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Devil-Dick Willie

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Everything posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. He's not a stupid person (he is a hack though). His political alignment requires him to defend the indesensible at times though, so he has to reach for dumb arguments that hold no water for anyone with an IQ over 90
  2. It just tells you he never truly believed the first result was fraudulent. If it was, this election would also be, and the exercise would be pointless.
  3. Rodri Olmo Musiala Xaka In terms of break out stars Guehi, Bijol, the Spanish kids and Mamardashvili.
  4. Imagine unloading Southgate just to replace him with Gerrard or Lamps lol. What's the fucking point?
  5. Watch both goals carefully. Goal 1. Shaw is caught square on and immobile between Carvajal and Yamal. He fucks up, Carvajal has a beautiful 1 touch pass that lets Yamal run onto the ball and at Guehi, and Shaw never recovers. Everyone shifts over 1 player, Walker picks up a midfield runner (Olmo). NO ONE picks up Williams, Walker tries to get across for the block but can't. Neither Mainoo or Saka picked up Williams, partly because Mainoo is a bit clueless defensively, but MOSTLY because it all happened so fast. Goal 2. Olmo picks up the ball in midfield with enough time to turn, face goal, put the kettle on and have a cuppa. Bellingam and Rice are sitting deeper than my cock inside Sydney Sweeny in my dreams, and have no hope of offering pressure. Watch Saka and Cucarella closely at this time. Afro man starts his overlapping run when Ruiz passes to Olmo, Saka is very slow to react. Walker DOES fuck up at this time, because the back 4 start sprinting back, each of the other 3 have a man each, but Walker is caught in about 3 minds, because he has Olmo running at him, and he can see Cucarella us unmarked. Olmo makes a brilliant decision to go direct to Oyarzabal, which eliminates Walker. Had he made the easy pass to Cucarella, Walker would have been able to close down. Oyarzabal makes the perfectly weighted one touch pass and even with his pace, Walker now has buckleys chance. I think both goals involve a brilliant first touch pass from a Spaniard, and that needs to be recognized. But Shaw is the villain for the first goal by a MILE. And I think Saka is the root cause for the second, as he put Walker in a blender.
  6. I think i'd take Kane to tournaments even if he had 1 leg. Not to start mind, but if you are awarded a pen from the 70th minute, or in case of a shootout, break glass and bring him on.
  7. No, Walker is dropping off and was worse last season at city than previously, but he's consistent and reliable. He was caught between 2 players for the 2nd goal because Saka let la cucaracha burn him and gave him a nights march. It's a miracle that Walker NEARLY closed the cross down if anything.
  8. Commin atcha with a controversial one. Evertonians look away. Pickford is a big reason you lost that final. Not from the shot stopping perspective, but the cunt gave the ball back to spain like clockwork. Completed 50% of his passes. Completed a single pass out of everyone that was across the halfway line. A big reason England were so consistently under pressure and couldn't get attacks of their own brewing IMO.
  9. I think you know as well as I do that a lot of the poor defense has nothing to do with stats. Because there's no stat for 'we conceded 10 or more goals this season because our back 3 was stretched to fuck because Trent was off on an adventure'. It doesn't involve missed tackles or dribbles completed against him. Most of the defensive liability isn't from him failing to close down a cross or not clear a ball, it comes from 'where the fuck was trent?'
  10. Certainly that's what's best for England if they can get anyone decent in now.
  11. I mean, Belgium came 3rd at the world cup, no draws, no penalty shoot outs, to lose to eventual champions France, in a close 1-0 game. They were the 2nd best team at that world cup, despite being probably 4th or 5th best on paper. 2020, lost to champions Italy 2-1. Then they fucked the last world cup up. I'd say it's unfair to slate them for the first 2.
  12. Imagine doing punditry for a team whos LB is old, a bit shite a lot of the time, and always playing on an irregular basis, whos best midfielder is a guy who does the basics well and that's it, whos partners were a right back, a teenager (who turned out a fun find but hardly world class yet) and a guy who's only mode is bombing around, and who has taken no dedicated left edge option to the tournament. A team with deep class in some positions and mediocre players in several others. Then imagine slagging off one of the top 3 on paper teams of the tournament because their left back underperformed one season in a team he's not suited too, and a team who underperformed as a unit all season. Says it all about English punditry really. Spain can't go all the way because Cucurella is off the boil, but England are favorites (pre tournament) with Shaw, Walker, Guehi, Rice and Mainoo as its BEST starters in those positions. Absurd. And to be fair to Mainoo and Guehi they exceeded expectation!
  13. The best comment I saw on youtube in reply to Kanes interview after the game "Harry Kane is so brilliant and elusive with his movement, you cross it into the box, but he's not there, he's off having a conversation with Pickford" It's funny as well because Rooney was often the same. A 'hard worker' at the cost of making tackles on the halfway line that left England without a focal point on the resulting attack, or inexplicably bombing down the wing with someone instead of running to the penalty spot.
  14. To be fair Kyle Walker has been either decent or a stand out in the past, and plays with Stones weekly, which is HUGE in international football IMO. I'd be grilling him (and Stones actually) for their performance this final, but Walker had an up and down tournament, and Southgate is never playing TAA in a million years if his plan is to win games 1-0.
  15. I think the idea there is you went through each indvidiual game playing as shit as possible and now with no trophy again to show for it the FA will probably offer Southgate another contract based on the outcome, rather than the performance. Ask Klopp if he wants the team for the world cup cycle. If no, go Roberto surely. It would be so England to extend Southgate or offer it to Moyes or someone
  16. Shinzo Abe being blown away with a high school science project volcano years after he was last in power isn't comparable.
  17. Roberto Martinez. Took Belgium to 3rd, did okay with a shite Portugal team, speaks the kings English, knows the prem and English media.
  18. I promise with all my heart, I would not play a right back in midfield. I would not play a right back at left back, I would not pick 'all the best players on fifia' in my front 4 to trip over each other and get in each others way. The players would fucking hate me though hahahaha.
  19. I have been sooooo frustrated with the co commentator on my platform. He's been frustrated that England 'didn't go on and chase the winner', and that 'they reverted back to playing deep'. Umm no sweetie, it's called, the better team having control of the ball and the game.
  20. If this goes to extra time Spain will rue those missed chances. They could have been 2-0 up and they keep finding shots that are decent but savable from good opportunities.
  21. Okay England have used their miracle get out of jail free card now, next goal is the one that counts for Spain!
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