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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Imagine showing Vinnie and Fash at Plough Lane in their prime what footballers in 2021 use their phase "The Mixer" for
  2. I've enjoyed this game but I had no expectation going in to this after last year's game and I do think Danny's criticisms are fair. In general the Xbox One / PS4 generation has absolutely sucked. Some of the games being released in 2013/2014 were brilliant in comparison. You accept that there's a year or two transition period between consoles as creators are discovering the full capability of new consoles but I can't think of any games from this generation of consoles that are going to be remembered as legendary. The games I've had the most fun on are remakes of old games.
  3. Oops thought I'd said Under 18 South table.
  4. For a team who have bought through two first team regulars in the last eight years this is fantastic to see.
  5. Dave


    Good shout. He's the one I think they could do most with. I think though with what's happening with Edge in WWE it makes sense for Christian to stay there. Even if he never was considered a main eventer by Vince despite being one of the best workers of his time. Lesnar would be the absolute worst. His part time title reigns solidify everything the AEW fan base hated about RAW pre AEW.
  6. Dave

    Members Pictures

    It's Halewood Toffee.
  7. Did you listen to the Under the Cosh podcast? Once Carver, Stone, Woodman etc all found out they were getting full pay offs they couldn't wait for the season to end. Woodman's wife cried when Ashley wanted to keep him on.
  8. Dave


    Think the best they can hope for is Kurt Angle. Albeit he is already in the Hall of Fame. The names outside the Hall of Fame (other than Punk and Lesnar who I cannot see joining right now) are all a bit meh.
  9. Dave


    Seeing Cody has baited up that irritating clout chaser has made my morning.
  10. Dave


    NXT is moving to Tuesday's. Hopefully this leads to a change in philosophy. You can't seemingly have a show that puts a ceiling on others and grow a third brand at the same time.
  11. Dave


    I wouldn't say he carried Raw. That said, I wish they gave him the title in 2018 for a short run though as a reward for his heel work. I've never looked at him the same way since that god awful stuff with Shane McMahon. Really halted him.
  12. Sorry to hear that mate, whilst I'm happy you'll be able to attend the funeral in the current climate its never something you want to hear. Come back here when you're ready.
  13. Dave


    Don't think anybody did. Had him down as a WWE lifer. I don't particularly want to see him on WWE television any more and it seems like he will be happy in AEW so it seems like it's best for everybody.
  14. Dave


    The good news is he looks like he will be a temporary place holder for Bobby Lashley, who under MVP's leadership has been much better.
  15. There was a really good one with Lee Clark if you haven't seen it where he talks about the characters in the Newcastle dressing room. There was one part near the end where he talks about Ravel Morrison leaving Birmingham and his son running in the front room: "Dad! Dad! On Twitter! Ravel Morrison's pissed in our pond!" "But Son, we don't have a pond? You live here?"
  16. I'm guessing this was on Undr The Cosh. I haven't listened to part two yet but after listening to part one I am absolutely amazed he made a pretty good career out of being a goalkeeper coach.
  17. Dave


    Yeah, I imagine with their new Peacock deal they're looking at expansion (NXT India and an NXT dark show).
  18. I'm trying to think of a word I can use that perfectly describes what I think of those that regularly appear on Talksport in 2021 but all words are offensive to the point where id have to resign as a moderator if I used them. Simon Jordan deserves a far better gig. Andros needs to concentrate on his football career instead of having 'banter' with that girl that giggles every other morning.
  19. Dave


    A bit of an exciting start to the year... - AEW / Impact / NJPW links all but confirmed. - WWE have signed 25 people to developmental contracts including Taya Valkriye and Eli Drake.
  20. Dave


    It had to happen. No way was Vince going to put over a stable of four little guys on the main roster. Now they've all got a chance when they eventually leave NXT.
  21. What you would give to return to these glory days @Steve Bruce Almighty @N U F C
  22. They're more than quick enough to delete accounts for retweeting an Ivan Toney goal that unknowingly is linked to copyright infringement though. If Twitter or any other platform cared, they would force people to upload identification upon registering so accounts can be easily associated/traced. Its not that difficult.
  23. Dave


    @Devil-Dick Willie NXT UK may be worth a watch if you can spare an hour a week. I watched last week's and it feels very reminiscent of NXT from a couple of years ago.
  24. I imagine they'll be better too. Its no coincidence that the teams who use the data most efficiently in The Premier League are three of the best teams in the league (Liverpool, Man City and Leicester). After Brighton's impressive first season somebody sanctioned some mad signings for a lot of money that's been a large cause of their recent stagnation (Izquieredo, Bernardo, Locadia, Jahankabash, Andone etc). Brentford's track record suggests the same thing will not happen with them.
  25. I imagine if Brentford cross the line this season they'll be similar to Brighton. In terms of ability/performances, Brighton were one of the best three teams in the division in 2015/16 but didn't gain promotion. That extra season in The Championship allowed them to prepare better for The Premiership. They felt like a Premiership team on gameweek one of the 2017/18 season without actually ever being one before. You can see similarities in terms of infrastructure between Brighton then and Brentford now.
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