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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. These final questions always bring with them an explanation and there were a few this time around. 10. If the sheep had to pick one of the CURRENT contestants to judge a pole-vaulting competition which one would they pick? Nudge - 4 Tommy (as she probably knows her ways around poles better than us.) Caac John Lucas Nudge (me, obviously) Tommy - 2 Dr. Gonzo Bluewolf Bluewolf - 2 Beelzebub (bcz he was the initial judge in the first Olympics way back in BC times) Spike (he saw the first, he will see the last) Deadlinesman - 1 Deadlinesman (Me because I have a massive pole) Spike - 1 Stan (Poles can have spikes, so Spike.)
  2. Almost had two sheep rounds here. Almost ... 9. What is the length of an Olympic pool in meters - 25, 50, 100 50 - 9 Stan Tommy Caac John Deadlinesman Dr. Gonzo Lucas Spike Nudge Bluewolf 100 - 1 Beelzebub
  3. 8. Name a sport that can only be played in the winter Skiing - 5 Stan Dr. Gonzo Lucas Beelzebub Spike Ski Jumping - 2 Nudge Bluewolf Ice Hockey - 1 Tommy Football - 1 Caac John Bobsled - 1 Deadlinesman
  4. 7. Name a sport that can only be played in the summer Cricket - 6 Stan Caac John Deadlinesman Dr. Gonzo Nudge Bluewolf Beach Volleyball - 3 Tommy Lucas Beelzebub All Sports - 1 Spike (fuck that you can play all summer sports in winter, 100m freestyle? harden up and deal with the negative -10 waters of norway)
  5. 6. Name the country with the greatest number of medals in fencing. France - 5 Stan Tommy Caac John Lucas Nudge Italy - 2 Dr. Gonzo Beelzebub Switzerland - 1 Deadlinesman Georgia - 1 Spike China - 1 Bluewolf
  6. 5. Name a martial-art that is also an Olympic-recognized event? Judo - 7 Tommy Caac John Dr. Gonzo Lucas Beelzebub Nudge Bluewolf Taekwondo - 2 Stan Deadlinesman Boxing - 1 Spike
  7. How hard can it be to count you ask? 4. How many vertical poles are there at a Rugby world cup match? 4 - 5 Dr. Gonzo Lucas (just wondering if this is a trick including the flags) Spike (unless you count those cushion pylons they have in the corners then it is 8 ) Nudge Bluewolf 2 - 3 Tommy Caac John Beelzebub 18 - 1 Deadlinesman [(4 posts, 14 flags) and I actually knew this! )] 8 - 1 Stan (including the flagpoles at the try-line)
  8. 3. Name a country with the most gold medals in floor gymnastics Russia - 5 Caac John Dr. Gonzo (What the fuck is floor gymnastics?) Lucas Nudge Bluewolf China - 3 Tommy Beelzebub Spike USA - 2 Stan Deadlinesman
  9. 2. Name someone from Jamaican men's athletics other than Usain Bolt who has won a gold medal in the 100x4 men's relay. Yohann Blake - 2 Stan Lucas Asafa Powell - 2 Tommy Deadlinesman Nesta Carter - 2 Caac John Bluewolf Kemar Bailey-Cole - 1 Dr. Gonzo Busain Uolt - 1 Beelzebub No Idea - 1 Spike Usain Bolt - 1 Nudge (fuck the rules)
  10. Sheep - Season 11 - Sports - Round 4 - Randomness - Answers What a round that was. I will say this, there's clearly some angst amongst the sheep but the answers will tell you why. Also, I can't apologize enough about not getting this done sooner. @Stan @CaaC (John) @Dr. Gonzo @DeadLinesman @Spike @Pyfish @nudge @Beelzebub @Tommy @Lucas @Bluewolf 1. Name a country which has the most gold medals in Golf? USA - 10 Stan Tommy Caac John Deadlinesman Dr. Gonzo Lucas Beelzebub Spike Nudge Bluewolf
  11. Surprised you didn't do a list of things where you live now haha.
  12. @Harry SMB: Wonder is a superb game. Spent a few hours on it during my layover at the airport on my way home and I like it a lot.
