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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave


    The essence behind using her as an on screen leader of the female divison makes sense (they need one for the mens divison too) but it's only really going to work if the women get more weeklu TV time and I don't really have any faith in Tony Khan doing that. He gave Thunder Rosa relinquishing the title about two minutes.
  2. Dave


    I'm not against it to be honest. If they want to push the ROH brand then having somebody people know as Champion makes sense. It adds a story beat to the stuff with Garcia and Danielson too.
  3. Victor Orta would provide a consistency in terms of beliefs. There's always been a focus at Leeds United on attracting the best academy players possible taking Lewis Bate, Cody Drameh, Sam Greenwood, Joe Gelhardt etc from other clubs and progressing players that are good enough to play Championship/League One standard from a young age.
  4. Dave


    I didn't see the problem with it but now my Facebook suggested posts are for some reason littered with Indian people laughing about British people crying and hero worshipping anything these Indian cricketers say I honestly hope they get banned for an eternity.
  5. Billy Basic over here but I cannot see the logic in it at all. If you want the economy to improve you need people to spend money. If you give members on this forum £100 we will spend it. Not because we want too, but with the cost of living we no choice. A person making 150k+ a year are more likely to save that money. If Labour do not win the next election then they may as well fold. The difference in quality of living our generation experiences as opposed to what our parents did is absolutely astonishing. What do the Tories have to do to lose power and stop voting for them.
  6. I think one of Koeman's downfalls at Everton from what I heard was that he operated as a headteacher that was to be feared by his players. That approach was fine in the 90's when managers weren't as interchangeable but in modern football players will eventually just either intentionally or unintentionally not give 100%. I remember when the temperature was getting turned up on him he did a press conferance where he said Everton "Cannot be like Crystal Palace" after we had just sacked Frank de Boer and he threw Sammy Lee under the bus. It was so unnecessary from a man who clearly didn't know the whole picture. Maybe if your mate wasn't practising free kicks, making five a side games about himself and playing Townsend at RWB then players wouldn't have given up long before the season started. It was a classic case of mind your own business.
  7. Dave


    The Paige of 2014/2015 would be an asset for any company. However after they had Jeff Hardy doing stunt after stunt when he clearly didn't look well I'd be nervous for her if she was to wrestle. If she's not going to wrestle then fair play to her for joining Mark Henry, Paul Wight and Christian Cage on Shad Khan's payroll courtesy of the black sheep in his family.
  8. Dave


    2016 was the last year I really enjoyed. There was so much going on that was good. Brandon Thurston did a good article that showed how WWE pretty much grew in every measurable social media metric going (Google hits, social media interactions etc) then in 2017 Vince went back to his part time champ & Jinder became champion and it all tanked. Can't find the article but these tweets sum it up: Yeah, the praise he gets shows that TK got it right in the sense that Bryan is a rare kettle of fish that can lose frequently but still be over. A bit like Seth Rollins.
  9. Dave


    I think the good will people had to AEW has largely expired now. My Facebook page used to be littered with paid adds that were posts from AEW fans shilling about how great Tony Khan is and how everything he did was genius. That's all largely gone now. Twitter and Reddit was a massive circle jerk about how great AEW is and that narrative has changed. The fake journalists have stopped presenting AEW as All Friends Wrestling and were beginning to hear about problems that were never previously reported. All it took was for the evil Vince McHitler to retire for the fickle nature of the hardcore fans to show.
  10. Relief for Chelsea. I'm surprised Boehly hasn't become more of a meme.
  11. Dave


    I take it we're all behind the needle mover Logan Paul being our new Tribal Chief.
  12. Dave


    Well firstly seeing Colt Cabanna's face everywhere would really irritate me. For me it's more about how Punk's aired his misgivings as opposed to what his misgivings are. Just makes him look as pathetic as the rest of them. Now he's injured for 6 to 8 months too. Which makes the decision to put the title on an old, hot headed, injury susceptible wrestler even more laughable. Which seems to be the theme of the PPV really.
  13. Dave


