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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Nothing in a while been trying to get a band together but that is a nice looking guitar. Also, Happy Belated Birthday!!
  2. I think it all boils down to two things that made it easy for me to choose not to get one in the end. 1. How much mobile gaming do you really need and if you can't get it on a phone then a Steam Deck might be an optimal choice. E.g. playing Doom on the move or some other platformer/FPS because most other games really have some kind of mobile variant 2. How much time do I spend on Steam and how many games do I get with easy accessibility. This is where I made my decision really. A Switch offers me far better mobility games-wise and games are built for it whereas a Steam Deck is more of an add-on. I think this will change over time but for now its a nice handheld for certain game types and that's just not good enough for me to warrant adding it to my console set.
  3. Mel81x


    So... I got a weird early birthday present from my sister which was a vinyl (a Nirvana one at that). I started scouring this thread for options and noticed @Spike mentioned Technics which I really have my heart set on. It's second hand and working up to around the cost of a brand new AT LP120. Anything in particular you'd recommend I look out for with something that is used? It's been vetted by the vinyl store folks but I really want someone's opinion from a user's perspective. Would I be better off getting the new AT or should I go with the Technics, which I have had experience with back in the early 2000s due to someone in college listening to house music vinyls. Picture for reference
  4. Ragnarok or the first one in this new series?
  5. EU seeks input on making tech companies pay for ISPs’ network upgrades | Ars Technica So let me understand this right, the EU wants Google, etc. to pay for network upgrades to telcos and the telcos who continue to charge customers can take that money + the money this would potentially push into their coffers to do what exactly? Is there really such a big burden on the network upgrade vs the cost to the consumer out there? Genuinely curious to hear from the EU folks on here.
  6. How many of the Switch owners on here actually game more with it docked than not?
  7. US DOJ Preps Antitrust Suit to Block Adobe’s $20 Billion Figma Deal - Bloomberg Apparently the DOJ is also looking into the Microsoft acquisition of Activision as well because it could be deemed as anti-trust for the amount paid. I honestly can't see how. The Adobe one, however, was a huge slap in the face of the design industry because they came along and tried to shut down an avenue completely. I wonder how many designers have now paid into the Adobe ecosystem only to realize that Figma might not be a part of the deal anymore.
  8. Valve lured 40,000 Dota cheaters into a trap before banning them in one day | PC Gamer 40k users banned for cheating. I like this. Dota has been relatively clean over the years and the way they caught them is the right thing to do.
  9. This is the only reason I posted it here. the comments section tries to give explanations about how the AI was poor with fingers or teeth but I dont buy that.
  10. Viral Instagram photographer has a confession: His photos are AI-generated | Ars Technica My my
  11. What a time to be alive. Sony titles on a PC and Xbox titles on a Switch (or whatever they come up with next).
  12. The lengths some people will go to for a rise. Sorry, can't remember that Leicester manager who had a similar question thrown at him and that response was apt as is Klopp's response too. Sometimes journalists don't know where to draw the line.
  13. I feel the same. Such a nice premise and it reminded me of that weird game from years ago with all the Xenomorph stuff (cant remember it off the top of my head) from that Russian dev group. But then it got mechanical as time went on. Have you ever tried GTFO?
  14. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Glad to hear you're feeling better. Went for a run on Friday and then as I was about to sleep my calf muscle tightened up and omg the pain. Luckily its subsided now and I can actually walk around without any pain. On the music front, I managed to move past the main riff into a semi-break so that's good now I want to move to a harder more grungier riff so working on that.
  15. Think it works on law of percentages vs true size. 1000 in some of those countries amounts to varying percentages against the rest. For all we know it was 2K in one country 500 in the next to balance it all out.
  16. Mel81x

    Making Music

    Bummer. Have you been to a doctor about it? If you can't lift anything heavy might be a while before it heals.
  17. Journalist claims Qatar group have "moved on" from Liverpool takeover bid - Liverpool FC - This Is Anfield
  18. Just pre-ordered Wo Long by Team Ninja. Can't wait for March to come around now. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty (teamninja-studio.com)
  19. Saw a red-band trailer and it looks like something I would genuinely enjoy.
  20. Damn thing is only in theaters for the next four days. What a shame, would have been nice to watch it together and give our thoughts on it haha.
  21. What an interesting pile of rubbish. Here's a simpler break down. Imagine I found 10 countries that were recently at war with their neighbors out of 200 countries Then I took a survey in those 10 countries stating that I wanted to know if they liked their neighbors and if they wanted them as neighbors anymore But, this is the internet and surely there will be some backlash so for good measure and to make things legit I now go and add 5 countries that have had trouble 10 years prior to my data so as to not look like I have an agenda All of the sudden the really high numbers start to look like real statistics because of course the median gets shifted and you've got a data-set that is advantageous to click-bait Now, I have to of course talk about places that love their neighbors but my already burned mathematical wizardy tells me to not include all the countries I already did a survey in because god-forbid I find data in those countries to contradict my earlier data so I take the colored map and pick all the non-evaluated slots What you end up with is a skewed data-set that looks sort of real so folks at a cocktail party can have one of two conversations Did you hear, we're #2 in the list of countries with the least racism. I mean I tell my maid who moved here from her country that she's a worthless bag of dirt every day but thats just me telling her to do her job surely I am not racist. We're #2? But I didn't know I was supposed to let the guys who tried to break into my house and shoot my parents just have their way and of course invite them over for biscuits the next day because that's the Christian thing to do. In the end its all circumstantial and contextual. Of course some things are black and white as night and day but to think that the report above is a clear indication of racism at its peak in the developing world is myopic at best. It's here for sure but not like what's being reported above.
  22. A regular citizen has been data security than the government. Mind you, this is a country that specializes in data privacy for some of the biggest global corporations. What a farce.
  23. Uefa had ‘primary responsibility’ for Champions League final chaos, damning report finds | Uefa | The Guardian
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