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Happy Blue

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Everything posted by Happy Blue

  1. Not sure if serious ..why would i play Russian roulette with a vaccine i don't need? the virus had a 99.99% survival rate for my age group, so why risk it?, people have died after the vaccine, blood clots, swelling of the heart, bleeding on the brain etc etc. you could say that's rare cases but dying of covid is also rare. there is no benefit to me getting the shot, i'm already 15 times more likely to survive covid again than someone who has had the vaccine Do you know you are injecting dead babies into yourself? lovely We're using tissues that were from foetuses that were aborted 40, 50, 60 years ago," Dr Lott said. "It doesn't require newly aborted foetuses." While living human cells can only divide around 50 times, those foetal cells have been genetically modified so they can divide an infinite number of times. They found an increased risk of haemorrhagic stroke, a brain bleed, in the 28 days after vaccination with the BioNTech/Pfizer shot, The increased risk was significantly higher in female patients.
  2. I'm busy playing with my star wars toys at the moment ..I will have all the facts & figures later lol
  3. I will do some more research when i get time, so far from what i've found there is no proof it even reduces the spread
  4. I'm better than vaccinated, i have natural immunity, why would i need the shots? i'm less likely to spread it because i've had the full blown covid 19, not a weaker vaccine, my body will destroy it if i get it again
  5. Are you sure? https://www.healthline.com/health-news/you-can-still-spread-develop-covid-19-after-getting-a-vaccine-what-to-know What the vaccine does, doesn’t do The vaccine works to keep you from getting severely ill. But if you get infected, it may not prevent you from spreading the virus to others. That’s something scientists are studying now
  6. The vaccine does not stop the spread matey, just like the flu shot doesn't stop the spread
  7. Alt right? i don't follow any politics. well, now you know someone who isn't afraid of the vaccine .. i don't have the jab simply because i don't believe (for me) it's needed with a 99.99% survival rate for my age group and the vaccine doesn't stop the spread otherwise id reconsider plus i've already got over covid so have natural immunity which the latest research shows is 15 times better than the current jabs ..this things never going away, it's a new flu virus so life should go on as normal, the vulnerable get the jabs and 99% of us have nothing to worry about, if they make a vaccine that stops the spread i would probably get it
  8. You have got that backwards mate, it's the vaccinated that are afraid of a virus that has a 99.98% survival rate lol ...50% of the SAS have not had the vaccine, are they afraid?
  9. Pep has also said Foden is the most talented player he's ever worked with. some might laugh at that but I can see why he would say such a thing, he's special, England is going to have the best player in the world very soon
  10. Over 100,000 NHS staff refusing the vaccine, interesting ..just been on the news they are thinking about sacking them
  11. Thought i might of got away with that one, damn google
  12. Well, the correct speed is 0 MPH Cutting edge researchers from the University of Malta, Dr Harry Johnson, Prof. Anita Bath, and Dr Oliver Klosov have confirmed that there is evidence to suggest that the world is, in fact, flat. This discovery has come to the forefront from a longitudinal study spanning 25 years from over 50 leading universities around the world — beginning at the University of Malta. In 1996 a team of five researchers at the University of Malta were assigned the task of measuring ions from earth’s atmosphere and determining how long they took to explode when set on fire with the help of a new CBD molecule that was recently discovered in the Netherlands. The team set out to help contribute to the plethora of studies looking into the effects of global warming on our climate. University of Malta’s Dr Klosov has been involved in this revolutionary research since its conception. Dr Klosov suggested the reasons for keeping the findings of this research private until now were due to the controversial nature of the discovery. ‘We didn’t know how people would react. The immense discovery will change science forever. We really can’t believe what we’ve found,’ said the CBD expert. The flat earth model is one of the oldest theories in written history and states that the world is shaped as a plane or disk. The flat earth model has been present in every civilization since then. From Europe with the ancient Norse and Germanic peoples, to China in the 17th century before Europeans came with their astrology, up until modern times. The prevalence of the International Flat Earth Research Society and its growing number of members can be attributed to its social media presence
  13. I guess you lot believe you are on a 1000mph spinning ball which is shooting through space at 67,000mph at the same time? ...and you think im crackers
  14. Do you not find it strange that they are pushing an experimental vaccine & destroying business for a virus that has a 99% survival rate? the new flu that is never going away? it's just going to keep mutating like the normal flu so you going to need shot after shot ..on top of that natural immunity is far more effective than any shot ..there goal is a totalitarian society and police state, microchips are coming and depending on your social score will determine which zones you can travel too, they already doing it in China. smart motorways, electric cars, etc etc ..you are going to get a chip in your hand, that's how you will pay for things, get identified, some call it the mark of the beast
  15. Natural immunity proven to be 13 times more effective than the vaccine. if they do another lockdown it's clearly to destroy businesses as a lock down doesn't even work anyway, it's just another flu virus that 99% of people will be fine recovering from, it's nice to see more people are waking up now (maybe not on here ) "It's just a mask." "It's just six feet." "It's just two weeks." "It's just non essential businesses." "It's just non essential workers." "It's just a bar." "It's just a restaurant." "It's just to keep from overwhelming the hospitals." "It's just to make the cases go down." "It's just to flatten the curve." "It's just a few inmates." "It's just to keep others from getting scared." "It's just for a few more weeks." "It's just church, you could still pray." "It's just a bracelet." "It's just an app." "It's just for tracing." "It's just to let others know you're safe to be around." "It's just to let others know who you've been in contact with." "It's just a few more months." "It's just large gatherings." "It's just a rare side-effect." "It's just a vaccine." "It's just for the vulnerable." "It's just to protect children." "It's just a little microchip." "It's just a blood test." "It's just a scan." "It's just for medical information." "It's just a vaccination certificate." "It's just like a credit card." "It's just a few places that don't take cash." "It's just so you can travel." "It's just so you can get your driver's license." "It's just so you can vote." "It's just a few more years." It's just the NEW WORLD ORDER. “It’s just…” – Why I Won’t Submit
  16. I really believe Foden is already better than De Bruyne but lets not get carried away, i'm not saying De Bruyne is shit Just Foden is better ..no thanks lol
  17. This might be controversial but i think Foden is already better than De Bruyne and is now our best player, this kids up there with the best
  18. He's only said that because we are tapping him up for January
  19. Australia has gone nuts, fining people now for not getting a shot they don't even need ..the world is turning into nazi Germany
  20. Not good. striking options now then are Jesus, Sterling, Foden as a false 9 or give the kid Delap a chance
  21. People are still dying of covid after being double jabbed, conspiracy theorist like Tommy will love this
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