    Cash Wheeler said its a 'non issue': https://wrestlingnews.co/aew-news/ftr-address-being-removed-from-aew-video-game So they'll probably be in the first DLC. Contrary to what Jim Cornette wants you to believe, Kenny Omega is a grown man and will want this game to be a success.
  14. Dave


    There's literally a million better ways to do it than making your boss look like a cuck in a media scrum. They all look hilariously pathetic.
  15. Dave


    I like The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega but I dont think they should hold those job titles. Im sure there would have been a way to appease them in the beginning (like getting international exposure on a big network weekly) than giving them significanr job titles. We've seen with Kevin Nash, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Jeff Jarrett etc it never works having live performers in prominent positions. It amazes me TK doesn't lean more on Paul Wight, Mark Henry, Christian, Billy Gunn, Jerry Lynn, Dustin Rhodes, Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, Tully Blanchard, Jake Roberts, BJ Whitmer, Taz etc. And let's not get started on the conversation of a Booker. To suggest Kenny left them out of a video game because of his friendship is a far stretch but looking at the quality of that game I think FTR will be happy to distance themselves. It looks worse than games released 15+ years ago. As for CM Punk you've pretty much just stated why I don't think you can call him or anybody involved in this mess professional.
  16. Dave


    I dont think Punk can be called a pro. His track record suggests anything but. Every promotion he's been in he's caused problems and at some point he's got to look in the mirror. This situation is hysterically embarrassing for him and everybody else involved. They've been hinting at Punk being an arsehole through his previous two feuds. If anything that Page promo felt like a continuation of what has always felt like an eventual heel turn for the smart marks because Punk is inevitably going to turn heel as he's better at it. Nobody was going to not buy the PPV because Punk may turn heel in six months. Everyone wanted to see him become Champion. Whilst I hope we get to see FTR vs Bucks III down the line (and I imagine we will) I can't help but feel the trios titles was a good way to segregate what The Elite do from the rest which is what the fan base riled by people like Cornette want. They really should have done it two years earlier.
  17. Dave


    It's just weird to me that he didn't care about Kingston calling him an arsehole, or MJF bringing up Colt Cabanna, but as soon as Adam Page said: "I'm going to save AEW from you" he turns in to somebody that ruins locker rooms which a small section of insiders have portrayed him as for 20+ years. There's no way grown men in this industry can behave like this, then again Punk fell out with Hornswoggle because he asked for a mutual friends number.
  18. Dave


    I still think that was a work to be honest. Very convenient that he returned the night the next shoot angle began. Whilst it's achieved its purpose of getting everybody talking about AEW on the Internet (people were wondering nine months what angle they'd create to do so) I'm not sure making your company look more unstable and disorganised than WCW 1999 is a going to attract more fans long term.
  19. Dave


    I'm leaning towards work just because I'd like to think that there is no actual way grown men would behave like this. Nobody comes out of this good if its real. Tony Khan sat there when CM Punk ran down his EVP's in the press conferance, has allowed this situation the fester for months and has publicly praised CM Punk to the point that he thinks he's in a position to do as he pleases. CM Punk is doing his 'woe is me' routine that he's got history for and calling out people he knows physically cannot respond. Whilst The Elite shouldn't be having backstage altercations given they're meant to be EVP's and there whole leaking stories to fake journalists like Meltzer is whats got them in this situation in the first place.
  20. Dave


    That was my view. We were meant to be higher but the section we were meant to be in got closed off.
  21. Dave


    It was great. Wasn't a big fan of the ending but other than that good fun.
  22. Dave


    I think Roman beating Rock was Vince's last big idea but Cody isn't a bad plan B given how super Vince made him look.
  23. Dave


    I've got tickets so I hope so. I was really on board with Roman at first but since that lame WrestleMania match and him going part time he feels like a budget Aquaman. My head thinks that Dwayne's calendar is free for WrestleMania though and him vs Roman will be the money match.
  24. Dave


    I think it's the latter. Tournaments, announcements, signings, themed shows, factions, managers... they overdo everything to the point where nothing has an impact anymore. Tony Khan has wasted the greatest opportunity to influence the Wrestling world in the last 25 years because he's incapable of delegating tasks to people that know what they're doing.
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