly wants 10 seconds later he fucks off back to slag features for literally no reason.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Danny said:

    Irony in calling out a ridiculous statement with “People love Mane and he’s black”.

    I never said Pogba can’t be criticised (seeing as I criticised him in the same post and agree with the criticism) but for a midfielder with his goals and assists tally this season he picks up a lot of column inches where other players don’t. Media has proven itself to be inherently racist time and time again


    Have you considered that he is their top earner and is significantly under performing and not even trying very hard and that it has nothing to do with his race or appearance or heritage at all?


    Have you considered that you are a gobshite? 

    • Haha 2
  11. 16 hours ago, Danny said:

    Pogba was never great at Juve, he just played with great midfielders who didn’t rely on him. This side relies on him and he can’t deliver.

    Great players lift poor teams, you’ve only got to look at what Gerrard done for years at Liverpool 

    Pogba gets a lot of negative attention because he’s black, no doubt about that. But he’s also a record signing who has failed to make an impact consistently. So far the entire Pogba saga for United has been an absolute flop


    You're insane. 

    • Upvote 1
  12. Another confused mess of an episode. 

    Cleganebowl was literally pointless. I though that it was setting up to have Sandor cover Arya from the mountain while she killed Cersi. But instead, after walking all that way with him she just leaves at the last minute. Which meant it was pointless beyond a side characters personal satisfaction. Jamie vs Euron was forced and pointless. Neither prophecy from the book was fulfilled as Jamie didn't kill Cerci and he wasn't involved in Cleganebowl like he was supposed to be. Even Dumb slags period rage felt dumb as she promised to let the Lannisters surrender, then they surrender fully, then for literal no reason she gets mad cow disease and fucking nukes em anyway. I get that they were trying to set up 'she has the Targaryen gene' but she went from breaker of chains and personally helping out rape victims to nuking Hiroshima in about the space of half a season. [spoiler/]

  13. I've repeatedly stated the show has been going downhill fast since beginning season 3. The only time it's got better was season 6 was better than 5 because 5 was the worst shit ever (until now)

  14. Hahahahaha what a fucking car crash so far. Fuck me. Does anyone watch the post episode walkthroughs? 'Yeah Danarys forgets that she's at war with Cerci and that the Iron fleet exists so that's how they catch her by surprise and kill her dragon'


    Fuck me. Episode 3 was utter fucking gash as well from what little we could actually see. 

  15. I hate hate hate hate hate this. It's literally a mechanism to get Roman Reigns on tv more. Fuck this. 


    If you have all the 'stars' of raw and 'stars' of smackdown on both shows all the time it leaves no time for the midcard as well. Horrendous. AEW can't come soon enough.

  16. I've been thinking about the Champions league, and the dearth of top teams we've had this season. Bayern, Barca and Juventus are usually elite, 3 of the best in the world. But recently they've been bullying their respective weakened leagues with unspectacular football and calling it a 'success'. PSG have yet to ascend past that same level. Spurs were outplayed for huge stretches of the game by Dortmund, probably were the worse team for about 100 of the 180 minutes, but during those 80 minutes scored an outrageous number of goals considering, then they were outplayed by City and won again. They're far from a special team.


    Only 3 teams this season can claim to be great champions. Ajax, Liverpool and City. City are gone. Only Ajax or liverpool 'deserves' to win this seasons CL, as they are 2 of the truly special sides this season. 


    If Spurs beat Ajax then liverpool you all have my permission to spack out. I know I would. 


    And yes. The above means I feel robbed whenever a decent or nomark team just sort of jimmies their way into the CL final and wins it (see 2012, 2004) But that's football for you.

    • Upvote 4
  17. Quote

    For the good of football, please win or draw tomorrow Leicester... A new champion would be nice and I would definitely prefer Liverpool win it over City as they are a much proper club and more than anything the players and Klopp deserve something after the CL final loss last year and also for the way they kept it up with City.


    It was Asura

  18. Firefly fun house seems like the next great gimmick that will be buried by vince because he 'doesn't get it' ALA the fashion files 

  19. James Faulkner made a joke about his friend being his boyfriend. 

    The Australian media dives into it with mass front page stories and calls him brave

    Other Australian players past and present congratulate him on his courage


    Faulkner "It was just a prank bro"


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