  13. Don't think that's the topic we're discussing here. Plus I think GOTY editions are more based on sales and price reductions mostly, I'm struggling to think of a GOTY edition that went ahead of the original and gave you something more unless I am missing something here.
  14. Not gonna lie I'd have loved if Capcom had spent some time doing an over-the-soulder RE1 Remake but in all honesty I wish they'd focus on the next big game in the series vs remakes at this point. This had potential to be one of the scarier ones too just because of the enemies involved.
  15. Apologies but we're back for the round answers and questions for the final round this Friday. Had a family emergency and at home so haven't had access to a lot of things like my cloud backup for the scores.
  16. The simplest thing is to transfer them to one-drive via the web (yes, they can still track you if it's a company issued laptop). If you want to go the completely off-beat route then do this, if they are small, email them to yourself on your work laptop and then if you have a web interface for emails just open that at home and download them, there's no tracking there and it's really very hard to do anything even if there was. One piece of caution is that if there's an InTune server sitting anywhere close to the work you're doing (company IP, confidential data, etc) I'd just avoid copying and get someone else to mail them to me haha. Those things are very granular about file access and usage. I can't believe I am saying all this when I used to work with SecOps but realistically if its nothing serious you can just take it with you unless the company has some vested interest in it from a financial or IP standpoint.
  17. I genuinely think you'd like Engage a lot just based on how much you like the other Fire Emblem stuff.
  18. I have to agree here. I stick to certain genres because I get value out of them and they are mostly souls-like games vs the traditional platformers which I really used to enjoy but now they've gotten stale with some exceptions. The Zelda game won't win GOTY honestly even if the game mechanics are truly good, the fact it got a 10 from many reviewers shocked me.
  19. What a year it's been for games. Every quarter has a stellar game that kept gamers engaged with new mechanics or great story telling. As we got towards the end of the year some really good games started to come out too. Here's my list for what I played this year and the good/bad from the list. The Good Lies of P (MultiPlatform) - I start this list with one of the better games I played that I really liked and wanted to be a GOTY candidate even if it's a souls-clone. The story is engaging and actually has some plot unlike your typical souls' games and the character progression system and weapon choices truly are what makes this game shine. I hope to see a sequel and more from this studio in the same genre of games, they know what they are doing. Are they better than FromSW? Not really but they do a good job. Legend Of Zelda (Switch) - Tears of the Kingdom - If there was a category for best game mechanics of the year this one easily wins it hands down. It's BoTW on steroids and as you start to build your arsenal and traverse the world Nintendo have created you start to appreciate just how deep this game can get. Baldur's Gate 3 (Multi-platform - Best played on PC) - Easily one of the best RPGs in a very long time for the PC. I played the Beta and was clamoring for more and the fact that its Larian making this game made it even more fun. They have history here and this is a refinement that truly deserves all the accolades it's getting. Spiderman 2 (PS5) - This is the PS5 game to get this year. It's open world system and the fact that you've got character switching is Insomniac truly using with the PS5 was made to do. Is it similar to the last two games they've made? Yes. Have they added fun elements to make it fresh? Yes. The story is also quite good, and I'd recommend this to anyone with a PS5, it's a must have. Alan Wake 2 (Multiplatform | Currently Playing) - I went into this thinking to myself that the first one was good and surely this would be better. It was good, really good. What they've managed to do here and achieve with the scares and the mechanics will keep you very engaged. Does it hold replay value? I don't think so but that's irrelevant as its very good. Sea of Stars (Multiplatform) - This is my vote for hidden gem of the year. It's so good that I had to get it for my Switch and its thoroughly engrossing as an RPG. Wo Long - Fallen Dynasty (Multiplatform) - When I first started playing this, I thought I'd get a Sekiro-like experience, but I was wrong, very wrong. What Team Ninja have done here and its very sneaky is they've found a way to make a game that I'd like to say teaches you the fine art of crowd-management. The bosses are ultra difficult and it gives you a very Elden-Ring feeling as every