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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. Tough luck to Napoli but that goal really did settle things in the end.
  2. What a goal by Valverde. Contender for goal of the season as well.
  3. What a game this is. Napoli are playing well now.
  4. The irony in all of it is that there is no dog.
  5. Wednesday October 11th. I'll let you and nudge have your "my dog ate my homework later than yours" banter as much as you want till then haha.
  6. I tried to be more google-less friendly with this round of questions and its more of an experiment but lets see how it goes. Good luck everyone.
  7. @Stan @CaaC (John) @Dr. Gonzo @DeadLinesman @Spike @Pyfish @nudge @Beelzebub @Tommy @Lucas @Bluewolf Round 2 is underway. As a refresher for newcomers I am reposting the rules here. Should be a fairly easy round. The Rules or How does this work? For people who haven't played before the game is very simple, there will be 10 questions asked per round and they may have multiple answers. The goal is to try and answer like the rest of the players. An example is, What is a common accompaniment with eggs for breakfast? And if you and 5 other people answer "beans" then you get 6 points. If your answer doesn't match anyone else's then you get one point. The idea is to gain as many points and get to the top of the list to be the Sheepiest of the lot. If there is ambiguity in the question, as is sometimes the case, I will put specific instructions next to the question as I know some of these can be close in wording and I try my best to group them together. Sheep - Season 11 - Sports - Round 2 - More Miscellaneous Name a sport played with sticks but no ball. Name a famous Japanese footballer. Name a country who has won at most 3 medals in Olympic Diving. Name a mixed-doubles sport other than tennis. Name a famous manufacturer of Motor Rally cars. Name a sport in which Africa as a continent excels. In the last decade which one of the following has had the most rotation of world No. 1's - Womens Tennis or Men's Tennis (P.S. This is a trick question) Name a famous tennis racquet manufacturer. Name a sport other than beach volleyball where competitors don't wear shoes. If the sheep decide to form a Judo team who would perform the best out of everyone competing this season. (Please be kind) Notes/Rules For 1st timers, the rules of the game are simple. You want your answers to these questions to match with one other player or more than one other players. E.g. If your answer is "Wookie" and five other people answer the same then you get 6 points for that question. If you do not match with anyone else you're only going to get 1 point. The winner is the person who has the most points after 5 rounds. Please DM me all your answers and don't post them in here. Please feel free to ask questions for clarification purposes and I'll try and answer them as best as I can. Please do not try and discuss answers to questions until the round is over. I will accept spelling mistakes and words that follow a certain theme. If the answers have to be unique I will call them out specifically with the questions There is no such thing as a WRONG ANSWER. Keep in mind that you can type anything you want and if someone else provides the same answer we can all have a laugh while you'll walk away with 2 or more points. You all have till Wednesday(Oct 11th) to get your answers to me. If they all come in sooner I'll have the results out faster as well and we can move to the next round. Good luck.
  8. I was a bit over this and then I was thinking about it today when I saw the audio was released. When the VAR ref suspects an offside have them push a button and that automatically brings lines up on the screen they "have" to align to indicate an offside. The idea that someone is reviewing an event on the pitch with all this tech around and there are numerous ways to enforce the right thing is beyond me. It's like when those mails got leaked and I sat there thinking about which monkeys are running tech in one of the most profitable sports on the planet. The tech isn't the issue anymore it's the people using the tech and the number of silly problems they've had it with all boils down to lack of enforcement of protocol. Edit: We can laser precision send a probe to a planet millions of light years away, but we can't get someone in a room to draw a few lines with some consistency. Baffling.
  9. While I agree with this and the dangerous precedence it sets for clubs to chase PGMOL about bad decisions it can't go on like this with empty apologies. If a club does lose out on financial income from a potential bad decision that has no repercussions that's as good as saying to the club that you're at the mercy of our stupidity and that's not right either. The probable right thing to do here is to have fiscal compensation for the failures, you can laugh now. If that did happen however, I can see PGMOL not apologizing or even being proper in their scrutiny so everyone is damned as long as we have refs who dont know to do their job. A third body needs to be introduced here for VAR and that's the only solution in my mind. When you let the governing body act like they got tools they dont want to use due to negligence you allow them to do things that have impacts on clubs. Lets look at it the other way, a club gets relegated due to a bad decision that could have gone their way and now they have less money due to their position in the pyramid and they also have no way of seeking restitution on that mistake. Seems like a shit position to be in due to no fault of your own while the decision maker is still making those bad decisions.
  10. Mel81x

    Work/Jobs Thread

    So, a little work update, it's a bit long but ill condense it as much as possible. In Jan this year I had a weird run-in with my manager at work about how we're building software that we peddle to customers that is bug-ridden to the point where it's almost impossible to change it to become more stable without gutting the entire system piece by piece and rebuilding it. I was given a lot of excuses about why it was the way it is and sadly I have a great bullshit meter that doesn't allow me to hear that kind of nonsense. I talked to a lot of folks at work about what it would take to make it better, presented a case for it and then once again got told it would be too hard and would yield absolutely no benefit to the customer. I then of course made the argument that I wasn't just talking about the customer but about us as a company and how being ready to migrate to newer tech was the real goal here which ultimately serves our customers better. Fast forward to April this year and I heard the most shocking thing in the world from someone else who was a higher-up and that was this verbatim "we don't care about the fact that the system is broken in certain areas". I couldn't control myself and started laughing and said that's quite the statement, didn't go down too well and in my defense, I was laughing because I thought it was the most ludicrous thing I have heard in my 25 years in this industry. In August, I decided I had had enough and told them I was resigning. According to laws here, you have to spend 60 days prior to exit to help shore up whatever you need to. Needless to say, I am officially out of tech now for the next 30 days during which I plan to surf and also do some trekking haha. It's a weird feeling because I have been doing this since I was 17 and to disassociate from it without a gameplan for the next step feels a bit weird but so far, it's only been 1 day, and I honestly haven't thought about tech at all during that period.
  11. I think a bit of reform is in order and it really should start with this. The VAR officials are never allowed to referee on the pitch and vice-versa. The fact that these are teams has never really ever sat well with me. They then run the risk of saying things like Rando eluded to. Have two separate groups doing the VAR + The Refereeing and that should solve about 60% of the issues. Now, it doesn't matter what the ref thinks or says, the VAR acts independently instead of with the ref.
  12. Cute. The very reason they wanted tech in the first place is the very reason the tech failed to give the right result. Do refs have some special union or something in their contracts that absolves them from these kinds of mistakes. Forget about this game alone, many other games get bad decisions that potentially could have been overturned and now teams lose a point here and there which eventually adds up over a season. Maybe the FA should finally admit that they are incompetent when following the global rules for VAR because they sure as hell apply them as "they" see fit.
  13. This I agree with and you're right I was wrong to say that. I think if we get the Dias goal in the first half things look very different and we'll never know if it was an offside or not. I also think Joe should have had a foul in the box which was clearly overlooked.
  14. We were down to 9 men, its not like they forced the ref to do the shit that he did? They were presented with an opportunity and they pushed for it. Thats what I mean by fair play. I really hope someone contests that VAR decision if there is a way because it was a wrong call and they know it.
  15. Fair play to Spurs, they did what they had to. The ref didn't do either side any favors in the end but that own goal was no way to end this.
  16. Watch the ref give Andy a red card now. What a tool. Wait, how is that a card? What in the world is going on in this game?
  17. Fuck right off thats a foul ref. Salah right to give him a little bit of a shout.
  18. That should have been a goal too. How unfortunate. What a pass by Mo.
  19. Maybe it was truly offside but not drawing the lines is a bit silly for the fans watching honestly.
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