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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. 9. Name a sport other than beach volleyball where competitors don't wear shoes. Swimming - 5 Tommy Caac John Pyfish Stan Answer:(or whatever takes MUFC's fancy...) Deadlinesman MMA - 3 Dr. Gonzo Spike Bluewolf Beach Football - 1 Lucas Karate - 1 Nudge Kabbadi - 1 Beelzebub
  2. 8. Name a famous tennis racquet manufacturer. Wilson - 5 Caac John Lucas Pyfish Stan Nudge Slazenger - 2 Spike Deadlinesman Head - 2 Dr. Gonzo Tommy FedRekt - 1 Beelzebub Dunlop - 1 Bluewolf
  3. 7. In the last decade which one of the following has had the most rotation of world No. 1's - Womens Tennis or Men's Tennis (P.S. This is a trick question) Women's Tennis - 7 Dr. Gonzo Tommy Lucas Beelzebub Spike Nudge Bluewolf Men's Tennis - 3 Pyfish Stan Deadlinesman Both Equal - 1 Caac John
  4. 6. Name a sport in which Africa as a continent excels. Long Distance Running/Marathon running - 5 Lucas Beelzebub Stan Dr. Gonzo Tommy Football - 4 Caac John Spike Nudge Deadlinesman Cricket - 1 Pyfish Athletics - 1 Bluewolf
  5. 5. Name a famous manufacturer of Motor Rally cars. Ford - 3 Dr. Gonzo Pyfish Stan Lancia - 3 Caac John Nudge Bluewolf Toyota - 2 Tommy Lucas Ferrari - 1 Beelzebub Honda - 1 Spike Subaru - 1 Deadlinesman
  6. 4. Name a mixed-doubles sport other than tennis. Badminton - 6 Dr. Gonzo Lucas Pyfish Stan Deadlinesman Bluewolf Table Tennis - 3 Tommy Caac John Nudge Squash - 1 Beelzebub Pool/Billiards - 1 Spike
  7. 3. Name a country who has won at most 3 medals in Olympic Diving. China - 4 Tommy Lucas Beelzebub Deadlinesman Italy - 2 Dr. Gonzo Bluewolf Great Britain - 2 Pyfish Stan France - 1 Spike USA - 1 Caac John North Korea - 1 Nudge
  8. With this particular question I actually thought there was going to be a proper single point for everyone when it started then folks started to pick the same player. 2. Name a famous Japanese footballer. Shinji Kagawa - 4 Tommy Caac John Nudge Deadlinesman Hidetoshi Nakata - 2 Lucas Spike Wataru Endo - 1 Dr. Gonzo Keisuke Honda - 1 Beelzebub Shunsuke Nakamara - 1 Pyfish Shinji Okazaki - 1 Stan Kazuyoshi Miura - 1 Bluewolf
  9. @Stan @CaaC (John) @Dr. Gonzo @DeadLinesman @Spike @Pyfish @nudge @Beelzebub @Tommy @Lucas @Bluewolf Sheep - Season 11 - Sports - Round 2 - More Miscellaneous - Answers 1. Name a sport played with sticks but no ball. Ice Hockey - 3 Lucas Pyfish Nudge Kendo - 2 Spike Bluewolf Shinty - 1 Dr. Gonzo Fencing - 1 Tommy Badminton - 1 Caac John Curling - 1 Beelzebub Chopstick Wars - 1 Stan Pole Vault - 1 Deadlinesman
  10. Mel81x

    Making Music

    In other news, since I am free of any work commitments till the end of the month I opened one of two boxes this morning. Both are BOSS pedals but I am going through them slowly versus ruining the fun. Now, I have previous owned an RC-3 and will say its one of the best song-writing tools I have ever used when it comes to not touching a DAW but this thing is that on steroids and has a rhythm block with a SMF loader that you can load drum tracks into from WAV (think writing a drum piece and then just putting it in). Now you have overdubin layers with a 6hr recording time and a way to push that with your rhythm and ... it has fills, pre and outro capabilities on the rhythm pieces too. Still learning my way around it but its a very good piece of kit according to me.
  11. Mel81x

