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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. That's a habit I am glad that I have cracked over the last ten years. I used to buy a game and just leave it in the wrap for months then of course another AAA title would come out and I'd never get back to it. Now, I try and keep it to 10 games in the backlog at the most and burn through them over a week when work slows down which thankfully happened mid last month. Sony has made it hard this year with all these good games coming out but I figure once travelling is done over the summer I'll finish my backlog as well. The next few games I am truly interested in purchasing are MvC:Infinite, Detroit, Death Stranding, LoU: Part2, Divinity 2, Rime, Middle Earth, Super Mario Odyssey, Sonic Mania and maybe that Destiny 2 game.
  2. My backlog was bad but I got through most of it Witcher 3 (I never really took the time to sit down and get through it. Honestly, it kinda got boring at one point too for me) Horizon Zero Dawn Nioh The Witness Superhot Still in the bucket Dark Souls III Final Fantasy XV Dishonored 2
  3. Just got over a big backlog myself. Had things sitting around and I finished them which is why I even went and got Nier.
  4. I'd look around before buying Horizon. I can see it dropping in another month or so in price so maybe spend the 25 on something else?
  5. One of the best games I played this year, although I rate Nioh higher just because of the amped difficulty. Horizon can be a truly gratifying experience if you roam the land more than do the missions and then go back every now and then. They did such a fantastic job on the controls and the enemies it never really got dull for me. How much are you getting it for?
  6. Finished it maybe a week back why do you ask?
  7. When i saw him get up I thought "thank the lord" then he started to make that face full of pain and I started thinking "we're proper fucked now". Oh well we can only hope that we can do well now and its not like he's the only person we rely on that's out. If only the league was till December ... if only.
  8. Just watched EP1 of Attack on Titan Season 2. Its funny how animation houses take almost 3 years to put out something which they could probably adapt to a tv show if they wanted to without making their fans wait. Still, it was too short but it had an excellent ending if anyone has watched Season 1 which was fantastic as well.
  9. After getting through a silly backlog over the past two weekends I just purchased Nier : Automata and am going to give it a run this week at some point. Anyone else tried it? Got it for the PC as I wanted to see what the fuss was all about and how the fight mechanics were.
  10. What's worse is that we've also lost Lallana who was getting back into form and Henderson has been out for ages as well. It was nice to see Coutinho and Firmino looking sharper over the weekend but then you have to wonder who is going to step up. Emre Can has apparently been carrying an injury while playing for most of the times he has come on as well.
  11. Is Mane really out for the rest of the season? I'd like to think at some point we'll be able to play our preferred starting XI to the end of a the season. In hindsight, all those players that crowded the midfield positions can now step up and show the boss that they can do the job. Hilarious really considering during the summer everyone was joking about the fact that we kept acquiring attacking players and lo-and-behold we now have an attack issue that could be rectified by those players. I did see another stat during the Arsenal game yesterday which showed that out of the top 6 we've changed the least in terms of formations used and the only other team with a low change in formation is Chelsea. The top two were Arsenal/City and that makes me wonder whether Klopp has finally found the formation he wants and now all he need are players that can rotate in and out of those positions.
  12. The very one. I haven't tried Worms yet but its never really been the kind of game I'd play
  13. https://steamed.kotaku.com/fans-wont-stop-playing-h1z1-king-of-the-hill-even-tho-1793793024 I played it for a while and then had to uninstall it because I moved on but has anyone here played H1Z1? Also, more importantly, has another tried PlayerUnknown's Battleground?
  14. Did some math to convert and I'm doing about 230/mo for a 3 BHK penthouse with three bathrooms and a terrace with a view to the lake. I will get a place in the next three years (some nice ones coming up) but when I hear everyone around me complaining about stuff related to buying versus renting and the way land just appreciates weirdly here I get a bit weary. Still, I started with the same place at 170/mo so over 7 years thats not too much of a jump and its much bigger than where I used to live and pay much more for.
  15. Well that article also briefly touches on the PSPGo being a failure as most gamers really want to own their games and with Nintendo even the download policy is ridiculous because if you go that route then you don't really 'own' the game or some kind of legal loophole. I am old-school like you and like to take my games to other people's places or lend them to friends too but I suppose if they could find a way to make the bootstrapper better for games and make the initial block load faster for things like the first two or three segments of a game then it might take off also considering now you get rid of a loader for physical media. I know a lot of AAA titles have adopted that now from the PC gaming industry and it works unless you burn through the first few segments quickly then you're just stuck waiting for the next piece to load to play.
  16. https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2017/03/would-you-consider-a-disc-free-console-option/ Interesting piece on a purely download only console option. If it was cheaper would you go for it? I am trying to remember the last time I actually bought a disc for my PS4, with my Switch I kinda have to because the eStore is a POS but if it was cheaper would more gamers gravitate towards it?
  17. Sometimes there just aren't enough clicks and you hit more than register just to be safe. What character did you play with?
  18. Ruined a mouse playing that but I think the expansion pack made it more fun for me
  19. You know I tried the nunchuck style that has been going around the internet where you play it as a disjointed set and I found it extremely weird when I was seated away from my TV. Having said that when you play it on a table it feels right (so weird I know). The other thing I got a chance to try this week was playing a two player game with a friend on his and when you orient them horizontally they really work well. I was surprised at how much more comfortable it feels with both my hands on a joycon versus two in one hand each. Did you get anything else other than BotW? I am waiting on my copy of Super Bomberman to arrive.
  20. Yep I think I even went out and had a listen for the track from the opening (Rip and Tear?). I still love my Jap Rock in games but if you're decapitating enemies and causing carnage some heavy rock and metal is an absolute must.
  21. Mr Robot is great and season 2 was a little weird at the start but gets so much better towards the end.
  22. Thought the soundtrack was very good and went well with all the action. Cranking up the difficulty made it interesting as I found myself really challenged to try and keep crowding enemies under control.
  23. I can only say this its weird at first but then once you get used to it I'll say its a superb purchase. I've taken mine on two trips now since I brought it and while the battery life is terrible if you're continually gaming. BotW is a fun game and shines on their device. What I really hate about the game is the tilt puzzles but other than that can't really fault it much. Can't wait too see what they do with the titles they have lined up.
  24. I don't get why people got so upset over it all even if it is a Zelda game and yes I have heard about the 'Worst-Game-Contender of 2014'? Video. Still, the kind of easy opportunities the gaming community has had over the years to shame and even harass people online is slowly becoming a problem or a lot of people involved in the gaming industry.
  25. I ask friends but then I figure its probably best to just see what development houses are putting out and then pick a game based on genre. I spent a lot of time in the fighting game series that way. I also like the off-beat indie games because they offer a lot variety and experimentation in gameplay mech. One of the nicer games I played a while back was Transistor and it was a total stumble while I was browsing on Steam. Granted its a highly rated game.
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