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Everything posted by Azeem

  1. Direct engagement with Russian troops is out of equation unless a definite NATO member is attacked. Sanctions aren't hurting Putin much, he has his war chest. The only way to respond strongly is blocking the Black Sea straits for Russia. Turkey has the authority under the agreement but won't do it unless given absolute backing by NATO.
  2. Putin has this well thought out, the military build up was happening since April last year, it didn't happen in isolation.
  3. CCP in 2008 made a policy to not engage in any direct conflict till 2025, focus only on targeted economic goals. They seem to ahead than schedule Western powers played the war on terror card for too long. The time for telling Russia China to back off was in 2008-11 when they were building their muscle. Now the balance of power has changed.
  4. The only time a NATO member was attacked was in 60s when India took Goa from Portugal through force but NATO didn't got involved. Although I think that was different, it was a period of decolonisation and everyone including NATO was against Portugal clinging on it's colonies
  5. Some Turkish ships were reportedly damaged, blocking the Bosporus for Russia could happen if these incidents occur. Ukraine requested Turkey to do so but considering inaction of West no one would like to take Putin's action right now.
  6. Belarus joining Russian troops
  7. This seems pretty much like pre-WW2 scenario. A defeated power, humiliated and in crisis at its lowest and perhaps embarrassed too much by victorious powers. A competent but dangerous man rises to power entering a period of resurgence but then goes on an expansion agenda while former victorious states are too disunited within themselves, and lack credible leadership.
  8. Putin would be stupid to keep troops there for long. Some brief build-up until he installs some local proxy government and then withdraws
  9. Was hoping this remains at a level to meme about but now it's too grim to joke about.
  10. @Michael you're still in Ukraine? Stay safe
  11. Pakistan. The vaccine program has been manged well here, obviously not as quick as some western you have to wait until your age category is announced for the shots which is usually 6 months and only the shot they are giving. My first ones where some Chinese vax and booster was Pfizer. You can to get it privately which is expensive but a lot of people are doing it for travel reasons.
  12. Putin is ready to recognise the breakaway regions in Donbas as independent states. I think Russia will do so and Western countries will de facto accept it too with sanctions to go with it and that'll be the end of this all. Siege like situation will continue
  13. Fresh water paradox Fresh water of lakes and rivers constitute only 0.1% of all water on Earth but hosts 50% of all fish species, the rest 50% live in 99% ocean water
  14. Turnitin was the royal jester of the French King. He one day slapped the King's ass in an act infuriating the King. He replied Oh I'm sorry I thought it was the Queen. King ordered to execute him, asked him which way he would like to die. Turnitin said of old age, the King laughed and only banished him from the court, not killing him.
  15. Ears are the only part of the body which never stop growing
  16. Evacuation of civilians fron Donetsk, an explosion in the city as well.
  17. Nice info, carbon intensity decrease in flights as distance increases. These short-haul private jets must be taking a huge toll then
  18. Doggerland was a landmass which connected Great Britain to rest of Europe.
  19. German chancellor discloses that Ukraine is willing to adopt a bill that grants special status to regions in Donbas.
  20. No, a confederation is similar to United Kingdom or UAE, one can remain aligned if not allied Cool countries club is centric around a power like US Russia, they are like the cool kid with a sugar mommy who decide what is cool and not
  21. In my opinion the viable solution for small countries not in any cool countries club is to form a confederation to be taken seriously in world politics.
  22. Not all Ancient Egyptian rulers were Pharaohs or even Egyptian. The Hyksos Kings were the first foreign rulers to rule over much of Egypt, they hailed from Levant and invaded Egypt. They are portrayed negatively as evil foreign rulers by later Pharaonic dynasties but historical record suggests they brought many innovations and customs which we think about of ancient Egypt today.
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