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Everything posted by Mel81x

  1. You might enjoy this @Beelzebub Always amazes me how they've lit the FGC with the way they play and the restrictions too.
  2. Wished it was a bit longer too. Was a great game from the start to finish.
  3. Military device with biometric database of 2K people sold on eBay for $68 | Ars Technica You really can't fix dumb. This device ended up on eBay and got shuffled around till someone found it and reported it. This may have been classified information, but it also highlights a massive flaw in so-called "intelligence" components of the military or whatever they are calling the folks with guns who protect us now. How someone didn't have a policy to destroy this device is beyond me. I have insider knowledge here so I'll say this, I used to work for a company that had a division which did hardware RMA and one of their customers was Apple (Apple was the contract holder and they just supplied the hardware). They'd sell them tons of hardware components, MCUs, EDRAM, etc. and not once would they allow something to come back from their customers because they would personally go there and destroy the device with a special machine which literally shreds the metal and then melts it like a T-1000 in T2. And, once it's a glob of paste they still wouldn't let that thing out the door or the server space. They were so secretive about their customer data that they'd put funny SKUs on components just to ensure that no one knew what exact kind of hardware was being sold. Corporate customer care for security trumps national security measures and that, to me, is worrying.
  4. I think hes going to compliment Nunez honestly. One is a total running engine while the other finds himself in positions to take advantage of the situation. Now all we need is Jota back to fitness to offer some linkage.
  5. I think its not a bad game from a scare perspective but it will give you a lot of jump scares initially just because you have no idea where the Alien is coming from (at first). I know two friends who dont like scary games that have played it and actually quite liked it but I suppose its not for everyone.
  6. A departure from the usual stuff you get from them on the album but still very good. The melody shifts are great imo.
  7. https://www.perplexity.ai/ Came across this while I was browsing. Fun little thing and has a SQL-based search engine for some of Twitter as well if anyone is interested.
  8. Was always coming. After the AI learns it will make a photoshop duel a non-content between itself and another human. I am going to love what it does when a hacking group sets it loose with no restrictions.
  9. New from Metallica. Has a very Motorhead sound with the guitars (I kept thinking Ace of Spades when I heard it) and James sounds a million miles away. I will say that when it got closer to the end it started to sound like some of the recording work on Kill Em' All and that had a truly trashier Metallica which I like.
  10. It just chaos and more chaos. Everytime you think you've tapped enough demons they just spawn more. Great game.
  11. Its possible. You have to understand that after a while most tech component positions become a bit redundant and they spread the work components out to multiple people. As an example, lets say you needed 20 people to start a project to keep their servers up and 50% of those were automation engineers. The initial phases might be terribly hard so you'd spend 5 - 10 years understanding and refining your network, architecture, etc. But once you get past that first phase you may really only need 10 people, then you get into internal company politics and folks just get reshuffled and more importantly rebadged. Then there's the evolution of tech. You don't need 30 engineers for a 6000 node network. You may need 20% of that but you need some really smart ones to ensure you're up to market standards. Where Twitter, imo, really needed folks was in legal and PR because that's where most of its biggest issues are. The tech side has components that are highly robust and I of course say this as pure speculation after seeing their architecture. The gold standard is Netflix, that thing is a CS marvel with how it upspins components to match pressure and retain data consistency. If they can do it, I am sure Twitter isn't far behind. If you're interested, there's a book that is sort of relevant now but not so much that I always ask folks in SWE to read its called "The Mythical Man Month" The Mythical Man-Month - Wikipedia Talks about shortening delivery blocks and not throwing more people at a problem. There's more modern literature of course but its very domain specific and further tech specific too. If you're interested in their architecture - The Infrastructure Behind Twitter: Scale I know its 2017 but that's some serious stuff for even 2017.
  12. I feel like he would have done it anyways. While I don't like Trump they did invent this wonderful tool called "block" which does the job instead of perma-banning these kinds of folks.
  13. Times were simpler back then. I remember they used to come in these really weirdly packaged packets.
  14. It's not a question of if its a question of when now.
  15. Considering most of them wrote automated check systems its probably going to hurt somewhere around Thanksgiving when the system is overloaded but with the kind of press its getting now I'd imagine they're fine till right around February. The kind of overinflated worth Twitter engineers are posting on the platform is not true. With things like failover, etc the site will go down temporarily till the servers get round-robined and then things come back up. As for new features? I don't think Twitter needs any right now other than a monetization engine and that doesnt need any of the engineers who were there because none of them were able to do it all this time. They are going to be just fine, what is very funny in all of this is how folks who have no clue about infrastructure management think its just going to crumble. This isn't some personal website there are gates and those gates are controlled automatically.
  16. It's not going to shut down. This is just a bunch of emotionally charged folks who posted on a platform that gave them a soap-box for free. It owed no one anything and the thought process of "but I have been here since it started" is really just as valid as "I started using this platform today morning".
  17. Technically the only link to the original is just the start of the first one of this series. I do agree that its a bit forced and how this is GOTY is a little beyond me but it does have its moments.
  18. This is one of the safest places on the internet if you're playing Ragnarok. No spoilers and you can browse freely. I do feel your pain, I almost ruined it for myself and then I said i'll finish it (almost done) and then I can browse.
  19. Someone at FIFA saw what Activision was doing and said, "You know, I think we can do better" and here we are.
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