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Everything posted by Azeem

  1. No you're dead wrong, they'll send highly trained unarmed personel to look closely anything they do and give a strongly worded condemnation if anything bad happens.
  2. A lot of historic sites in Iraq and Syria i.e anciet mosques, tombs, royal monuments have been completely destroyed or damaged badly ny ISIS or by US/Russian bombing but no one even knows so i don't think so it would cause such an uproar.
  3. https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN1Z220B Reuters say its fake news
  4. That's why i named it ' The Big Middle Eastern Thread ' we post here any little or major event that happens there.
  5. Two rockets hit the US Consulate in Baghdad's green zone. Three rockets hit the US base in Balad, Iraq.
  6. Soliemani was in charge of the over all strategic command of the Al-Quds force of militias, now this guy is
  7. “We say to everyone, just be a little patient to see dead bodies of Americans all over the Middle East” Ismael Qaani new commander of the force previously led by Soliemani
  8. Iran has hoisted the red flag over their grand central mosque ! Shit just got real
  9. Protests by Shia groups here in some cities, people don't realize how far reaching consequences this will have.
  10. People are a bit overreacting but it's certainly not a thing to be underestimated. I mean US didn't invaded Iraq in a moment there were skirmishes for quite a while before that. This decade has started very interestingly.
  11. Surely it is understandable that there isn't going to be a head to head with the US. Iran will hurt what matters to US in the region i.e Saudis, Israel or a direct attack on one of their bases in the region.
  12. Iran won't launch an outright assault, some calculated move by using it's proxies.
  13. America being across the Atlantic sheltered from the consequences of so many of its reckless actions is probably one of the primary reasons why American foreign policy is so fucked up. Iran will lose everything if this escalates into a war while US mainland won't even be effected.
  14. Trump just tweeted a picture of the American flag
  15. Pentagon said it was an order directly from Trump that means officialy USA killed Qassem Soleimani.
  16. Some people just want the world to burn
  17. The Last of the Mohicans 8/10 Great movie kinda sad how almost everyone died in the end. Unpopular opinion Alice > Cora
  18. Is there any up coming Tom Hanks movie
  19. Azeem


    Kaneria has opened about his spot fixing scandal, he accepts he tempted other players in Essex for fixing but says that the guy who got him into all of this use to come on official tours, so he feels he was trapped while also accepting his mistake. I can understand him feeling that justice isn't done when Amir made a comeback while he has been completely shunned. Amir got a lenient punishment because he confessed and because of his age both of these factors weren't there in Kaneria, Asif and Salman Butt's case all well established players i mean Asif was arguably the best bowler we've had since Waqar, Wasim, Kaneria was the fourth highest wicket taker in Tests when he got involved in this, Salman Butt was the captain. They spent enough time playing at the highest level, they should have known better. They have no one to blame than themselves if we are being honest.
  20. Azeem


    This needs to be investigated and the individuals involved should be named although Kaneria just told in a video that despite people calling out Inzamam he never treated him that way, in fact if you followed his career it was during Inzamam's time he hit his peak which he mentioned in the video. He was picked over Imran Tahir and Saeed Ajmal at that time at Inzamam's request. Quite shameful for me that this happened in our team. I personally don't like Kaneria for how he kept lying about his role in spot fixing until he accepted and got a life ban from ECB, which tarnished his reputation and career.
  21. Can't see Modi surviving this without creating a diversion from all this, possibly a war or skirmishes with us like the ones few months ago. Scary times ahead
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