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Posts posted by ASF

  1. On 16/04/2020 at 11:14, Harry said:

    @ASF one thing I did find interesting though is this clip from one of our former PM's. Basically saying Yeah every government already knows the WHO are sympathetic towards China and therefore knows to take their comments with a grain of salt. Hence why most countries had their own experts recommending early action ahead of what the world health organisation were putting out.


    Shame that most Western countries didn't do it, though. Preferring to maintain the boarders open and free movement of people.

    Commerce will reopen over here, at the start of May. 

    Not surprising, after the IMF predicted our GDP will fall 8% this year.

  2. On 13/04/2020 at 12:09, Stan said:

    It wasn't her video, per se. As @Danny said she was using it as comparison to how Ireland reacted in the same scenario - shut down their national Saints day!! While UK carried on holding events with 1000s of people. 

    I still don't see where she says China are blameless here - in fact I don't recall her specficially mentioning China at all. So I'm now wondering where the agenda is?

    Where/when did the WHO claim the virus wouldn't be a global problem? Genuinely missed that if that has happened

    Who's blaming families going for walks? In UK that's just what has been advised so they're not going to be the direct spread are they if they're walking and being socially distant as advised? 

    I don't get how countries not acting quick enough is a separate blame. There's culpability all over the place, literally. You're right in that China perhaps could have acted quicker and definitely should have listened to that whistleblower doctor who sadly lost his life shortly after. But then just because China acted slowly and lacked responsibility, doesn't absolve other countries in the aftermath of the spread. Nothing to do with being scared but sometimes each individual country has to take responsibility for their own actions as well.

    Blame the government all you want, I don't disagree with that bit. But then to not blame people for having parties when it's explicitly been said not to do specifically that. In relation to the above paragraph, people have to be responsible as well. Just because some shit happened before (the bat-eaters in China) doesn't mean you can carry on doing what you want (the house parties in UK) because you think someone else is to blame. That's like saying someone caused a gas leak in your street but you're gonna carry on cooking on your stove because you're hungry. You have to use your common sense and think about the bigger picture. 

    Also, while people having a party in whatever place may not be immediately the brightest idea, it's the knock-on effect of that. Say there's 20 people in that house. It only takes one person there to have the virus. They come in to contact with all 20 people. Boom. Virus is now having a field day. Those 20 people now go back home to their families, some elderly. Virus is thinking they've hit the fucking jackpot here. Knock off some elderly people, stick some other relatives in hospital and take up some beds and ICU rooms in a hospital. Now that one person originally at the party has caused that...

    I'm not sure what else to say about it because you seem hell-bent on blaming China and only China. And therein lies the issue. I'm not saying they shouldn't have any blame. Far from it. But it's how other countries and perhaps governments/individuals within those countries that have reacted (poorly in some parts) who have also been a catalyst for the spread.


    I'm by, no means, a fan of FOX News, but this is just ridiculous: 

    .Joke of an organization. 

  3. 10 hours ago, Carnivore Chris said:

    @ASFI will have to give it a watch mate after I've finished watching a few other things. It looks good and there seems to much better series coming out of Spain these days. La Casa de Papel being one on particular. 

    Haven't seen La Casa de Papel. Someone told me that the plot looks like Inside Man?

    Spanish cinema and TV has always been class.

  4. 18 hours ago, tlr said:

    One maybe for the UK members on here - has anyone noticed outside has got a lot busier this week compared to the first of (half baked) lockdown? Have had to work away from home today and last Friday and today was a lot busier out and about than last week. Noticed the same in town out shopping and on the daily walks too. I wonder if the first week sort of spooked people a bit but now there is some familiarity they aren't as pensive in terms of going out etc.

    Noticed the same thing over here.

    I work in one of the busiest zones in Lisbon and, during the week when the state of emergency was declared (over 2 weeks ago), you would see a hand full of cars circulating, practically no one walking around. This past week was different though. There was a lot more movement (not on the level it usually was), but too much, in my opinion, when we're supposed to stay at home.

    There will be a stricter control in circulation this week, so let's see if the movement on the streets decreases. 

  5. 5 hours ago, DeadLinesman said:

    In related (kind of news), we only get immediate family at my mums funeral. It will be in the church, blessing, straight out and burial. No frills. Absolutely gutted for her, but soon they’ll be people not even getting that, so you’ve got to take the positives.

    Sorry to hear that, bud.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Portugal could go on lockdown, as of 00h00.

    Don't agree with this whatsoever. People are already following the advice of staying in quarantine, there's no need to shut down the entire country, especially when measures about payment of rents, mortgages, etc haven't been discussed. 

  7. 19 hours ago, Machado said:

    Já lavaste as mãos hoje?


    Lavo sempre as mãos, meu caro.

    Um dia destes passo-me da cabeça é com os javardos, que insistem em tossir sem cobrir a boca. :40_rage:

    • Upvote 1
  8. 22 hours ago, Stan said:

    Thank you mate :) 

    How have you been? Has coronavirus forced you to come back ;)?

    Loaded with work, mate. It's been a very exhaustive year.

    Nah, I was planning to come back around June, when the Euro would kick-off, but it seems there won't be any Euro, so, I decided to anticipate my comeback. 


    21 hours ago, nudge said:

    André is back!!! :x

    Inga. :x


    17 hours ago, IgnisExcubitor said:


    Thanks mate. B|

  9. My favorite moments of this episode:

    1- Jaime and Tyrion goodbye;

    2 - The Hound's last moment with Arya;

    3- Cleganebowl.

    Shocking if Weiss and Benioff were the ones not wanting the show to have more episodes. They should be sacked from the industry for life.

  10. Have to agree with the complaints of episode 3: after the dust settled and making a rational review, it was poor. 

    Jon got absolutely robbed, of what should have been his moment with the Night King.

    And, for that only, fuck you HBO.


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