turn brings about a new enemy type that is looking to end you. I rank it higher than Lies of P in terms of achievement satisfaction and Lies of P is really very high on my list of games I played this year. Fire Emblem Engage (Switch) - I wish I had bought this when it came out as I really liked it and if you have played any of the others in the series you'll love the fact that they've gone back to proper tactical gameplay vs some of the other story-based modes they've had which were honestly just garbage imo. Super Mario Bros - Wonder (Switch) [Late Add] - Yeah its good and its quite nice that they've found new ways to keep you engaged too. Is it the best SMB out there? Not really but its still very good for the Switch. The Bad Robocop - Vice City (Multiplatform) - I like the general idea of this game but its so unpolished that even with the healthy helping of on-screen violence and the fact that your hand canon truly blows people's heads to bits it fell a little short of me. I'd like a more polished game with some better mechanics. I'd also like half my money back. Redfall - I went into this like I did with Prey and I left feeling exactly the way I did with Prey. This is 2023 and yet we're left with shaky camera control systems and just a horrible gaming experience all over. The Not So Great RE4 - Remake (Multiplatform) - I'd love to give this higher accolades but lets be honest here, its a remake. And no matter how nice a remake is, its just an upscale of an already existing game that for its time was revolutionary in a series that had gotten very stale from a games mechanic point of view. Diablo IV (Multiplatform) - I'd have given Blizzard higher marks here but they really have to ditch the engine they've used for the last few games and give me something fresh and new. They could have literally called this Diablo 3 The Expansion and I think it would have been just fine. Street Fighter 6 (Multiplatform) - After SFV I think Capcom really should have taken a long hiatus before coming back with another game. The mechanics are refreshing but this game honestly should have and could have been much better. At times it felt imbalanced and it feels rushed. Queued Up / Notable Starfield - I won't ever play this but I have heard "nice" things about it. I will say this though, please stop fucking around and give us an Elder Scrolls game please. Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Definitely next on my list after I put Alan Wake to bed. Star Wars Jedi : Survivor - It sort of fell off the radar with all the other games that came out this year that I really wanted to play but I definitely want to play it after I liked the first one so much. Hogwarts Legacy - Fuck anything Harry Potter. But it has been getting great reviews. FFXVI - This will get game time in the earlier part of the year. There were other games this year that I really wanted to play but just couldn't find the time and they will eventually go into the backlog but this is what I have for now and tbh this is one of the weird years in gaming where we've actually had some variety in gameplay across all contenders for GOTY. My Vote - GOTY What this game has achieved will pave the way for companies to copy in the future. It's a massive effort to bring to the table what Larian have achieved here. From the varied strategy systems to the player interaction modes that you get in this game it has it all and it's not shy to go off the rails every now and then making you curse your choices as you traverse the world created. You can spend hours here and walk away satisfied every single time. It's really that good. My recommendation is to play this on a PC if you can as its one of those sit down and have a run at it kind of games like the Divinity series which I think set the dev team on the right path to getting this done. What did you play this year that you really liked? Was there a game you thought was total garbage and really didn't deserve to be in the good/not-so-good category. As a final note, my most anticipated fun game next year is Dino-Swords and I can't wait to see what they do with it.
  20. Game of the Year | Nominees | The Game Awards Easily Baldur's Gate 3. Not even a contest. Might be time to put the GOTY thread up.
  21. Yeah it does ... for the enemies haha. On a more serious note, the games are very different from each other. You have "lesser" control on the aim feature and you tend to have run motions that don't always make for the best when trying to run away from enemies. More corridor styled gaming as well which I sort of like and imo its a lot more scarier than RE4.
  22. Glad you're enjoying it. Some of the older ones are just as nice, I'd even go so far as to recommend RE2:REMAKE as something post this game if you're having fun with it.
  23. The ball hitting Kyle Walker's hand is a freekick, surprised VAR didn't give it upon review.
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