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Happy Blue

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Everything posted by Happy Blue

  1. Cant say i've noticed my guitars change sound
  2. Thanks mate. cut your sugar out, it feeds virus, starve it off you quicker. get better soon
  3. I'm doing good mate thanks, my 3 year old was ill for like 2 days but she's fine now, fever gone ..for me just ache all over with slight temperature and mild headache, it's not stopping me doing anything (around the house) ..might aswell call getting full blow covid my booster shot should be immune for another 18mths or so now
  4. Hopefully the baby still has a lot of the mother's antibodies if breast fed, hope they both recover soon
  5. Day 3 - just a mild headache & muscle soreness, slight cough but feel like i'm getting over it now ..my 3yr old has just started with it
  6. It was tongue in cheek Stan ..as for covid it seems to be going ok, just feel like I've fell down the stairs and got a hangover but still managed to knock one out last night so all good
  7. There are some crazy bastards on here 4 sure ..didn't Bill Gate's mutter something about reducing the population with vaccines a few years ago? i recall something along them lines
  8. I was just messing mate about that part ..covid feels worse at night, feel's like i've have 10 pints lol
  9. This things never going away is it? nothing seems to work right now ..i'm going to try fight it off with 20hr a day fasting and zero sugar/carbs, try starve it off researchers found that the spike protein in corona virus needs a particular sugar to bind to our cells efficiently. Now the same group of researchers have completed a new study that further digs into the cell receptors to which sugars and thus bacteria and virus bind. 'We have established how the sugars bind to and activate the so-called Siglec receptors that regulate immunity. These receptors play a major role, as they tell the immune system to decrease or increase activities. This is an important mechanism in connection with autoimmune diseases', says the first author of the study, Postdoc Christian Büll from the Copenhagen Center for Glycomics (CCG) at the University of Copenhagen.
  10. That may be difficult now i've got more time on my hands but i will try ..at least i've found out natural immunity only last so long too
  11. Incase you haven't noticed, i'm not very popular
  12. Well, covid has been going around my daughters school and I've just tested positive again so even natural immunity only lasts so long, I had it right at the start. some of you will be hoping that I die see how i get on this time. stuck home for 2 weeks I think the isolation period?
  13. Then i wish you good fortune in the wars to come
  14. Can we have a serious conversation for once? are you not worried about what's happening in your county? do you not think there will be riots?
  15. Poor German people, dark times "If you have to be persuaded, pressured, reminded , lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized..... if all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance - you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest." - Ian Watson
  16. 100% the old and sick should be front of the que, think that's something we all can agree on
  17. Well, my intention is not to mislead but to get to the bottom of whats going on. we have conflicting information, can you really trust mainstream? and same can be said from my sources ..if I follow the wrong information and its proved false I'll happily hold my hand up, I put it up for people to shoot down, its my nature to question everything, I will take things apart just to see how they work ..this is like an advanced game of mafia wars lol
  18. I guess it's something we will all adapt to in time, it's not going away is it? ..so far me and my kids have only had it the once, but you never know how long immunity will last
  19. The death rate from pneumonia is still 10 times higher to this day, sorry if this doesn't fit your agenda
  20. Car deaths are few and far between like covid last year in the UK only 1460 deaths. ... getting covid and recovering naturally has been proven to be 27 times better than the vaccines in a large case study ..has anyone even got covid again after recovering naturally? cant find anything even on the CDC website ..for me, only the old and sick need the vaccines, pneumonia is 10 times more likely to kill these people than covid and that's next up the list https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/flu-pneumonia-deaths-10-times-higher-covid-ons-b942170.html
  21. The press & gouvernement have done a good job in scaring the people but can I just remind you that more people die weekly of 8 more serious illnesses that we hear little about, number 7 is interesting, the common flu even ranks higher https://www.nationalworld.com/health/coronavirus/top-10-causes-of-death-uk-what-are-the-biggest-killers-in-england-as-covid-re-enters-the-list-3357579?page=2&_gl=1*1vs7eh*_ga*YW1wLXlUZ3I5TkRKMTdZMmRkc2xOY2s5YUNZUkt3ZDBpNTBoRlAtYU9jR0NqV1k0Sjg1cFUtUXUtNlZMRVdtQncwSW0. 1. Dementia and Alzheimer disease 2. Ischaemic heart diseases 3. Malignant neoplasm of trachea bronchus and lung 4. Cerebrovascular diseases 5. Chronic lower respiratory diseases 6. Malignant neoplasm of colon sigmoid rectum and anus 7. Influenza and Pneumonia 8. Symptoms signs and ill-defined conditions This was the eighth leading cause of death in England in July 2021 9. Covid-19
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