    Making Music

    It's a unique guitar with a very specific set of tech. That's a nice problem because you can always just buy something close to it and replace all the parts thereby making it Must-Gonzo Guitar and add all the things you'd want in that guitar. You can also then change the neck and stock head and get something more custom done with the same specs. Do what I did and just save up and buy one. Don't tell the significant other unless sleeping outside the house is an option. Write to Dave Mustaine and tell him hes the best and you are dying of a deadly disease and your life's ambition was to play on a guitar just like his. (hes a nice guy so who knows) Sleep with Dave Mustaine (wont get you the guitar but it would be a cool story)
  12. Its okay its not changing this season anyways.
  13. I'll run a poll before next season about deadlines. Didn't know it upset folks this much.
  14. What has this started.
  15. I thought you joined nudge and Bluewolf in the "my dog ate my homework and moved to another country" club
  16. @Stan @DeadLinesman @Spike @Pyfish @nudge @Bluewolf Friendly reminder that tomorrow is deadline day
  17. So, what you're saying is, it's okay for innocent civilians to be bombarded and killed because they don't have a choice in how their country is being run and that its okay for another country to simply destroy their homes and kill them because one radical group decided to start a war. Alright I'll buy that. If you're a civilian living in a country where all you've ever seen is oppression from a neighbor that has systematically taken more over time, you'd be hard-pressed to side with someone who doesn't have your best interests at heart (talking Israel here). This isn't to say Palestine is without fault here because they've caused a lot of irreparable damage to Israel but this call to war of eradication is the second most asinine thing I've heard during this entire war, the first being that one side simply gets all the support because they got bombed first and have better relations with the western world. That in itself shows how uneducated the masses are about this whole conflict and the terrible history surrounding it.
  18. I apologize, I saw an opportunity and just went.
  19. Six days for me. I had taken some medication for, ironically, the shits and it did its job in two days. Then I just couldn't go no matter what. I also ate a lot less but drank loads of water so I guess that offset the need in some way. Note: Peeing is far more uncomfortable for me to hold in personally.
  20. The real instigators are just watching on now, Israel has made its mind up in my opinion and like you said we just have to wait and see what the final outcome is. There is no "side" to pick here, they're both equally wrong imo and any chance they've both been given over the years since this whole thing started have been squandered or hindered. Saudi Arabia in particular has some hard decisions to make based on the outcome and that is going to be another thing to watch out for because they now can't sit idly by and watch all this happen without picking a side to support.
  21. And it hasn't even reached its peak yet. That's the worrying part.
  22. Got into "Lies of P" today and have to say it's a fun game if you like souls-like games. The attack system is a shade clunky, but I do like how it all works overall. Is it better than Sekiro or NiOh or the latest Wo Long? Not really. But it's still a fun play.
  23. What I read here wasn't about him getting the ban, its how Juventus are now going to have to find a way to not pay all the tax money they've circumvented because of how the deal was setup.
  24. I think the idea of just having him not ref a certain teams' games is a bit stupid honestly. You telling us that the rest of the teams in the league want this guy who has now proven he can't utilize the tech and the protocols given to him should accept what he's done? Godforbid he does it again. Then what happens? Oh, now you can only referee these 18 teams ? Why are we being given special treatment here. Either fix all of it or don't. I'd rather the FA took a clear stance here instead of pandering to clubs and doing this kind of nonsense when evidence is presented. I don't want a replay and I think that would be a farce and a slap on the faces of every other club that has been wronged due to clear and obvious bad decisions by refs. Now every other club will use this as an excuse to say Liverpool got special treatment and to me that's just as bad if not worse. P.S. the FA is now clearly saying the following "we're okay with our folks being shit, you just don't have to deal with one of them, but we can't guarantee, nor will we guarantee a level of fairness and competence".
  25. Atari was more accessible so that was it for me. SNES over Megadrive honestly. Some of the titles that Nintendo did in those years were untouchable. The Megadrive/Genesis had some of its own great stuff and SEGA was truly great in those years but no one was touching Nintendo with what they were putting out.
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